That's really cool, Vin and I are sort of dream nuts here. I posted a lot of mine towards the beginning of my forum (hence the name) and Vin's had some interesting meditations lately. Unfortunately, my wolf dreams have basically stopped since becoming so active here.
Aww. Well...just tell yourself you're going to have one repeatedly through out the day and hopefully it'll happen. I read somewhere that that could work.
Here's another one:
I'm on a beach, and I'm running. For some reason, I'm following a pattern of black star-shaped figures. In the background, some slow country sounding song was playing. I don't even know why because I hate country, but whatever... The dream was pretty serene, and I knew I was running towards something good. Haha.
Also, why are you interested in dreams, exactly? Do you just like to try and figure out their meaning?
Last edited by Totalimmortal (2009-05-25 03:01:42)
I'm not sure really, and in a moment, when I pass out from exhaustion, you need to drag Vin over here from the personal forums and get him to look at them because he's amazing at doing that. Personally, I don't know, I just have a fascination with them, maybe trying to see if there is some commonality between those of us who frequently have these dreams, I'm not sure.
I have been summoned, although the information was very garbled, so How can I be of service?
White Wolf was saying you're amazing at deciphering dreams in the above post, and I'm wondering what mine mean.
OK, Yes I can do that for you. Although I don't think I will be able to do so tonight, I'm about off to bed, but I will definitely take a look at it for you tomorrow. BTW thanks for the music recommendation.
Last edited by Vindicator (2009-05-25 03:20:50)
Alrighty. You're welcome & goodnight.
Another one!
I dreamed I was climbing up this steep, steep hillish thing. My family was walking on the top of it, and my family was walking up there. I wasn't fully a wolf, I just had claws & teeth basically - I was growling because I was frustrated and angry at myself, and really wanted to get to 'em. I never got to them before I woke up. It was rather distressing.
Totalimmortal wrote:
Another one!
I dreamed I was climbing up this steep, steep hillish thing. My family was walking on the top of it, and my family was walking up there. I wasn't fully a wolf, I just had claws & teeth basically - I was growling because I was frustrated and angry at myself, and really wanted to get to 'em. I never got to them before I woke up. It was rather distressing.
Well I shall begin with this one as it is the most recent.
First I'm going to break down the pattern, and then I'll interpret it.
So a setting is established, one that is unfamiliar, alien. A stimuli is given and a reaction follows. The outcome is never revealed.
The setting because of its unfamiliar air sets up an anti-balance, it is destabilized, which suggests that your subconscious is fighting for control with your consciousness. It also suggests that the issue being dealt with inside the dream has already been addressed before, as there was no need for a stabilizing factor at the start. The stimulus is your family who are in an unattainable location. The reaction then occurs, you feel frustrated and work to attain the same level as your family, which suggests that it is a move to restore the balance and displace the anti-balance. The struggle to obtain your goal continues throughout the dream, but it is left unmet. This suggests that you are currently working upon this issue but have yet to resolve it.
Now the issue being dealt with inside the dream can be anything, it could be a direct representation, in that your family is falling out of your reach and your trying to reconnect with them, it could just represent a goal that has been unmet or even your mind thinking it should have had that ice cream the other day. It my opinion it seems to lean more towards something like the latter two. Now the most important note, this is just My interpretation of the dream, I'm not an expert and won't claim to be one. In the end it is up to YOU to decide what the dream ultimately means if it in fact means anything.
I think that it is because I feel as if my family is falling out of reach. I know that I'm probably going to have to move out soon, and it's scaring me a little...but at the same time, I know it's something everyone has to do eventually, so I'm nervous, I guess.
You are indeed very good at this.
Well I hope it helped, and Thanks
Told ya so! He really does have a gift I think, it's sad he's wasting it on anthropology...
Skeleton, Where?
Hahahahahaha, Vin and those skeletons, always having conversations amongst themselves...
(sighs) I had that "dawn of the dead" zombies-out-to-get-me nightmare again. I hate that.
That would have scared me out of my mind. I really, really don't like zombies.
Last edited by Vindicator (2009-05-29 00:42:51)
Totalimmortal wrote:
Here's another one:
I'm on a beach, and I'm running. For some reason, I'm following a pattern of black star-shaped figures. In the background, some slow country sounding song was playing. I don't even know why because I hate country, but whatever... The dream was pretty serene, and I knew I was running towards something good. Haha.
OK, well here I am not sure what to do with my time so I decided I would take a look at another dream.
First off the setting is established, it is a beach. This setting appears to be stable, most likely calming. It creates a balance. Then a reaction is given to a stimulus.
The setting being on a beach is as I already stated a balance it is balancing out your reaction which is to run. Running can be viewed as a chaotic motion and the beach as a calming motion. The figures in the distance represent a goal, their shape may mean something, but that will have to be left for you to decide. The emotional reaction to this drive to get to these figures is good, this suggests that your brain may be discussing a goal that you have and that you are on your way to achieving it. The dream though does not conclude which would suggest that the goal is being realized, if it is a goal, it could just be your brain thinking that it gets to have ice cream at lunch tomorrow, but it has not been completed. The music is very interesting, based on the setting and overall feeling of approaching good, the music may represent obstacles that you had to over come, this deduction is based on your dislike for the music.
Well in the end it is still up to you to decided what your dreams mean to you weather it be Ice cream or goals or something else. I hope this helps and something else I would like to add if possible if you could write more details about your future dreams I would be able to more effectively analyze them for you.
Happy Dreams.
Last edited by Vindicator (2009-05-29 21:17:45)
^ Again, you are extremely good at this.
It wasn't really a dream. It was one of those weird states where you're in between being awake and being asleep and you're paralyzed and uh...sometimes you hallucinate during these periods. Yeahh...I honestly felt like I was turning into a wolf, haha. I could feel everything changing and rearranging and whatnot. I knew it wasn't real, but still...f*cking weird.
If anybody wants to tell me what was up with that, go ahead.
Last edited by Totalimmortal (2009-06-24 21:40:25)
Well I'm glad I could be of help. As for those hallucinating periods, I'm not sure I can help you there, I have had waking dreams before, although very rarely, but I have never had one where I couldn't decipher reality from imagination. I have heard that it does occur, though, but I personally don't know much about the topic. So sorry about that.
Wasn't really a wolf-dream, but I had this weird dream a couple of days ago in which I was walking from a forest across aboard over QUICKSAND to get to a house. When I got there, it was a run-down house full of people who said they were werewolves and I apparently was one of them. More trippy shxt.
Well, this one is going to be somewhat difficult to describe. It's not really a wolf dream either, but it's pretty close.
I was in an office, which also happened to somehow be an apartment. Me and this one guy dressed up all business-like were both concerned that people would find out we were actually wolves. The room was up on the top story of the building I think, and when we looked out the window, there were a lot of people standing outside and waiting. I'm going to guess that it was for us.
Hmmm. Ok TM, this is going to be a bit difficult as there isn’t many details to work with, however I will give it my best shot. So first the deconstruction. The setting is established, a reaction is being given to a previous stimuli before the dream was created, then a new stimuli is given, upon which you react.
Ok so the setting is interesting as it is a mix of work and home, the work suggests a more unstable setting while as the home suggests a stable situation. So thus by having both in the same setting would place it in the middle, it is neither stable nor unstable, completely neutral. This neutrality sets the situation where it can go either direction into stability or instability. In this case it appears to have become unstable as the reaction you are giving to the unknown stimuli is fear about yourself being revealed. This theme is then continued in the next reaction pair where you see the people and your fear is then given again.
So what the overall content suggests is that there is something being hidden by yourself and there is a fear of exposer. The second individual suggests that there may be one other who also knows what is hidden and thus places themselves in the same boat as yourself. Now the something could be anything from a serious important matter to a silly thing about eating the last ice cream out of the fridge. Now the fact that there is a crowed suggests that the event of exposer has already occurred and your position is a place of hiding trying to maintain your secrecy over the something even after it has been let out, and known.
Well that is about as far as I can go, TM. As always it is ultimately up to yourself to decide what the dream means, and if it in fact means anything. I hope this was of some use to you, and made sense.
Can anyone tell me what this means [ In your dream your a wolf and your in a war and get injured with scars and every thing but when you wake up all those scars in your dream are on you when you wake up?]
Last edited by howler88 (2009-07-24 17:53:02)
Dude, making something all capitals doesn't mean we 'hear' it better.
howler88 wrote:
Can anyone tell me what this means [ In your dream your a wolf and your in a war and get injured with scars and every thing but when you wake up all those scars in your dream are on you when you wake up?]
I'm sorry, howler88, this goes above my level of knowledge where dreams are related that is.
The First One I Had Was I Was Running Up Ward In The Woods, And I could smell the dirt and the grass and it was night. and i kept running and than i jumped over this wall and when i landed crouched down and i looked and noticed that i had paws instead of hands and than i howled and woke up
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