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#1 2006-04-24 13:03:12

Omega Canine
Registered: 2006-04-24
Posts: 14

Werewolf Short Story: Untitled For Now

This is one of my werewolf stories that I wrote. Kind of romancy...but still ok I think. I haven't thought of a title yet...nothing has struck me. If anyone has any suggestions for one, let me know!

    The light breeze sent chills down Alex’s bare arms as he strode over the soft earth. The trees about him blew about lightly in it, leaves swinging back and forth. Truthfully, Alex had no idea what made him wander out here at this late hour of the night. This night had been a restless one. He tossed and turned in his bed and finally gave up and moved to look out his window. The light of the full silver disc in the sky made the forest outside his home look so alluring. He had to be out there. And then against all his better judgment…he went. Now he found himself stepping over roots and ducking under low-hanging branches at three in the morning.
    “I should’ve at least brought a jacket.” He muttered to himself as he moved. Alex had left so fast he didn’t even think about that. A large gust of wind ran through the trees and he shivered, hands moving to run up and down his arms. “This is completely stupid.” He continued to remark. “I should be in bed right now…”
    Then he heard it. Like a bullet shooting through the quiet night. A loud metallic snap and cry of pain following it. Alex’s head quickly jolted in the direction of the sound and stopped dead in his tracks. For a few moments, he just listened. The only noise that followed was a soft whimper. He didn’t waste any time then. He bolted forward through the trees, following the sound of the sad yelps and whimpers that seemed to stab him directly in his heart. Overhanging branches were parted and he skid to a halt at the sight.
    Standing before him was a large female gray wolf. Her fur was an amazing mixture of grays and whites swirling about her body. Ruffled fur covered her athletic body, giving this animal a look of rough beauty. The sight that caught Alex’s gaze was this wolf’s eyes. Two bright orbs of amber that stared straight into his, unafraid of this human sight before her. Alex could do nothing but stare back. Those spheres held an air of strength yet loneliness seemed to dominate them. Slowly, Alex made his way forward. The wolfess simply watched him in return, making no threatening movements against him. Alex knelt next to her, eyes still locked upon hers. There was something so different about them. He didn’t feel as if an animal was watching him, but another human. His hand rose to run over the soft fur that covered her head. Her ears laid back and head rose up to gently nuzzle his hand in return. Alex lightly smiled and his gaze lowered. That’s when he saw it.
    The wolf’s right back leg was covered in crimson. Blood oozed from the large cut where a rusted metal bear trap gouged into her flesh. Alex grimaced and anger began to fill him. How could anyone hurt such a beautiful creature. It was disgusting. The wolfess seemed to sense the growing rage within this human and leaned forward to gently run her tongue over his hand. The sensation calmed him and a deep breath was taken in. Getting angry wasn’t going to help this animal.
    Alex leaned over to grasp the sides of his bear trap. It was cold, colder than the night itself. The rough texture made him cringe but he would tighten his grip, rust scraping his skin. Then he pulled. The large teeth that held the wolfess began to separate, a loud metal screech sounding through the quiet serenity of the forest. Alex kept pulling, teeth gritting together and his arms began to shake. Finally, the trap was far enough to allow the animal to pull her injured leg from it. She jumped away from the trap and bent down to look upon the wound. Alex quickly let go of the trap and the its teeth clanged back together before he fell back to the ground and panted. A look from the reddish brown instrument to the furred animal and he gave her a bit of a grin. She seemed to smile in return and move back to him. The creature set herself down upon her haunches and stared into his eyes, seeming to look past those orbs and deep into his soul. He could do nothing but simply look back in return. After a moment she stood and her tongue lay a loving lick to his face before she turned and bolted off into the forest, limping slightly on her injured leg. Alex grinned and stood up, brushing dirt away from his jeans. Maybe it was a good idea he came out here after all. His eyes rose to the silver full moon in the sky. A thoughtful look appeared on his face before he turned to begin his trek back home.

    “I don’t mean any offense by this but…you look horrible Alex.” Jack spoke to his best friend who was desperately trying to stay awake before his chemistry class started. “How late did you stay up last night?” He asked before nudging Alex as his head began to lay down on the large black table.
    “It’s a long story.” Alex replied sleepily. “I’d rather not get into it.”
    The one minute bell rang and the usual mob of students came rushing through the door. It wasn’t this mob that got Alex’s attention however. Trailing behind was a girl. He’d seen her around campus and in class before but never really talked to her. Why was he suddenly drawn to her then? The way her hair light brown hair cascaded down to her upper back drew him closer. The way she moved with confidence made him admire her. Her eyes, a bright brown, looked about with a sense of strength and yet held so much loneliness.
    “Uh, Alex?” Jack waved a hand in front of his face. “You still with me?” His friend turned to see the object of his attention and a brow rose. “Didn’t know you were in to Kassandra.” He said before looking back to him. “Never saw you guys talk to each other or…well anything before.”
    “What?” Alex turned back to Jack and gave a shake of his head, clearing it. “Oh, I was just…I…” He trailed off and shrugged his shoulders. To be honest, he didn’t know why he was staring at her like that. There was just something about her…a familiarity he never noticed before. “I think I’m just tired.” Alex said, blaming his stare on his lack of sleep. A deep yawn and he turned back…to come face to face with Kassandra. His eyes widened and he jolted up in his chair. Did she notice he was staring? He didn’t mean to. He was just tired…that was all. Alex prepared himself for a smart-aleck response but it never came. Instead Kassandra just gave him a sweet smile.
    “Hey Alex.” She spoke, her voice sounding light and soothing. Look a cool breeze on a hot day.
    “Um…hey Kassandra.” He replied, a bit shyly. Her head tilted to the side and a look of concern grew on her face.
    “Are you all right? You seem a bit out of it.” Alex was about to answer her question when Jack chimed in.
    “He just didn’t get a long too well with his bed last night.” He chuckled and Kassandra shared his laugh.
    “I know how that is. There are some nights were I just don’t sleep at all.” A knowing smile played across her lips as Alex stared at her, brows furrowed a bit in thought. The bell ran and all three looked up to the clock. Kassandra sighed and shook her head, brown hair swinging about her.
    “I better go. Alex is it all right if I talk to you after class?” She asked him as she began to move away. Alex didn’t know what to say so his head just nodded up and down in confirmation. Kassandra’s smile widened and she returned his nod. “Great.” was all she said before her form was carried over to one of the tables across the classroom, a slight limp in her walk. Alex watched her leave and grinned to himself before Jack leaned forward to whisper.
    “So Kassie’s got the hots for you?” A glare back to him caused Jack to draw back and throw his hands up in the air. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to press your buttons.” He said as class began. Alex hardly listened to the lesson. His gaze were focused on Kassandra across the room.

    With the ending of class Jack moved off quickly with a wish of good luck to Alex and a request to know exactly how their first date goes later. Alex was already embarrassed but the calming sound of Kassandra’s voice helped him as she approached him after stepping out of the classroom.
    “Hey,” She smiled to him as they began walking together. “I never can get how that teacher can be so excited over molecules.” She commented with a slight laugh.
    “Yeah…” Alex lightly rubbed the back of his head, resisting the urge to confess that he hadn’t heard a single word the teacher said all period. His thoughts were constantly wandering then.
    “So…” Kassandra paused and looked down to the ground a moment. “I never really had the chance to thank you properly did I?” Her eyes rose back to look to his.
    “Thank me?” Now Alex was really confused. So many strange things were going on now. The urge to walk in the forest, the wolf, a girl he never really talked to now was thanking him…what next? “For what?” Kassandra smiled that knowing grin.
    “For last night.” She answered simply then stopped. A slender hand drifted down to grasp the bottom of her right pant-leg and lift it up. There, right above her sock, was a large gash around her leg. It didn’t look like she sliced it open and cut it. The marks looked jagged, almost like something with teeth did that to her. Alex’s eyes widened and his look shot back up to her. She was still smiling and let her pant-leg drop back down.
    “You?” He asked her in amazement. Her head nodded.
    “Yes. I think you’ll need a bit of time.” She replied as she turned her body to face him. “Meet me in the woods at dusk. I’ll explain everything then. I hear it’s going to be a beautiful night…last night of the full moon this month.” She smiled largely to him, her brown eyes looked deep into his, as if she was staring into his soul a moment before she turned and walked off. It was then that Alex realized her eyes weren’t brown. They were amber.

    This time Alex remembered his jacket. He stood at that same spot in the forest, eyes bouncing about the openings in the trees as he waited for Kassandra to show. Alex’s mind was reeling with thoughts. Could this be true? Was Kassandra actually that wolfess he helped last night? But that was impossible…it defied everything he knew about the world. Yet, it felt oddly right and true. He believed her. There was something about Kassandra that he felt so close to. It was unexplainable really. That fateful night bonded the two together. His sight fell on that of the bear trap. Though it was made to blend into the forest it still seemed to stick out like a sore in the lush landscape. It was this device of pain that brought them together. Alex bent down to pick up the rusted piece of equipment and looked it over. He was thankful that he had that urge to go out there last night. Otherwise she might’ve been trapped for days…maybe even died out here. He didn’t want to think about it. He tossed the trap to the ground and took in a deep long breath. He had shown up however and she was all right.
    “Alex?” That voice carried softly through the trees. He turned rapidly to see her approach. “Glad to see you’re here.” She spoke as she stepped up to him.
    “Kassandra,” He began, eyes cast downwards. “What exactly is going on? Why am I here? And…what are you?” Kassandra chuckled and looked to the ground in thought.
    “I’ve been thinking all day of how to explain this to you. It’s hard really.” She sighed and her gaze went up to him. “There’s more to nature than humans let on. So much more that they don’t wish to see. So they blind themselves to it…this power is in all of us.” She explained. Alex listened intently to her words, grasping everyone and taking it straight in. “Anybody can have this power. We just have to see it, cherish it, make it part of us. It comes in so many different forms. Mine is that of a wolf. And so is yours.” A hand was placed upon his chest and she smiled lovingly to him. Alex could feel the bond they shared grow about them. The energy entwined about them, connecting their lives together. “You feel it?” She asked him, nervous and hoping. His head lowered and rose in a nod.
    “Yes,” He answered. “This is all so strange but…I can feel it.” A sigh of relief came from her and her head  lowered.
    “I’ve been alone for so long. My family is there for me but they don’t understand. They don’t see me.” Kassandra explained to him, voice sad. “Last night…I thought that I was going to die out here. But then you came. I wasn’t afraid then. I knew you’d help me. And…for the first time in so long I didn’t feel alone.” Tears began to fall from her amber spheres, rolling down her cheeks and glinting in the light of the nearly set sun. “You’re my soul mate.”
    Alex didn’t know what to say to her. For so long they had been right under each others noses and the didn’t notice. As he stared deep within her eyes he saw the loneliness fade from them. Though she cried, they were tears of joy, joy at the fact that she found the one that was to be hers. Alex even began to feel watery himself. He knew it too. They were soul mates. His arms went about her and took her in a tight embrace. It felt so good to hold her. Her body was warm and soft, her heat negating the cold wind that flowed about them.
    Kassandra soon pulled away and gave him a grin.
    “Let go Alex.” She told him. “Let go of everything. All your worries and troubles. Just think of here and now. Think of the forest and nature. Think of the feeling to be closer, a direct part of it. Think of me.” Alex’s eyes shut and he breathed in long and deep. He forced away all his problems. Everything that he worried about. His thoughts were of the forest, nature, and what it would like to run through it. He thought of being a hunter, one with power, grace, and strength. He thought of all this with Kassandra at his side.
    The changes weren’t painful. They were calming, relaxing, and seemed natural to him. Fur began to push its way up from his skin to cover his form in gray and white. He felt his bones began to reshape, muscles adjusting with them. Feet extended forward as claws began to push their way out from the tips of his toes and fingers. Black, leathery pads formed upon the bottoms of his feet and palms. A crack at his hips and he fell forward, paw-like hands catching his fall as they reformed into his forelegs. Alex’s ears began to grow and shift as they moved up to the top of his head. Spine pushed outwards and reformed into a wolven tail that swung about behind him. The final changes begun as his mouth and nose thrust forward to form his muzzle while fangs fell into place within it. The last to change would be his eyes. The color shifted and swirled into a bright amber. The dark world of the forest brightened as he gazed about. The beautiful wolfess that was Kassandra stepped forward to nuzzle and lick his cheek. He returned it with a loving lick of his own. Then both of their heads rose to the silver full moon in the sky. In unison, the two mates through back their heads in a howl, their song echoing through forest.



#2 2006-04-25 04:15:35

From: California
Registered: 2004-11-22
Posts: 45024

Re: Werewolf Short Story: Untitled For Now

Very interesting, Omega Canine. I don't care about romance stories but this I like so far.



#3 2009-02-21 18:49:35

From: California
Registered: 2009-02-15
Posts: 16

Re: Werewolf Short Story: Untitled For Now

wow! out of all the other werewolf stories i have read, this is definitely in my top 5. and u said u didn't have a title to this? i have a couple suggestions. they're not the best titles but here they r. ok u could try using a title with nature in it  or u could try the title "Wolf souls" or "Weremates" i try to find titles that go with my story when i'm writing one. good luck with the titles!

“A girl is a person who screams at the mouse and smiles at the wolf”  cool



#4 2009-02-21 18:51:18

Space Cowboy
From: Home
Registered: 2007-11-13
Posts: 5368

Re: Werewolf Short Story: Untitled For Now

This is an old thread. Please don't bring these back up, because the chances this member will come back and finish the story is pretty much a big Zer-0.




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