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#1 2006-12-20 05:19:09

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145


I took a poke around to find a forum thread dedicated to this, but only found one related to what happens to piercings when werewolves physically shift wink Please feel free to redirect this if need be.

I have a wee question, er... two.

I'm really curious about mental shifting - for those of you who've done it, can you describe what happened?

Aaand, I'm curious about the other types of shifting too, so if anyone feels like sharing? big_smile

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#2 2006-12-20 09:30:29

The Fur-Covered Biologist
Registered: 2006-11-11
Posts: 3035

Re: Shifting

I have never done a Mental shift while awake, but I have done phantom shifts. Really cool. For me it's the growth of digigraded paws, feet, ears and teeth. Oh and yester day, I got this weird tingling sensation all over my body. I suppose that must have been like hair growing? Oh and there's dream shifts. Those are the best. Most times, you can "feel" the shift happening. Pretty cool. big_smile



#3 2006-12-20 17:45:18

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: Shifting

Cool smile Yeah, I've read your dream posts in another thread - they're awesome big_smile

I've had werewolf dreams and wolf dreams (wolf dreams are rarer), but I tend to stay in one form or another in these dreams, either human or werewolf or wolf. I think I've only ever shifted in a dream once.

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#4 2006-12-20 17:49:08

The nacho-lovin' lycanthrope
From: Chu-Town
Registered: 2006-11-12
Posts: 3486

Re: Shifting

yeah, i like dreamshifting. it's fun.

and i dunno that i've ever actually had a "wolf dream" you know? I've only had dreams where i'm a werewolf, or i'm a person what shifts into a werewolf, or i've had like one where i was a person what shifted to a wolf, but no dreams where i was jus a wolf the whole time.

"It is a widely known fact that ALL werewolves love Malt-O-Meal."

check me out at deviantart:



#5 2006-12-20 22:24:51

From: USA
Registered: 2006-09-20
Posts: 5420

Re: Shifting

I have had a 4 mental shift while awake,well that's what I call them.The first time was amazingly scary,I was outside at night and it was a cold winter night,bout a foot of snow that I was playing with my dogs in when I felt my senses go super keen and I got this feeling throughout my whole body of being invincible.My mind stopped any talking and went to instictive and well wolf like thoughts,it was me in control but it was not my everyday thoughts.I played with my dogs in a wolf like matter by going on all fours and using my hands like paws and biting at me.I did this for an hour then came out of it very confused,it was amazingly fun but it surprised me.Since then I can summon it at anytime, but the 3 other times was not me summoning it.It was out of anger or stress and is much more powerful then when I summon it.It is hard to describe,but for me all my very wordy thoughts go away and become simple and instictive acts.

I have also done phantom shifting,or maybe I have been calling it the wrong name. I concentrate on a part of me changing and I can really feel the change.It is pretty amazing,and it's just a simple meditation.And I have many dream shifts.I was never good at any of it till I turned bout 15(16 now)but I had been trying for a few years and the one thrian I have meet(out in Oregon during a tarot reading)said as soon as I walked in"Your a natural,it will come".Of course I thought she was crazy,but sore enough a few months later my shifts began.Sorry to be so long winded and I hope I don't come off in a bad manner by telling all this,I just would like to offer my experiences in case anyone seeks advice on the manner.

"You're like one of those lab rats that hits the pleasure button instead of the food until it dies!" Sam-Houses of the Holy.
"Dude, you Fugly." Dean-Scarecrow.
A therian who's a wanna be screenwriter, but doesn't have a life story that fits the bill...



#6 2006-12-21 00:11:09

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: Shifting

smile Don't apologize - it's fascinating! I'm going to have to try the lucid stuff you were talking about before, meditating on it before going to bed. See what happens. smile

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#7 2006-12-21 00:19:05

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Shifting

Some "sides" share consciousness - my Human and Wolf sides were like that. Some do not - I had another sorta nondescript side thaht was like that.

First the ones that share consciousness - think "left" and then think "right". Now do it again and pay attention to what your body feels like. There is probably a minute shift to the left and right. Now imagine that your left side is a Human personality and your right side is a Wolf personality. That's pretty much what my conscious mental shifts felt like.

The other side I had came out without the rest of me knowing it. I only found out from other people what was going on. On looking back, there was a click just before I shifted. Since I now remember both sides, I can remember thattere wa a sharp break fromone side to the other - in the other kind of shift, the change was smooth.

In dreams I've never "shifted". If I change, it's that I'm a Human at one time and suddenly I'm something else.

I don't have phantom shifts. I do have a phantom body but it's always there - I just notice it more or less at times. BTW, my tail has always caused me problems sitting. If I sit on it, it goes to sleep - if I don't, it gets crimped. I have recently noticed that I can draw it mostly into myself so that it's only a bulge at the base of my spine. That helps a lot.



#8 2006-12-21 06:06:09

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: Shifting

Did you ever find out exactly what that other side was?

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#9 2006-12-21 21:11:57

From: USA
Registered: 2006-09-20
Posts: 5420

Re: Shifting

I love shifting,it's so fun when it's just you and the woods.

"You're like one of those lab rats that hits the pleasure button instead of the food until it dies!" Sam-Houses of the Holy.
"Dude, you Fugly." Dean-Scarecrow.
A therian who's a wanna be screenwriter, but doesn't have a life story that fits the bill...



#10 2006-12-21 22:05:42

The Fur-Covered Biologist
Registered: 2006-11-11
Posts: 3035

Re: Shifting

I wish there were woods here....



#11 2006-12-22 00:15:04

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Shifting

Bad. The other side was just purely bad. As far as Theriotype, I would say Human but I wouldn't be real confident.



#12 2006-12-22 05:25:11

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: Shifting

Nod. And folks had to tell you afterwards what you did - you weren't aware of it?

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#13 2006-12-22 05:25:48

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: Shifting

LoupGarouAngel wrote:'s so fun when it's just you and the woods.

Ayep smile

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#14 2006-12-22 20:52:25

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Shifting

That's pretty much how it worked, but it took me awhile to find out.



#15 2006-12-24 06:08:14

4star general
From: australia
Registered: 2006-05-02
Posts: 1405

Re: Shifting

i was born on june the 17th which makes me a gemini(also means i have a twin personality) ive had a feeeling that there was an animal within me for a few years now , like i would attack people who wound me up or id snap for no reason then retreat, but the beginning of this year the feelings got stronger and when my best mate/dog "doc" died that feeling grew so strong that the wolf within was released and has made itself known as my second personality even my parents know about it (well me mum does anyway)   i p-shift whenim stressed, sad, or need some time to unwind from my self as it helps me relax



#16 2006-12-24 13:26:36

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Shifting

I was born in July, what excuse do I have?

How do you p-shift, Roadwolf (or I mean to say - what happens?)



#17 2006-12-24 16:33:27

The Fur-Covered Biologist
Registered: 2006-11-11
Posts: 3035

Re: Shifting

Does it hurt? Does it feel good?



#18 2006-12-24 19:10:37

From: USA
Registered: 2006-09-20
Posts: 5420

Re: Shifting

Do you mean physical shift or phantom shift?I'm undecided on if I believe in the physical shift or not,I believe it might be possible but then their is that little voice of society telling me no.My wolf side believes it 100%,my human side only 85%.

"You're like one of those lab rats that hits the pleasure button instead of the food until it dies!" Sam-Houses of the Holy.
"Dude, you Fugly." Dean-Scarecrow.
A therian who's a wanna be screenwriter, but doesn't have a life story that fits the bill...



#19 2006-12-25 00:41:38

The Fur-Covered Biologist
Registered: 2006-11-11
Posts: 3035

Re: Shifting

I hate when sides conflict. You literally feel torn in two....



#20 2006-12-25 02:03:12

From: USA
Registered: 2006-09-20
Posts: 5420

Re: Shifting

I hate how I get to involved in the human world and my wolf fades back in my mind and it gets harder to call upon to help me hen needed.That is why I love summer break,I have time to be wolf me,not human me.

"You're like one of those lab rats that hits the pleasure button instead of the food until it dies!" Sam-Houses of the Holy.
"Dude, you Fugly." Dean-Scarecrow.
A therian who's a wanna be screenwriter, but doesn't have a life story that fits the bill...



#21 2006-12-25 05:31:11

The nacho-lovin' lycanthrope
From: Chu-Town
Registered: 2006-11-12
Posts: 3486

Re: Shifting

yeah, i know what you mean, lou. summer is a great time 'cause i am able to be a wolfy unlike during the school year.

"It is a widely known fact that ALL werewolves love Malt-O-Meal."

check me out at deviantart:



#22 2006-12-25 15:26:20

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Shifting

That's why I asked. For some people, the term "p-shift" means "phantom shift". For some, it means "physical shift". For some it means "personality shift".

It's gotten to where I don't know what people mean when they use it.



#23 2006-12-26 06:17:46

4star general
From: australia
Registered: 2006-05-02
Posts: 1405

Re: Shifting

it means both personality and phantom to me  but not at the same time



#24 2006-12-26 12:54:43

The Fur-Covered Biologist
Registered: 2006-11-11
Posts: 3035

Re: Shifting

OH, ok then



#25 2006-12-26 14:24:27

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Shifting

Ah, that works for me too. Unlike a LOT of my Therian brethren, I'm not quick to completely dismiss physical shifting - but it's a rather dangerous concept if it can't be backed up by some hard facts, so when I get a sniff of it, I tend to go into my Socrates mode.



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