Perhaps some of you already know but take this quiz just for fun! … ty%20tests
My result was: Rocky Mountain Wolf or Meckenzie Valley wolf or Alaskan wolf (canis lupus occidentalis): you were introduced to Yellowstone Park a bit ago and now you thrive there, and you are no longer endangered!
Yay! No longer endangered!
Hey, I got the same answer Black_Fur!! On my test.
Here's mine:
50%: Eastern Gray Wolf or Eastern Timber Wolf (canis lupus lycaon): you used to live throughout Canada and America, but now you are protected by U.S. law (research me more on Google). 19.24 % of 3561 Quiz participants had this profile!
Or even this one:
50%: Great Plains Wolf or Buffalo Wolf (canis lupus nubilus): you are thriving in America, but now live by the Great Lakes (research me more on Google).
30% Arctic or Timber Wolf. Heh, I always complain to these people in Selma that I'm an Arctic Wolf, but I had problems with this survey. I don't think I'm North American. I don't know what I am but I'm not sure it's still around.....
For 50,00 % you are: Rocky Mountain Wolf or Meckenzie Valley wolf or Alaskan wolf (canis lupus occidentalis): you were introduced to Yellowstone Park a bit ago and now you thrive there, and you are no longer endangered!
Or even this one:
For 40,00 % you are: Great Plains Wolf or Buffalo Wolf (canis lupus nubilus): you are thriving in America, but now live by the Great Lakes
It's actually a pretty interesting educational tools.You can put in verious answers and see which wolves pop ot - that way you can learn about the different North American breeds. Or you can test how wll you know the breeds by putting n the answers you think wold describe a particular lind of wolf and see if the result agrees
Hum, I'll try that! Before I took that quiz, I did not know there were that many breeds. I knew of the north american grey wolf and the timber wolf. But that was it. I thought there was like one or two kinds, who had different fur colors.
i got the same one as you, black fur. at least, i think that's what i got. i wasn't really payin much attention.
I am Mexican Wolf or lobo (canis lupus baileyi)
I got...
For 30,00 % you are: Arctic Wolf (canis lupus arctos): you live in snowy, icy areas and are a pretty small wolf actually (research me more on Google). 36.20 % of 3577 Quiz participants had this profile!
For 30,00 % you are: Eastern Gray Wolf or Eastern Timber Wolf (canis lupus lycaon): you used to live throughout Canada and America, but now you are protected by U.S. law (research me more on Google).
Yeah, I technically got percentages too, so I just posted the first highest one that was listed.
Um...I got very mixed results:
30 % : Eastern Gray Wolf or Eastern Timber Wolf (canis lupus lycaon): you used to live throughout Canada and America, but now you are protected by U.S. law
30% : Great Plains Wolf or Buffalo Wolf (canis lupus nubilus): you are thriving in America, but now live by the Great Lakes
30% : Mexican Wolf or lobo (canis lupus baileyi): you are the most endangered wolf and you look a lot like a coyote. I thought you were a red wolf, but maybe not...
I don't know what happened to the other 10%, but...hehe, that's what they said. The first one listed was the first one suggested on the site
For 40,00 % you are: Great Plains Wolf or Buffalo Wolf (canis lupus nubilus): you are thriving in America, but now live by the Great Lakes (research me more on Google).
Here's mine:
For 40,00 % you are: Rocky Mountain Wolf or Meckenzie Valley wolf or Alaskan wolf (canis lupus occidentalis): you were introduced to Yellowstone Park a bit ago and now you thrive there, and you are no longer endangered!
I'm a lobo or mexican wolf, very interesting, because is closer to my ethnicity than what I expected!!!
Wow, that's pretty cool native-lycan! Interesting indeed!
the questions were way 2 specific i didnt no what to put
but i did finish i got Eastern Gray Wolf or Eastern Timber Wolf (canis lupus lycaon): you used to live throughout Canada and America, but now you are protected by U.S. law
Heh, I got the Mexican Wolf too. It looks like we're not so rare on these forums! Maybe we all just like warm weather!
For 50,00 % you are: Arctic Wolf (canis lupus arctos): you live in snowy, icy areas and are a pretty small wolf actually (research me more on Google). 33.95 % of 4268 Quiz participants had this profile!
You could also get this result:
For 50,00 % you are: Eastern Gray Wolf or Eastern Timber Wolf (canis lupus lycaon): you used to live throughout Canada and America, but now you are protected by U.S. law (research me more on Google).
But just curious, everyone else had percentajes on more than 2 or 3 breeds, right?
That's a cute quiz.
Rocky Mountain Wolf or Meckenzie Valley wolf or Alaskan wolf (canis lupus occidentalis)
Makes sense- I've always lived in the Rockies
I'm Eastern Gray Wolf or Eastern Timber Wolf (canis lupus lycaon).
That's cool quiz.