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#51 2007-02-09 09:31:00

The Fur-Covered Biologist
Registered: 2006-11-11
Posts: 3035

Re: Shifting

WolfVanZandt wrote:

Black_Fur, you're right - there is a difference between "wild human" and "therian" and it's not always easy to distinguish.

BlackWolfDS, wait until you get to be my age and say that again.  smile

Hmm....yeah. *lowers ears*
That kind of sucks...well, it will and it won't. Everything has advantages and disadvantages.
As for wild human and therian....I never even thought of that concept...makes ya wonder.



#52 2007-02-09 11:22:09

Pancake dealer
Registered: 2007-01-30
Posts: 3246

Re: Shifting

How are you able to separate therian from wild human behaviour?



#53 2007-02-09 21:55:44

From: Western NC
Registered: 2005-12-14
Posts: 1577

Re: Shifting

Black_Fur wrote:

How are you able to separate therian from wild human behaviour?

That's a good question!
What is wild human behavior, anyways?  Maybe most people are still wild and are getting more and more -primitive- in many ways!  yikes

My opinion is that most people are not evolving into anything better but are going backwards.  Err.... I guess it's like devolving?
Virtually, the human race is getting weaker and more unstable.
It appears to me that therians are more evolved, stable and able to adapt better to changes than non-therians.


Last edited by Siverwolf (2007-02-09 22:00:43)

Homo - Lycanthropus



#54 2007-02-09 22:47:11

Pancake dealer
Registered: 2007-01-30
Posts: 3246

Re: Shifting

You too noticed that people are regressing? I thought it was just me. I'm pretty hard on society hmm in general...your opinion is interesting, the therians I've talked with seemed well adjusted people, even more than non therians. More logic, had good values, ironically more human...could it be that all humans have a therian side but most of people repress it? Causing them to be unstable? And if so, why do we have a therian side? In fact, what if acting animalistic is actually the proof that all have a therian side? It's just that not all know about it?

It's just my opinion, I'm not saying I'm right, i'm just trying to figure it out...



#55 2007-02-10 00:40:11

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Shifting

Nah. People aren't regressing to wildness, they're simply becoming domesticated.

Think of the difference between wolves and dogs - dogs are domesticated wolves. Dogs don''t have the survival skils or wolves. They donn't form as cohesive packs. When dogs "regress" they don't become wild (like wolves), they become feral. Feral animals don't have the survival instincts that wild animals have nor do they have the cohesive packs.

On the other hand, you occasionally see dogs that act like wolves. Somehow, they've dredged up the wildness in their genes. And some dogs that display wildness, when they leave "civilization", do pretty well (like the Australia dingos).

Wild humans still function like humans; therians function to some degree like their theriotype. And I suspect that the reason therians are therians is that their temporal lobes operate somewhat independently of the rest of their brains. That wouldn't be true of a wild human.



#56 2007-02-10 01:30:25

The Fur-Covered Biologist
Registered: 2006-11-11
Posts: 3035

Re: Shifting

I can't say that I have seen people acting...wild, but only becuase I am in High school. I have noticed though, that most of all the drama that goes on is...childish and very primitive. It can all be traced back to a primitive act, if that makes any sense that is... The whole "Who's baby is this?" on the news is ridiculous. Who ever gets the baby will probably get the money. That is privative, fighting over resources and's disgusting. This is why I hate most people. All they think about are themselves and not about what any of their actions will do to the rest of the's sick.



#57 2007-02-10 09:27:50

From: Western NC
Registered: 2005-12-14
Posts: 1577

Re: Shifting

I'm not actually meaning that humans are regressing back to primitiveness. 
I'm saying that technology and intruding into things they shouldn't is making the human race more weaker and unstable.  Don't you think so?


Last edited by Siverwolf (2007-02-10 10:12:33)

Homo - Lycanthropus



#58 2007-02-10 13:10:01

The Fur-Covered Biologist
Registered: 2006-11-11
Posts: 3035

Re: Shifting

Oh yeah, I totally agree. A good example, I think, is the whole antibiotics thing. If you take them, you are making bacteria stronger and your immune system weaker.



#59 2007-02-10 13:52:19

Pancake dealer
Registered: 2007-01-30
Posts: 3246

Re: Shifting

You guys give me alot to think about....thanks! big_smile I appreciate it!



#60 2007-02-10 15:45:53

The Fur-Covered Biologist
Registered: 2006-11-11
Posts: 3035

Re: Shifting

That's all I do is think big_smile



#61 2007-02-10 22:09:46

From: Western NC
Registered: 2005-12-14
Posts: 1577

Re: Shifting

BlackWolfDS wrote:

That's all I do is think big_smile

I can't say that I think all the time so I try not to say anything much.  tongue
Or, I don't have all the answers, whether or not they are the right answers but I try. 

You might say that different therians have different ways they shift like for example a mental shift.  Most will be in agreement with the concept of mental shifting and so you can proberly assume the shift is an actual shift because there is more than three or four in agreement with it happening, in about the same ways and causes.
Now with the case of really physically shifting, that cannot be true because of the lack of evidence or proof.  No one can agree to it being true but most all agree it to be false so it is concluded that physical shifting is in fact not "presently" possible. 
But you can maybe create an "illusional shift"-- this is something I just made up right now, which means to make other's visually think you are p-shifting when you know your not.  But then you would be considered a furry or an exteme role player.


Last edited by Siverwolf (2007-02-10 22:27:19)

Homo - Lycanthropus



#62 2007-02-11 01:15:59

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Shifting

Siver, yes I do (agree, that is).



#63 2007-02-28 17:29:10

Pancake dealer
Registered: 2007-01-30
Posts: 3246

Re: Shifting

Does anyone of you feel a bit of panic when you're about to shift?



#64 2007-02-28 22:28:00

From: USA
Registered: 2006-09-20
Posts: 5420

Re: Shifting

The first few times,when I almost had a mental shift at school from extreme anger at another peer.I started freaking out when my vision blurred,I got light headed and dizzy(which usually does not happen before my shifts)and then I felt the thoughts of instinct and of a predator sinking in.I paniced then realized that made it come faster so I went to the restroom(while the teacher was in mid lecture)and calmed myself down.It was kinda scray cause I have never shifted in front of someone and did NOT want to in front of my whole class.Now I have trained myself and have to calm before I shift and go into a medative state,if i'm stressed it is a bad and uncomfortable shift.Anyone have that?

"You're like one of those lab rats that hits the pleasure button instead of the food until it dies!" Sam-Houses of the Holy.
"Dude, you Fugly." Dean-Scarecrow.
A therian who's a wanna be screenwriter, but doesn't have a life story that fits the bill...



#65 2007-02-28 23:27:44

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Shifting

Evidently, a lot of Therians do. I was always very comfortable with my Wolfside, but others are afraid of letting it out in social situations. It seems to me that the fear is unwarranted. Theriansides seem to quickly pick up on what's appropriate in social situations.



#66 2007-03-01 12:09:16

Pancake dealer
Registered: 2007-01-30
Posts: 3246

Re: Shifting

Even when I'm alone I's similar to Lou, I get light headed, a bit dizzy I shake and I panic. But it has nothing to do with my mood tho, the last time it happened I was in a good mood, I was doing a bit of cleaning then it hits's like my thoughts were leaving's hard to happened in public but when I was a child. Never happened as an adult...I think...not sure tho...I think on dates it jobs...oh man!

I guess it is normal to panic because you're afraid of losing control and harm others...especially when you know your strenght... sad

Is there a way to get over this?



#67 2007-03-01 19:09:37

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Shifting

Yeah, you just have to learn to trust your therianside. But that's, perhaps, not so simple.



#68 2007-03-01 19:13:54

Pancake dealer
Registered: 2007-01-30
Posts: 3246

Re: Shifting

Indeed...I've always been afraid of myself, even before knowing about my thwerian side. Wow! Got a lot of work to do... wink



#69 2007-03-01 21:15:22

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Shifting

It helps if you can arrange "safe" social situations where you can let yourself go. More than anything, you just have to convince yourself that your Therianside can deal with situations on its own.

As far as shifting when your angry, berserking isn't unique to Therians. A lot of people have to learn to control their rage. That has nothing to do with controlling your Therianside but a lot of Therians confuse the two (probably because the protective Therianside tends to come out when the person is angry) and end up supressing their Therianside instead of controlling their anger. The root problem isn't dealt with and the Therian is prevented from developing - not to mention all the backlash from trying to suppress and important part of the self.



#70 2007-03-02 09:42:14

Pancake dealer
Registered: 2007-01-30
Posts: 3246

Re: Shifting

That's a good option...well I don't really have places to go where I can let myself go...but to trust my therian side, I could work on that.

I do have to work on my rage...I'm getting better at controlling it but in some situations...I turn into this savage creature that has to be least I break objects instead of faces now lol ... I never shifted when I was angry. I think tho that I got angry after a shift...I can see the difference, I mean in my reactions.



#71 2007-03-06 22:52:59

From: USA
Registered: 2006-09-20
Posts: 5420

Re: Shifting

I have to let myself go at least once a week,and I got the woods to do it so it all works out in the end.

"You're like one of those lab rats that hits the pleasure button instead of the food until it dies!" Sam-Houses of the Holy.
"Dude, you Fugly." Dean-Scarecrow.
A therian who's a wanna be screenwriter, but doesn't have a life story that fits the bill...



#72 2007-03-07 13:14:27

Pancake dealer
Registered: 2007-01-30
Posts: 3246

Re: Shifting

You're lucky....



#73 2007-03-09 13:50:34

Quint the Wanderer
From: In the middle of Europe
Registered: 2007-01-29
Posts: 990

Re: Shifting

I don't panic. I actually learned to stay calm in all kinds of situations.
Which is kinda freaky. As a kid I was often very close to destroying a computer just because I blew up in minesweeper, and was a very emotional person anyway. Now I'm the exact opposite - a stoic person. Turned that in 7-8 years.

The question is mightier than the answer.
The difference between chaos and order is just in the point of view.



#74 2007-03-09 22:21:16

From: Western NC
Registered: 2005-12-14
Posts: 1577

Re: Shifting

It takes some patience also, and sometimes that's hard to manage, especially when you forget to think before action.


Homo - Lycanthropus



#75 2007-03-09 23:03:03

Pancake dealer
Registered: 2007-01-30
Posts: 3246

Re: Shifting

So true Siver...



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