Hey everyone!I did have an artforum,but mad a mistake and deleted it(didn't read the fine print...)But I decided to try again!
very nice baby very nice
Nice. I didn't even know you could draw. Now lets see some more!
Very cool picture!
This is some negatives for photos I played around with,I cut out the pic and the moon,I apologize for the poor quality,I had to use a digital camera.
Cool pose on the first one and good effect with the use of negative on the second.
Thanks everyone!I really do apologize for all these having bad lighting and everything but I lack a scanner.A few of these are on note book paper cause I was bored during class,and some could use more finish so don't be afraid to criticize!
Bored during Health...I really don't like my teacher...
Boredom again,not that great but I tried...
This is kind of a ghost werewolf starting to come into vision.
These next few are charcole drawings...
Played with depth perception on the paw.
Aiming for a comic like werewolf here.
Peek Aboo!
*Shrugs*I was aiming for a slobbering ugly werewolf,I kind of got it.
Cool stuff!!
Awesome pictures!
Oh it's not just me that does not like her,it's the whole student body!Grrrr...
Except for the bloody ones, I like all of your pictures, Loup!
their is nothing to critisize loup
Well,I don't usually do really bloody,just snarling,funny or normal looking werewolves and regular wolves.I draw best when I have a reference and all these I didn't, but I will be posting the painting I just finished that does have a wolf reference!Lately I have been trying comic book style werewolves,which is going good except for having troubles on the angles*shrugs* but thanks for the input!
You're welcome, Loup.
Very cool pictures, thank you for posting them!
nice stuff you got here, lou. nice stuff. i like it.
and yeah, i've got troubles with health teachers. my current health teacher does not know how to use the english language, and it really bugs me. also, she can be very mean and annoying and boring.
anyways, back on topic, yeah, i really like all your stuff. that one, with the moon and the wolf... the third one you posted... i love that one!
Thanks Nacho and Busboy,the comments are apperciated !
This is in celebration of the full moon!
It reads,
"Beneath the Taunting midnight sun,
Thy hands become Paws,
I feel the need for the primitive run,
Thy mind has no laws
And thy being thy being becomes wolf..."
I know the writing stinks but it would be white if I typed it so I had to write it...
oooh! i like that one! and what a nice poem!