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#26 2009-01-09 00:25:40

From: MI
Registered: 2005-02-25
Posts: 1012

Re: Being Human - British

Big update about the series:

First, there's a new trailer up on YouTube for the show:

Next, if you go to the blog site, a lot of new stuff has been added, including a gallery of photos, new videos (only those in England can see though, I'm afraid) and even some background info on the characters. Here's the site:

And last, after doing some digging around online, I understand that the series will debut the week of January 26th. The exact date or time hasn't been set yet, but it will debut during that week.

There can be only one. MarkOne. smile



#27 2009-01-09 08:37:53

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: Being Human - British

Sweet dude, thanks for posting.


"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#28 2009-01-09 14:56:04

From: MI
Registered: 2005-02-25
Posts: 1012

Re: Being Human - British

Hey, looks like the BBC has posted up on YouTube the videos that I mentioned before.

These videos have the stars of the show talking about their characters, including scenes from the series.

Here they are:

Being George: … mp;index=0

Being Mitchell: … mp;index=1

Being Annie: … mp;index=2

There can be only one. MarkOne. smile



#29 2009-01-10 21:11:07

Token British Wolf
From: England, United Kingdom
Registered: 2008-12-15
Posts: 738

Re: Being Human - British

REALLY REALLY want to watch this!!!!

Disclaimer: I am actually female.



#30 2009-01-10 21:29:38

Stole your Duvet
Registered: 2008-10-08
Posts: 2206

Re: Being Human - British

Yeah they about to start showing it (again I presume, somehow missed it the first time) , the first five minutes on youtube then had to stop as its too good and I wanna sit and watch on the big tv screen big_smile

"Some thoughts are less when spoken and some spoken words are less than the thought used behind it." Poncho 2009



#31 2009-01-11 07:18:46

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: Being Human - British

Well, finally looked at the new Mitchell's backstory.

I like the old Mitchell better. He was a hell of a lot more subtle. :\

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#32 2009-01-11 07:42:59

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: Being Human - British

Augh. Okay, I don't want to be miss negativity here, but having seen the backstory's and the new 'being...' interviews, I am even more worried about this now.

I was really surprised to see the same 'cups of tea' joke from the first original pilot in the new pilot. I knew they were going to present a completely new pilot and dismiss the old one. I just didn't realize they might be quite close.

Annie doesn't seem as real to me in this incarnation. She was incredibly vivid and vulnerable as a character in the first.

Mitchell was very very subtle in the original. Aloof, morally struggling, and with a shade of humor you could expect comes with being older than most folks and living for a while with a sense of vampiric superiority. I don't see that in this new character. He's pushing the 'dangerous' so hard.

George is still the same however, and that's an awesome saving grace. But it's going to be strange seeing his character walking through similar scenes all over again, with different people.

Having said all this, still wanting to see what they do, and where they go. I hope it does very well for them all, regardless.

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#33 2009-01-12 16:33:40

From: MI
Registered: 2005-02-25
Posts: 1012

Re: Being Human - British

OK, I'm seeing a trend here with this and some of the other posts about the new cast members for the show.  And this is no slight against you WolfMontana and don't take it as such.

The pilot was great, the cast was outstanding. But guys, you gotta let this go about the changes.

You're not doing the new people any favors by hitting them over the head trying to compare what the old cast has done with the new. You got to have an open mind and look at the new people as if they're doing it new, not comparing it to the pilot. Cause if you're going to treat it like that, then there's no sense in you guys watching the six new shows they're making.

So again, come into this with an open mind, give the new guys a chance and let the pilot go. Especially when we've just seen not even a few minutes of what they have planned.

Again, this is no slight to you WolfMontana and you're expressing your opinion. But I feel that needed to be said.

I'm looking forward to seeing what the new shows have planned and then and only then can we pass final judgement.

There can be only one. MarkOne. smile



#34 2009-01-13 07:13:52

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: Being Human - British

That's why I said "Having said all this, still wanting to see what they do, and where they go. I hope it does very well for them all, regardless."

I understand the need for fair evaluation, and I am still curious to see what they do. But in my opinion they've stirred this debate up themselves by choosing to reshoot the whole pilot. Folks can't help but compare it to the original, particularly since it was the quality of the original that prompted such a big response from the fanbase to have a series.

Disappointment is unavoidable with many, purely because you've lost two actors who 'claimed' the roles so well. Folks can't help but compare, and I'm one of them.

However, I would much rather have a series than not, so I'm still going to watch, and hope, and see what happens.

That's twice now you've asked me to keep quiet and not say anything negative (the other time being in the Smallville thread). I know you said 'this isn't directed at you', but since I'm really the only one who's voiced concerns in this thread, it's obvious my posting has prompted yours.

I welcome your thoughts obviously, and your awesome updates, and I'm glad you're not worried at all. That's great.

But I would ask that you stop asking me to shut up.

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#35 2009-01-13 11:03:36

From: MI
Registered: 2005-02-25
Posts: 1012

Re: Being Human - British

WolfMontana wrote:

That's twice now you've asked me to keep quiet and not say anything negative (the other time being in the Smallville thread). I know you said 'this isn't directed at you', but since I'm really the only one who's voiced concerns in this thread, it's obvious my posting has prompted yours.

I welcome your thoughts obviously, and your awesome updates, and I'm glad you're not worried at all. That's great.

But I would ask that you stop asking me to shut up.

Whoa! Not once did I say, in either this thread or on the Smallville thread, have I asked you to shut up. You can look it up.

My posts is simply giving another side, keeping an open mind, as you have with your opinions. That's all.

I appreciate your viewpoints as always and I'm sure you feel the same about mine and I welcome your feedback as I'm sure you welcome mine, but I didn't once ask you to keep quiet or "shut up" as you say.

Now with that said, let's return our attention to the topic at hand, OK? smile

There can be only one. MarkOne. smile



#36 2009-01-14 05:13:32

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: Being Human - British

Will do dude, but let me clarify. I did not mean literally - of course you didn't actually type 'shut up'. Your posts are always well considered. But you were in essence telling me to stop posting my negative opinions, ie to say nothing if I had nothing positive to say. Hence my reaction.

As for the show, I am eager to see what new twists and story paths the new pilot will bring, that they may not have explored in the original since the future of a series wasn't so certain.

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#37 2009-01-15 00:22:16

From: MI
Registered: 2005-02-25
Posts: 1012

Re: Being Human - British

We got a premiere date!

According to the BBC website, the first episode of the series will debut on Sunday, Jan. 26 at 9PM on BBC3.

Also, they posted a description of the episode as well. Here it is:

"Three twenty-something housemates are united in trying to live normal lives, despite struggling with unusual afflictions: one's a werewolf, one's a vampire and one's a ghost, in BBC Three's sexy, witty and thrilling new series.

On first appearances, things seem to be positive and "normal" for the three friends. Ghost Annie is buoyed by the fact that she is finally starting to be seen by ordinary people, rather than just by her housemates. In an attempt to escape the guilt and self-loathing for his previous killings, vampire Mitchell has sworn off blood, determined to kick the habit. Even the neurotic and anxious George is in relatively good spirits, putting his monthly transformation into a rampaging werewolf to the back of his mind to focus on life in the new house-share.

But it's not long before their supernatural conditions catch up with them.

The vampire world won't leave Mitchell alone: he's harassed by leader Herrick and his side-kick, Seth. They ominously warn him that he cannot deny what he is, and should turn his back on humanity to return to the vampire fold.

George considers the house a sanctuary from his condition but promptly tears it apart when he is reluctantly forced to transform into a werewolf at the full moon.

Annie, meanwhile, is heartbroken when their landlord, her fiancé Owen, pays a visit and reminds her of everything that she has lost. After tricking Owen to come back to the house, Annie discovers that he's got a new girlfriend, ending any hope of her ever being with the love of her life again.

Elsewhere, Mitchell is finding it very hard to stay on the wagon. He arranges a date with a nurse, Becca, and it seems that pretty soon he'll be feeding again. George discovers where Mitchell is and races to save Becca – but will he get there in time?

There can be only one. MarkOne. smile



#38 2009-01-25 03:20:41

From: MI
Registered: 2005-02-25
Posts: 1012

Re: Being Human - British

OK, the show premieres tonight at 9 on BBC3. I've already read some reviews online from those who have seen the first episode and so far, all of it is positive.

For those who live in England, please let us know what you thought of the debut episode.

There can be only one. MarkOne. smile



#39 2009-01-28 04:11:23

From: Usa
Registered: 2005-08-13
Posts: 77

Re: Being Human - British

My fellow Americans:

Remember that you can watch the first episode online at the BBC3 site, .
Look at the top of the video wall under the words "Missed It?" and you'll see Being Human episode one. Click and watch. This works even if you're in the US (as MarkOne demonstrated with the show's trailer).



#40 2009-01-28 17:45:22

Token British Wolf
From: England, United Kingdom
Registered: 2008-12-15
Posts: 738

Re: Being Human - British

I thought the first episode was good. It's a really awesome take on supernatural creatures, showing them struggling with their day-to-day existence. I wasn't particularly taken with George though, I'll be honest - I didn't think the actor played the character very well most of the time, his character wasn't anywhere near as believable as Mitchell.

Disclaimer: I am actually female.



#41 2009-02-02 03:11:59

Registered: 2006-12-05
Posts: 71

Re: Being Human - British

If anyone want's to see the series, then check the the site out. I gotta tell you guys this series extremely impressive!

Last edited by king2wolves (2009-02-02 03:12:31)



#42 2009-02-05 11:27:57

Registered: 2006-05-29
Posts: 712

Re: Being Human - British

BBC America will be running the show later this year:

"How lonely is the night without the howl of a wolf."
"Werewolves are BAD ASS." - Dean Winchester
Buckaroo Banzai - Highlander - Kolchak - Buffy - Doc Savage



#43 2009-02-26 02:04:42

Registered: 2006-05-29
Posts: 712

Re: Being Human - British

And...looks like the show will be back for a second series: … y-bbc.html

I'm a couple episodes behind but enjoying it.

"How lonely is the night without the howl of a wolf."
"Werewolves are BAD ASS." - Dean Winchester
Buckaroo Banzai - Highlander - Kolchak - Buffy - Doc Savage



#44 2009-05-27 23:16:11

From: MI
Registered: 2005-02-25
Posts: 1012

Re: Being Human - British

Great news for those who haven't been able to see the series.  BBC America will be airing the first season of the show Saturday nights at 9PM (ET) starting July 25th.

There can be only one. MarkOne. smile



#45 2009-07-25 13:34:34

From: MI
Registered: 2005-02-25
Posts: 1012

Re: Being Human - British

Wanted to let you know that the first season debuts TONIGHT at 9PM (ET) on BBC America. If you plan to watch it, DVR it, whatever, also know that the show will run for about 75 minutes, ending at 10:15.

There can be only one. MarkOne. smile



#46 2009-07-25 22:07:26

Registered: 2007-07-10
Posts: 928

Re: Being Human - British

wait so was I watching the pilot last year or did they add extra footage or what? this isn't what I remembered (but i'm watching the last 30 minutes)

"I got somethin' I wanna tell ya'. I'm not like other guys...



#47 2009-07-25 23:02:56

From: MI
Registered: 2005-02-25
Posts: 1012

Re: Being Human - British

WereWolfH wrote:

wait so was I watching the pilot last year or did they add extra footage or what? this isn't what I remembered (but i'm watching the last 30 minutes)

No. This is a full season of shows (actually six) the BBC commissioned after the success of the pilot episode. In fact, the season of shows was so popular, both on TV and online, that the BBC has ordered a second season, this time with eight episodes. They're supposed to start filming in the fall.

There can be only one. MarkOne. smile



#48 2009-07-25 23:58:36

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: Being Human - British

Wish they had as many episodes as alot of US shows do big_smile

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#49 2009-07-26 05:45:13

From: Usa
Registered: 2005-08-13
Posts: 77

Re: Being Human - British

WolfMontana wrote:

Wish they had as many episodes as alot of US shows do big_smile

An udnerstandable wish, but the quality would have probably suffered. British shows generally have lower episode counts because they're written by one to three writers, unlike the American model of producing shows by committee.



#50 2009-07-26 08:14:34

Registered: 2009-05-12
Posts: 238

Re: Being Human - British

blackjack60 wrote:

WolfMontana wrote:

Wish they had as many episodes as alot of US shows do big_smile

An udnerstandable wish, but the quality would have probably suffered. British shows generally have lower episode counts because they're written by one to three writers, unlike the American model of producing shows by committee.

Most valuable treasures come in small boxes xD.



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