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#26 2013-04-15 22:43:49

From: Denver
Registered: 2013-04-15
Posts: 85

Re: ways to become a werewolf

Niktoma wrote:

I remember reading somewhere (it maybe have been Wikipedia, so don't take it as fact) that the president of one of the South American countries (Argentina, perhaps?) is automatically the godfather of any seventh-born child.  Apparently, people were so freaked out by their beliefs that the child would become a werewolf that the infants were being killed.

I remember hearing this, I thought it was 12th child though. But yeah, every 7th/12th child is property of the state.



#27 2013-07-14 20:25:39

New member
From: United States
Registered: 2013-07-09
Posts: 7

Re: ways to become a werewolf

I feel like I'm reviving a dead thread but I'm interested in the whole sleeping out on a Friday night under the full moon theory. I find it interesting so I searched more online for it. In old folklore, it is said that someone who sleeps outside on either a Wednesday OR Friday night with the full moon shining on their face may become a werewolf. Some of you on this thread believe this to be true, I want to know if this will actually work. For my own curiosity's sake.

Even a man who is pure of heart and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf , when the wolf bane blooms and the autumn moon is bright.  -The Wolfman



#28 2013-12-06 13:32:52

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: ways to become a werewolf

More common, it was being conceived on a Holy Day but some say, being born on one. Mainstreamers misconstrued it as a curse - I'd say it's a blessing, which would make it a lot more sense if being born on a Holy Day causes lycanthropy.



#29 2014-05-06 13:00:20

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: ways to become a werewolf

I've never seen it in the lore.



#30 2014-05-07 11:06:07

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: ways to become a werewolf

Werewolf literature has exploded - if you can imagine a scenario, it's very likely in print. Of course, that's not lore. Most books of Werewolf lore will have the paw print thing in it because it is lore.



#31 2014-05-07 23:44:22

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: ways to become a werewolf

My guess is that when clinical lycanthropy doesn't respond to treatment, the person was a lycanthrope that was having other problems (that probably do respond to the treatment). In other words, it might be a Werewolf that is having difficulties with depression or some other problem. With treatment, the depression goes away (or moderates) but the lycanthropy remains.

Brown to green or green to brown is a fairly common transition for Weres and Mainstreamers. I have seen the black ring a good bit in the Were community - I don't know how common it is in the larger population.



#32 2014-05-08 13:09:18

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: ways to become a werewolf

I'm trying to find some way to bring the medical profession to an understanding that our anatomy and physiology is different. We need doctors who know how to treat us and, right now, most of the research is being done by the religious studies and sociological communities. That's a ways, still, from the medical community. A lot of the Weres here go to the same doctor and he's a pretty broad minded practitioner. I'm figuring on ways to wrangle around to break him in.
I also have two big colleges to work with but I'm going to have to get some more mobility. It's sorta guerrilla sociology that I'm contemplating.




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