Post about your wolf dreams in here...
Usually I chase bunnies or deers or I wander in my city late at night and people are spooked. This dream is different.
I was roaming in an old abandoned house. I crawled from room to room, sniffing objects and garbage left on the floor. It was very dark but I could see very well. No one was living there except for a bunch of punks. I entered the room where three punks were sitting on the floor, close to the door but I kept my distances. They did not notice me. I was sniffing around, keeping an eye on them. It was a very big room, dark and dusty. I was tired so I crawled to the other end of the room and laid on my belly. I kept my eyes open to watch these punks. I watched them and spiders crawling on the floor. A spider crawled towards me, I ate it. Then a punk girl saw me. She got up and said: "Wow! Check this out guys! A pretty dog!". She got closer, sticking out her hand to touch me so I growled. She tried to pet me so I growled louder and tried to bite her hand. I jumped on my four legs, stared at her face and showed her my fangs, still growling. Then one of the guys said:" That's not a dog, man! It's a wolf! You need glasses!". She replied "Oh shite! You're right!", and backed off. I ran out of the room and woke up.
Wow. That's a very detailed dream Black Fur. Pretty neat.
Yeah it was pretty cool! Usually I only remember bits of dreams but my wolf dreams, I remember them completely! What helps is that the morning when I wake up, I write them down.
Like I had another one last week, it was a short dream. I was a white wolf following a man that I've never seen in real life. We entered a flea market where two old native brothers were crafting jewels. The man talk with one of the brothers. I rested my head on the glass counter and stared at the other brother. He patted my head and said: "That's a sad little wolf!". Then I made random dreams...
You have very cool dreams.
Here lately, I've had dreams sort of like that too Black-Fur but I can't remember them well for some reason.
If I don't recite them to myself or write them down, I soon forget the dream.
I had another one last night. But it was not cool at all....
I was sitting at the door outside my room in my real appartement with my mother. I was a wolf (d'uh) but my mother was in her human form. I kept howling and whining in fright and anguish because my mother and I kept hearing voices from my room and the bathroom (the bathroom is a few steps from my room), it was supposed to be just the two of us in the house. My mother was crying and she tried to calm me down but she was spooked too, she kept saying :"I know, I hear them too...". The dream itself was not scary but it was the anguish in it...ah was horrible...spooked the heck out of me!! Where are these chasing bunnies and deers dreams?
Oh I have had Many...
Most Recent Wolf Dream:
Running very FAST through the forest in the night time Spring Air.
I am with two others in my pack hunting for food.
We feast on a horned herbivore and howl for what seems like forever into the wind.
Then, for some reason, I see fires up in the hills.
The sky gets darker and I see a Sig Rune carved high on a Tree.
Our pack moves along and I see A burned tree with the Tyr rune carved into the root.
I hear human voices in the distance, drums thundering a chant:
"Rag-na-rok! Rag-na-rok!"..
A storm starts with a flash of lightening and A rumble of LOUD thunder.
I wake up.
Not sure what it means.
Last edited by FenrirTherion (2007-05-01 14:49:11)
I had a wolf-like dream last night.
I don't remember much but I was actually standing in front of a mirror and for the first time I got to see myself as a wolf. I never saw this before but all along I have felt and dreamed I was a wolf. Though at first notion I was careful as to who that was in the mirror.
I don't remember to many details about what I looked like but I was a grey wolf. I do know that when I looked down and saw I had paws and I thought to myself, "wow I have big feet"!!
I believe I had a brief gleams of what I look like, I think.
Last edited by Siverwolf (2007-05-05 22:35:07)
I'm bored, and wired, so I'ma type up a dream I had a while ago and revive a long-dead topic.
I was in the middle of a city, with my mother. We were just walking along...when all of a sudden, I am walking on all fours and am a wolf. What's interesting is that my mother was one too. She found a spot to sit whilst I ran through a CD/DVD store, causing comotion and screams. It was kinda a fun dream.
I recall having a pretty epic dream where I was a werewolf a bit more than a year ago. I don't remember much but I recall that I was running around a university in full werewolfshape. I was a huge werewolf, kind of like the van helsing type of werewolf but with a tail and proper wolfears. Anyways I ran to the end of a hallway, and in the end of the hallway the ceiling was a little bit higher and there was a window that had enough room and cover for me to hide there for a while. See there were these students who had heard rumors about there being a werewolf running around their campus, so they went around with cameras, wanting to take a picture of me.
So I stay put by that window until two students came sneaking about. A boy and a girl. The girl is holding her camera high. Then she starts to howl. Really annoying cause humans just can't howl. I felt embarassed and the sound was really annoying to my ears. And I thought "If only I had vocal cords so I could tell her to shut the f*** up!"
The boy asked her why she was doing that, and she said it was to call the werewolf out. As she continued howling I felt that I had had quite enough, I dug my claws into the ceiling, able to crawl while sticking to the cealing. Then I dropped down right infront of the girl and growled her in the face, standing on my hind legs, waving my muscular arms and showing off my claws and fangs. Both the kids ran out of there instantly and I got back to my hiding spot.
But the girl just wouldn't quit it. She came back and started howling again, but the boy was keeping his distance behind her by a couple of meters, too scared. Now I had been very generous to have spared their lives because I'd rather have killed them but I figured I'd give them a chance. But now that they came back I ain't gonna play it nice anymore.
[This part gets brutal]
Once again I crawled on the ceiling and dropped down infront of the girl. I growled and then slashed her throat with the claws on my left paw. The boy yelped "Holy shite!" and ran away, wouldn't have to worry about him anymore. Then I watched the girl choke to death on a fountain of her own blood. After she fell over and died I shook my head a little and growled proudly. That was inspired from the way the Predator shook his head and growled slightly in Alien VS Predator after having snapped the neck very easily of a chestburster. In the dream I wanted to make the exact same predator growl noice but I didn't really manage, I tried it a couple of times until I gave up. A wolfs growl is cooler anyways.
And that's the part that I still remember, everything else is just fuzzy. Running around, hiding and stuff. The dream entertained me very much.
The sky was dark grey and my family and I were in a tipping old house when a woman ran into the three story house screaming "they're here!" She then fell down dead. I looked out side and saw t huge werewolves (like 8 feet tall wolves standing on their hind legs.) I ran over and jumped outside the window where I transformed into a Beast like them (I was all white with black around the eyes and underside.) There was a big fight but I killed them all then morphed back. As I got up to leave one dying werewolf grabbed my foot, looked up at me and croaked "never forget what you are." It then rolled over dead and my dream ended.
if you can tell me what it means please do.
Cool dream
hmmm, I don't much remember, but it wasn't of me... but of seeing one. Was trapped in a house, couldn't get downstairs, something there, someone was with me... but idk who... I heasrd scrambling on the wall, ad in jumped a wolf. Then the baby woke me up.... and I keep.. doing this... for mno re.... ason whatsoever.
whoa... dude... that's like... AUGH! I've caught... the... dot... di..s...eee....
Awesome dreams. Mine are usually wandering around as a wolf sniffing out stuff and runnning away from crowds of humans that want to hunt me down to kill me.
Mine dreams are...strange. They always take place in the same world though it isn't this world. I know everyone there yet they are people I've never seen in this world. About a month or so ago I had one where a man poofed out of no where and hit me rather hard in the ribs with a staff telling me I needed to wake up, my response was an uncontrolled shift in to a full wolf. Something that, at the time, had never happened for me. I had had dreams where I WAS a wolf, but never one where I could shift. The man appeared in a dream maybe a day or so later and explained to me that he needed my help. I agreed to help him. He began training me in my shifting as well as combat and he began sending me on missions to rescue other werewolves. Ones that had been captured and were having illegal tests done on them. I wake up from these dreams with cuts and bruises, though they are never visible for more than a few hours at a time. Normally. It used to be that my mate could get in to my dreams to help me out if something was going on. Or if he just wanted to see me. He's a dream walker. But when these dreams started, it was like there was a block put up that had kept anyone and everyone from interfering. In the last few weeks, not only do I wake up with cuts and bruises, but I also wake up feeling even more tired than when I went to bed. Almost like I had actually been doing the so called missions. Thankfully about a week ago a friend of mine at drum circle helped to break that barrier that was up because had she not been able to do that, meaning my mate could get in, I would have died in my dream. Thankfully my mate was able to get to me and convince me that it was just a dream so that I could wake up before I died.
It sounds crazy, but it really does happen like that. >.<
... I like do.. ts...
Ryptide, you put it so bluntly! Too bluntly *takes out a stone*
Last edited by Siverwolf (2008-09-29 20:18:52)
Time to revive a long-dead thread. 'kay - let's go.
This is one I had a long while ago - I was standing by my screen porch, looking into my backyard, which was a deep forest. There's this woman in a business suit standing next to me with her arms folded, asking me if I was ready. I told her yes, turned into a wolf, and bursted through the screen door and into the forest. I pretty much woke up the minute that happened. Pretty odd dream. One of the first wolf dreams I had...not the very first, but one of the first!
Last edited by Totalimmortal (2009-05-25 02:50:39)
So do you dream about wolves often?
Fairly often. I had a wolf dream just a little while ago, in fact! I quite enjoy the dreams. They've got an interesting vibe to 'em.