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#26 2009-02-03 01:26:50

Registered: 2006-05-09
Posts: 11300

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Thanks, Robot smile smile *Hug*

Alex could see the doors slithering shut, hope flaring within him as Crowell’s image began to dissipate. He could no longer see Crowell as the doors began to fasten together, only inches from closing. He waited, his breath caught in his throat, for the door to shut completely.
    Yet again, his hopes were shattered as a hand shot through the crack in the doors and pried them open.
    Despair filled his gut as the doors opened, revealing his worst deduction. Crowell stood – either hand on each side of the doors – a trickle of blood seeping from a deep and swelling laceration on his lip. His chest heaved sporadically with untamed rage and his eyes blazing with fury.
Alex could not describe the fury festering within Crowell’s sapphire orbs, but could feel a trail of shivers ripple along his spine.
    Crowell glared at Alex, and it felt as though a tidal wave of ice water had been splashed across his body. Crowell’s chest continued to heave furiously as he tried to suppress the anger while his fists grasped the metal doors. Alex was surprised they didn’t give way beneath his crushing grip.
    With a violent thrust of his hand, Crowell gathered a fistful of Alex’s shirt and hurled him out of the elevator with unnecessary vigour. The sheer force of the action caused Alex to stagger. He vainly managed to regain his balance, but stumbled over his own feet and fell backwards.
His head smacked audibly against the corner of the coffee table and a fierce pain shot through his skull, radiating outward from the wound. And explosion of lights danced in front of his eyelids, nearly consuming him.
    As he crumpled to the ground, he grimaced and attempted to massage the back of his head. His limbs were suddenly weak and the small movement of his arms caused a wave of dizziness to engulf him. His fingers lightly grazed the back of his head and he felt hot, sticky blood trickle between his fingertips.
With immense effort, he opened his eyes, wincing from the incredible pain.
    He squinted as he tried to regain focus of the world around him, but to no avail. The walls were swimming and the floor supporting him felt as though it was swaying beneath him. Images were hazy blotches of muddled colour. And so he kept his eyes open a sliver, fighting to stay conscious. His teeth clamped tightly shut as a reminder that he was still conscious, but he knew as darkness crept along the corner of his vision like a blot of ink through water.
    His head continued to throb with immeasurable pain, disorienting and immobilizing him. He could feel blood creeping through his hair and staining the brilliant hardwood floors.
But he didn’t care. He wished only to sleep and never to wake. His eyelids weighed heavily on him and the sinister darkness threatened to consume him. However, before he could slip into blissful subconscious, something grabbed at his awkwardly splayed arms.
    Two pairs of strong arms clutched either side of Alex’s shoulder, heaving him onto his unsteady feet. Alex felt his knees buckle and give way as the walls spun dauntingly around him. He expected to once again meet the horrid hardwood floors, but those strong arms kept him erect. The wound on the back of his head continued to ooze a fine trickle of blood and he could feel it tickle the back of his neck as it seeped down his shoulder blades.
             Grimacing, Alex blinked numerous times to regain focus of his surroundings. When he opened his heavy lids, the ground had stopped heaving and his surroundings became more lucid – but only enough for him to faintly distinguish what was happening.
Three guars stood to his left, their pistols brandished in front of them, the nozzle facing Alex’s exposed chest. The hard eyes behind the guns were transfixed on Alex, their faces tight with fierce intent.
Another wave of fear consumed Alex and his chest tightened. But it wasn’t from the guns. It was something much worse.
Crowell wove through the statue-like soldiers and his icy eyes glinted under the fluorescent lights, blazing with blinding intensity. His blonde brows furrowed slightly, the exuding rage apparent on his smooth features.
            “I knew you’d be trouble,” he snarled between clenched teeth, “but a deal’s a deal,” he sneered, revealing blood-stained teeth. From his trembling demeanour, he appeared ready to strike Alex, but with great restraint, he refrained from doing so.
            His sapphire eyes darted to the two brutes clutching Alex and he hissed. “Take him to the chair and tie him in tightly. I don’t want another escape attempt. The last thing I need to worry about is a dead kid.” Though his anger was beginning to dissipate, the depraved glimmer was still apparent in those blue pools, dancing at the back of his eyes.
Alex scarcely stand, let alone attempt another escape. It was too late for that. His only opportunity was gone, just like the hope that had once existed – smothered. His fear was dampened by the overwhelming pain in the back of his skull, which pulsed throughout his entire head. He groaned in protest as the two soldiers dragged him to the gloomy, cramped room.
    The two massive soldiers showed no strain as they carried Alex to the other room, hauling him as if he weighed ten pounds.
Alex had always been relatively slender for his age.
Without a struggle, Alex felt his weary body being placed on the thick steel chair. It was firm and the steel was ice cold against his feverish flesh. With his head lolling weakly against his chest, Alex could only watch in a horrified stupor as manacles were fastened over his wrists. The steel was chilly and he could feel small razors beneath the shackles biting harmlessly into his wrist, which were designed to prevent struggling patients.
          He inhaled sharply and closed his eyes momentarily to regain his composure. As he was doing so, the seemingly perpetual ringing in his ears ceased. Thoughts and emotions came flooding back to him like torrential waters exploding through a feeble damn.
Everything around him became more lucid as the initial pain in his skull began to dissipate. Fear choked him and he opened his eyes in sudden alarm. His body was tense and trembling from fear. His green eyes darted around the room and further horror coursed through his body.
    Crowell stood five feet away from Alex, with the four doctors milling about the room to gather their equipment.
Alex’s wary glance settled upon a heavy metal briefcase, which contained numerous vials of clear liquid. Alex gasped and balled his fists up. Though his tongue felt swollen in his throat, he spoke in a last attempt to save himself.
“I’ll go to the police,” he slurred, “and tell them everything. I have the card you gave me. I’ll…” he was interrupted mid-sentence as Crowell’s cackling voice cut across him.
         â€œAnd tell them what? That business card isn’t proof. It doesn’t have my name on it. I knew you might try to turn against me, so I used a different card, and even if it did have my name on it, who would believe a hoodlum like you?” Crowell grinned, but it wasn’t a pleasant grin, it was spiteful and enraged.
         The deliberation struck Alex like a knife to the gut. They wouldn’t believe him. Though he leered at Crowell with utmost resentment and loathing, he knew the man was right. No one would believe his story. They’d likely assume that he was a drug-desperate teen trying to acquire money from the biggest corporate business man in the city. But he didn’t want money. He just wanted to escape with his life.

I'm an aspiring bodybuilder! smile
"Be yourself to be free." - The Unseen



#27 2009-02-03 10:34:24

Advocatus Diaboli
Registered: 2007-07-20
Posts: 1077

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Nicely done!  I haven't posted here in a really long time, but I have been keeping up.

'OK, how about werewolves?' said the voice eventually.
'What do they look like?' asked the kid.
'Ah, well, they look perfectly normal right up to the point where they grow all, like, hair and teeth and giant paws and leap through the window at you,' said the voice.



#28 2009-02-03 19:58:07

Registered: 2006-05-09
Posts: 11300

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Thank you, Niktoma smile That means a lot to me. I've fallen behind on yours, but by darn, I'm adamant on catching up. It was sooo good.

I'm an aspiring bodybuilder! smile
"Be yourself to be free." - The Unseen



#29 2009-02-03 21:08:32

Space Cowboy
From: Home
Registered: 2007-11-13
Posts: 5368

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Great, I really can't wait to see what happens next, (although him getting shot with the drug is obvious) I enjoy the way you set it up. I find when I write, I often will repeat words, giving it some sort of style where you can most certainly tell it's me. This however is like listening to a song, except there's so much suspense. I haven't been into a suspenseful story like this in a while.




#30 2009-02-03 21:28:13

Registered: 2009-02-02
Posts: 1851

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Are we going to have to wait in suspense like before?



#31 2009-02-04 00:37:29

Registered: 2006-05-09
Posts: 11300

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Awe, you guys are really *tear* making me *sniffle* emotional here smile *Hugs*
Thank you, guys :') And I'll post more tommorrow. I just hate to overload you guys with so much story.

I'm an aspiring bodybuilder! smile
"Be yourself to be free." - The Unseen



#32 2009-02-04 18:10:19

P.h.e.o.e.n.e.x Operative
From: Texas....Howdy Lycanthropes
Registered: 2009-01-10
Posts: 3085

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Oooohhhhh He Gets Shot With The Drug!!! But What Does It Do?

All Ur Base R Belong 2 Us come quietly and your eyebrows will not be burned off....that would not be pleasant would it?

Im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! (For real this time) With 30% more TS 30% more DX 60% more weapons and 99% more evilness and destruction!!



#33 2009-02-05 00:18:37

Registered: 2006-05-09
Posts: 11300

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

You shall see wink

        Crowell looked certain he had won. His blue eyes were brimming with satisfaction. He appeared to no longer have taken notice of the deep gash on his lip, which was now beginning to scab over.
Alex felt a flicker of anger as he peered at the hateful man, locking his gaze. It was an uncontrollable anger that began to flare like a raging inferno and obscure all rational thoughts. It was like a shroud of suffocating gas that engulfed him, working its way through every crevice of his body until a new determination swelled within him.
In a sudden thrust of his hands, Alex lunged towards Crowell. Only the restraints prevented him from launching himself at Crowell. Crowell merely smiled in contentment, his smooth face twisted with glee. The soldiers; however, stirred, and their fingers itched towards the trigger at the sudden movement.
       Alex reluctantly ceased his struggles. He wanted to strangle Crowell and watch as the life smothered from those horrid icy eyes. But the serrated shackles began to bite menacingly into his wrists, throbbing and ebbed with blood.
Bile manifested in Alex’s chest as Crowell’s smooth laughter sliced through the air like a razor through flesh. The haze of fury was kept at bay by the painful shackles gnawing at his wrists.
       As Alex continued to glare menacingly at Crowell, the female doctor interjected. “We’re ready, Mr. Crowell,” she replied, startling Crowell from his satisfied musings.
       Crowell glanced at Alex before he made his ultimate decision. His cruel eyes were boring into Alex – feeding off of his fear. With his head slightly inclined, he glared at Alex over his hooked nose to study him further. Or perhaps torture him more.
          Alex stiffened and felt tears of panic prickle his eyes. His aggressive façade dissipate as his heart thrummed wildly in his chest. “Please don’t do this,” he pleaded, this being his last endeavour to save himself.  He prayed that Crowell would find remorse, and Alex continued to stare at Crowell through his tears.
           Crowell’s face was neutral and his gaze refused to falter. Alex was uncertain whether he was pondering on the decision, but he felt his stomach lurch when Crowell’s lips twisted into a cold smile and his eyes remained remorseless, peering at him like two blocks of ice.
His decision had been reached.
         â€œBegin the procedure,” Crowell muttered and stroked his chin with light amusement.
          Alex’s heart continued to soar until he felt as though it would tear through his chest. “No,” he proclaimed with rigid fear, “you can’t do this!” He shrieked his refusal as a stainless steel trolley was wheeled beside him, wielding an ominous-looking syringe filled with the colourless solution.
          The female doctor approached Alex and grasped his arm in her gloved hand. Alex recoiled from her grip, tearing away. He would keep writhing to ensure the needle didn’t touch his skin. He refused to die in such a manner – to wait for the needle to pierce his flesh. This would be his last attempt of defiance.
           Instead, a soldier grasped his forearm tightly, pinning it against the arm of the chair, and his fingers creating bruises. “Sit still,” he growled threateningly, “you wouldn’t want the needle to break off in your skin.” He scoffed with near sarcasm. 
           Alex ceased his struggle and the realization that he was completely defeated swelled through him and he relented his arm to the doctor. The female doctor grasped his arm and began sterilizing it with a cotton ball. The alcohol was cool against his hot, sweaty skin, and he could almost feel the pain of the needle about to enter his arm.
            He peered into the doctor’s eyes with silent pleading, but she did not return the glance. She kept her eyes downcast with a sombre expression as she collected the need from the table to Alex’s right. 
    Alex’s stomach was churning like a riptide and closing his eyes was all he could do to brace himself. The reality of death was imminent and he could do nothing to prevent it. It was inevitable. His fate was sealed and everybody within the room knew it. There would be no escape, as the soldiers guarded the doors with massive rifles. ‘It’s hopeless,’ he choked back the sobs, ‘I’m going to die. But I want to live! I don’t deserve this!’
    Hot tears prickled his eyes once more and cascaded down his cheeks. His face was contorted in anguish as he kept his eyes closed. He could not glance at the quivering needle as the doctor brought it closer to his tender forearm. He could only grit his teeth together and hope the pain of death would not be present. He knew it was asking for too much.
    Everyone within the room held their breath as the needle grazed his flesh tauntingly, the massive protrusion finally entering his skin. With a small stab of pain, Alex felt the needle snake through his skin, deep into his bicep muscle and an intense pressure as the hypodermic needle expelled its contents into his body.
    Finally, the needle withdrew from his arm and the female doctor shrugged away from Alex, her dark brows furrowed and all eyes within the room glancing his way.
    Alex refused to open his eyes, for he did not want to watch his world consume with darkness. He clenched his fists white-knuckled, the bones jutting from his skin. He kept his breath constricted; awaiting the pain he knew was coming.

I'm an aspiring bodybuilder! smile
"Be yourself to be free." - The Unseen



#34 2009-02-09 20:59:17

Registered: 2006-05-09
Posts: 11300

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Besides the dull buzzing in his ears, he heard or felt nothing. Was he already dead? So quickly? He pondered. But as eyelids opened and he saw Crowell’s eager face, he knew he was still alive.
     As minutes passed, Alex felt nothing and Crowell’s brows knitted in discontentment. He crossed his arms, his patience wearing thin.
    Hope was impending and he knew there was a possibility of an ineffective drug. He would have experienced relief if not at that moment a miniscule prickle of pain rippled from the injection point.
    He winced and Crowell’s impatient expression flared with enthusiasm. His eyes were now transfixed on Alex, eager once more like a hyena circling a pride of feasting lions.
    Though Alex thought little of the pain, only as a delayed reaction to the needle prick, a searing sensation quivered through his flesh. The sensation he experienced was indescribable as the burning snaked up his arm and extended outward – like white hot worms traveling beneath his skin.
    Alex groaned and grasped the steel armchair, his eyes averting to the small speck of blood where the needle had entered his arm. His gut twisted. A scarlet blemish broke out along his arm, engulfing it and disappearing beneath his shirt. The veins in his arm were a deep purple, branching off in vein-like strands.
    This wasn’t normal.
    Horror engulfed him as the burning intensified, as though a corrosive substance was eating away at his flesh and nothing in the world could ease it. The pain rocketed through his shoulder, pluming outward like a festering infection. The agony ripped through his chest, constricting Alex’s breath and he groaned in a feeble attempt to expel the pain.
    The fear dissipated as the pain consumed him like a tidal wave. His heart began beating sporadically in his chest and he could feel it drumming against his ribcage.
    When Alex thought the agony could get no worse, it tore through his body with relentless force, making every muscle burn with exhaustion and every bone ache with an explosion of pain.     He could contain it no longer as his pale features contorted with anguish and a scream issued from his trembling lips. He could not see the terror-stricken doctors or Crowell’s apprehensive gaze. He could only see a blur of colour from the world around him. His vision was invaded with explosions of stars with each ripple of pain.
    His chest pained him the most. His heart felt as though it would rupture in his chest and his lungs failed to inhale any oxygen. His quivering hands stressed against the bonds to clutch feebly at his searing chest, to somehow ease the pain. Nothing but the sweet release of death could relinquish him from this nightmare. And now, as his throat issued his cries, he almost prayed for the darkness to consume him.
    But his body had other plans. As the pain reached its climax, Alex strained against the constraints to hold himself, and he heard the distant shriek of metal as the shackles gave way. The chains shattered beneath the force and Alex finally crumpled to his knees, yowling as he clutched his left breast. He drew his knees to his chest and flexed his fingers until he was sure the bones would protrude from the skin. Another savage pain rippled through his stomach and he felt the vertebrae twist and the muscles scream in protest.
    Alex slammed his eyes shut, tears rolling down his sweat-accrued face as he clutched at his torso. Not even his cries could drown the pain.
    The doctors began to stir with unease, their eyes flashing with concern. They mumbled amongst each other, unaccustomed to such torture. “This isn’t like the other tests,” the female replied distantly, “we have to help him.”
    Crowell remained in a transfixed stupor, maintaining his unfaltering gazed on Alex and an amused expression on his face. “Leave him,” he crooned firmly, yet engrossed by the very sight in front of him.
    No one moved besides the writhing and moaning boy on the floor. The doctors dared not aid the dying boy – not until Crowell was satisfied with the results.
    Alex clenched his teeth together, his body quaking from the pain. He issued on last garbled cry as a final pain shot through his body. When he could take no more, Alex surrendered to his inevitable fate and welcomed the sinister darkness that consumed him, only wishing it had come sooner.

I'm an aspiring bodybuilder! smile
"Be yourself to be free." - The Unseen



#35 2009-02-11 00:03:13

P.h.e.o.e.n.e.x Operative
From: Texas....Howdy Lycanthropes
Registered: 2009-01-10
Posts: 3085

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Oooh I Think I Know What Happens!

All Ur Base R Belong 2 Us come quietly and your eyebrows will not be burned off....that would not be pleasant would it?

Im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! (For real this time) With 30% more TS 30% more DX 60% more weapons and 99% more evilness and destruction!!



#36 2009-02-11 19:08:25

Literary Lycanthrope
From: My Desk. Duh.
Registered: 2007-09-04
Posts: 2006

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Just Caught up.  Absolutely Astounding.
   For those not in the know, I just gave Punx an AA rating. Ha.

  The amount of descriptive language is thick yet consistent, and interwoven through the desperate acts of Alex and the vicious, sociopathic tyranny of Crowell. The story is only more flavourful from the mixture. I don't know if you can tell the difference in this revision as compared to the original draft, but the story is greatly developed and matured along with the development of the characters.

  You've outdone yourself, Punx.

  I did find a few "What the - how did that get in there / not get in there?!" points, but they can be easily addressed when you're ready for proofreading.

  Unlike reading a book a second time or watching a favourite movie again, this story is a greatly improved version of the first draft, and I for one am seriously enjoying this story for the first time all over again (if that makes sense).

  Superb job, Punx! Keep it coming!

To thy known wolf be true...

"Yay! We're Doomed!"  -- Gir



#37 2009-02-11 19:24:04

Registered: 2009-02-02
Posts: 1851

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

I still have to start it. sad I'm afraid of the tension. If I don't I would be sitting here for 2 days trying to read it all like last time. big_smile



#38 2009-02-11 23:02:06

Registered: 2006-05-09
Posts: 11300

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Aweee, thank you all very much smile And Grayle, welcome back! *Glomps* smile
Thanks for pointing that out. I don't catch those ones very well smile And this is the final revision, so please tell me if you find something out of place in the storyline itself as well smile Thanks!!!

And Clint, thanks a ton! I'm glad you like it smile
I'll post more tomorrow smile

I'm an aspiring bodybuilder! smile
"Be yourself to be free." - The Unseen



#39 2009-02-12 16:08:08

P.h.e.o.e.n.e.x Operative
From: Texas....Howdy Lycanthropes
Registered: 2009-01-10
Posts: 3085

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Grayle You Sound Like A Book Reviewer

All Ur Base R Belong 2 Us come quietly and your eyebrows will not be burned off....that would not be pleasant would it?

Im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! (For real this time) With 30% more TS 30% more DX 60% more weapons and 99% more evilness and destruction!!



#40 2009-02-12 22:07:45

Registered: 2006-05-09
Posts: 11300

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Oh yes, he's the best of the best, I tell ya'! That's why, if you ever want something proof read the right way, no one better than Grayle.

I'm an aspiring bodybuilder! smile
"Be yourself to be free." - The Unseen



#41 2009-02-15 23:01:13

Registered: 2006-05-09
Posts: 11300

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

I suppose I should post more hmm
Chapter 4
Crowell sustained his bemused gaze on Alex, watching as the boy’s rigid, quivering body eased and his pallid face relaxed. Only then did he break his stare to glance at the gawking doctors.
“Are you insane?” The female doctor enquired with fierce exasperation. “We have to help the boy. What if he’s dying?” Her face held the utmost contempt and only her fear of Crowell kept her at bay.
Unhindered by her anger, Crowell muttered, “He’s already dead,” his expression cool and collected. His curious eyes darted to the shackles and satisfaction swelled in his chest. ‘I did it!’ He admired his cleverness and smiled. ‘To create such a drug…I’ll be in the books for this one!’ His thoughts trailed off as he considered the potency of the Codoxin drug.
‘I’ll be the most successful and famous scientist in the world.’ The deliberation tore him away from his recent miseries and anguish. At that moment he felt truly happy – something he hadn’t felt in over ten years.
The group of doctors gazed at Crowell with horror and revulsion, but Crowell didn’t care. He made the drug work. He turned away from the motionless heap and faced his flabbergasted scientists and a wide grin stretched on his face.
“It worked. Now all you have to do is find a way to keep our patients alive.” His eyes flickered to every doctor as he turned away, heading towards the door. “I’ll give you as long as you need and any necessary funds, so long as you ensure the drug will be safe for human testing.”
The doctors did nothing but stand in a stupor, their faces flushed with colour.
Crowell advised his guards, “dispose of the body. Make it look like an accident,” he replied coolly as he began to exit. ‘I’d rather deal with a dead child than the monstrosity he might’ve become.’
As if confirming his worst deduction, he heard faint shuffling issuing from behind him. He revolved to face the boy as he stirred from the ground. He groaned and his eyelids began to flutter feebly. Alex lifted his head, a smear of blood on his cheek and a quizzical expression on his face.
“shite,” Crowell hissed.
Alex’s green eyes fluttered open. The world surrounding him was hazy and for a brief moment all he could hear was the ceaseless ringing in his ears. Murmuring finally broke through the mental barrier in his mind. The voices seemed distant and incomprehensible, as though a long forgotten memory that sprang from his mind.
He tried to swallow, but his throat was parched and his saliva was thick on his tongue. His throat was raw, but from what, he could not remember.
He had his cheek pressed against the cool cement floor, which eased the blazing hot skin. His limbs were oddly askew, and his head throbbed, as with the rest of his body. He might have presumed he had collided with a speeding semi if it wasn’t for the dark, looming figure that stood in front of him.
As he blinked numerous times to rid of the haze, he saw Crowell standing there, like a looming figure of death. Crowell’s face was riddled with indecision and irritation, his face beginning to redden with the indication of anger.
The four scientists were huddled in a group, their concerned gazes sweeping over Alex’s body. They appeared to want to approach him and console him, but none dared to – not with Crowell so near.
    Despite the weakness that flushed Alex’s body, he lifted his head, his shaking arms about to give way from the swimming walls and dots of darkness blotting his vision. Though he doubted he had enough strength to sit up, much less stand, sheer determination prompted him to his feet.
    Groaning and trembling, Alex heaved himself to his feet. Blood rushed to his skull and his knees buckled as he struggled against gravity to stay erect. With his teeth clenched to ease the swaying of the floor, Alex took a step forward.
    His muscles screamed and protest and a wave of dizziness engulfed him. He almost felt his legs gave way; nonetheless, his desperation to leave prompted him to remain erect.
    He wanted to forget this nightmare occurred and more than anything else, he wanted to get the hell out of the building, away from Crowell, as far as he could. He knew the feat would prove difficult.
    His exhausted glance settled on Crowell and he glared at him with as much repulsion as he could. His eyes smouldered into Crowell’s, but Crowell’s expression remained disillusioned – torn.
    How long would it be before the drug killed him? ‘Will Crowell keep testing on me? Will he keep me locked away so I don’t tell anyone? Or will he kill me?’ The notions flitted through his mind and he knew he no longer cared. He would fight as much as he could, but he knew that would do little for him now.
    An aging, balding scientist broke away from the congregation, his eager voice perforating the stunned silence. “It worked,” he piped and approached Alex, who warily withdrew. “We’ll need to observe him for a few days to examine the effects of the drug, of course,” he mused aloud, gazing at Crowell through his heavy-lidded eyes.
    Alex’s mind was still trying to grasp all that had happened. Like a rusted gear, his mind began to place things together and he stood defiantly, shaking his head. “I won’t let you. I’ve done what I promised. You can’t keep me here…” his voice broke off and he wiped the sweat from his forehead.
    Although he was too weak to successfully fight off several grown men, he’d try. He would no longer allow them to keep him captive.
    The scientist argued. “You have no choice…” but he was interrupted by Crowell’s solemn voice.
    “Let him leave. He’s no longer relevant to our research.” He stared at Alex and for a flicker of time; Alex thought he saw a flash of sympathy in his eyes. But realizing his mistake, Crowell’s expression hardened, “he’s one of them.” He said the last word as though it were poison on his tongue.

I'm an aspiring bodybuilder! smile
"Be yourself to be free." - The Unseen



#42 2009-02-15 23:44:36

P.h.e.o.e.n.e.x Operative
From: Texas....Howdy Lycanthropes
Registered: 2009-01-10
Posts: 3085

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)


All Ur Base R Belong 2 Us come quietly and your eyebrows will not be burned off....that would not be pleasant would it?

Im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! (For real this time) With 30% more TS 30% more DX 60% more weapons and 99% more evilness and destruction!!



#43 2009-02-16 13:57:23

Literary Lycanthrope
From: My Desk. Duh.
Registered: 2007-09-04
Posts: 2006

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Very nice, Punx!

  If I'm reading this right, Crowell is planing on having the drug produce a deadly side effect to individuals with a certain genetic makeup, but provide long-lasting positive effects for normal humans; am I correct? If so, considering the animosity and prejudice Crowell later shows toward 'them', I find it difficult that he would simply let Alex go - especially if the intended side effect didn't work as planned after all.
  Then again, since this is several years in the beginning of the story, perhaps Crowell's prejudice became cancerous over time and since the side effect didn't work as planned, there was no need to make a big deal out of his secret intentions - ones that apparently even the doctors don't know about. If that is your aim, I like it - intending the drug to 'fail' on Alex by killing him is cold, dark, and inhuman - just what we might expect from Crowell.

  Your descriptive language was as enjoyable as ever, and I didn't find any anomalies glaring out for notice, either.
  Well Done, Punx! Keep it coming!

To thy known wolf be true...

"Yay! We're Doomed!"  -- Gir



#44 2009-02-16 21:55:23

Registered: 2006-05-09
Posts: 11300

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Thanks, Grayle. I see what you mean. Erm, what happens is; the way he intended the drug to be is to provide superhuman powers to the host, but not the physical transformation. It's for military purposes. Anywho, the drug's first trial (this one) on Alex and....oh...I just noted an inconsistency. Wow, thanks, Grayle. I hadn't thought of it earlier. Sheesh, what would I do without you?

I'm an aspiring bodybuilder! smile
"Be yourself to be free." - The Unseen



#45 2009-02-19 02:36:15

Registered: 2006-05-09
Posts: 11300

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Okay, so in that scene, to make up for that fault, I'm going to make it visibly apparent to Crowell and others in the room that Alex is, in fact, one of them. Whether it be in the colour of his eyes or what not. Thanks, Grayle. I might never have spotted that.

The doctor appeared ready to argue further, but Crowell revolved to face him with his piercing gaze.
    The scientist fell silent and melted into the group of other awed scientists. Never before had they heard such merciful words from Crowell, a seemingly cold, heartless man. It left them in stunned silence.
    Alex, still glaring at Crowell, began to shuffle toward the exit, but Crowell’s hand shot out and blocked the doorway.
    The hard, icy expression seeped back into his demeanour as he spoke. “If you tell anyone about what took place today or do anything to jeopardize my company, I will kill you. You won’t be so lucky next time.” He issued each word with potent venom, sending a chill up Alex’s spine.
    Alex could only nod his weary head, keeping his eyes averted to the ground as the hand pulled away and Alex stepped through the doorway.
    As he sauntered to the elevator, surprised his own feet didn’t trip him, he could feel those blazing eyes following him until the metal doors clamped shut and he descended to safety.
    Never again, he assured himself, would he allow himself to fall into such a predicament. He would make what he could with his new life – that is if the drug didn’t kill him first.
    Moments later, Alex exited the grand, but sinister building, with terrifying images reeling though his mind. The whole situation only seemed like some horrid nightmare, and he was sure that soon he would rouse from his slumber and realize this was some horrible dream.
    But as he gazed down at his arm, he felt the tickling pinprick seize his attention. The area surrounding it was still feverishly red, but the majority of the pain had subsided. All that remained was the pestering weakness and aching that radiated through his body.
    He took little heed to the swarming crowds of bustling people pressing in from all around him. Nor did he pay any attention to the scorching sun that loomed overhead – the afternoon heat sweltering through the shuffling masses.
    He only focused on the previous events as he reached the bus stop. He combed his fingers through his short dark hair and felt nothing but the matted blood in his hair. He felt not the laceration that had been there less than an hour ago. He knew it had been deep, but now it was little more that a smooth canvas of skin.
    Perplexed, Alex continued to ponder. ‘Maybe it was the drug! Perhaps it worked!’ The consideration made his mind reel.
    However, as he continued to feel the throbbing in his bones and muscles, he wondered. ‘Will the drug kill me? Will it maim me?’ He pondered the events before him and found himself further confused.
    He remembered the words Crowell had spoken with great lucidity. What had he meant by “them?” The consideration was thought-provoking and perturbing. The more he pondered, the more he began to question its meaning.
    When he had roused from his unconsciousness, he remembered the expression on Crowell’s face. It was disappointment and a deep repulsion he could not fathom. But if Crowell had such hate for ‘them’ then why did he bother to spare Alex?
Frustrated and finding no answer, Alex focused on the next dilemma, hoping this one would be easier to answer. ‘Should I go to the police?’ He contemplated. ‘No, they’ll never believe me. What if Crowell tries to kill me?’
       At that moment, he knew the answer. He could tell no one, for if Crowell found out, he would kill him. He would show him no mercy this time. He knew because of the blazing, hard gleam in Crowell’s eyes as he spoke those dangerous words.
            The consideration left a hollow pit in Alex’s stomach and he boarded the bus homeward bound. He would gather his strength, mill through certain notions and begin anew with his life. Though he rarely believed in fate, he knew he had been given a second chance to correct what mistakes he had made – to force the anger into the deep recesses of his mind. It was his only opportunity and he knew he could not waste it.
He would leave his old life behind – everything he knew. For reasons unknown to him, he did not fear the future; instead, he looked forward to it. He no longer wanted to live amongst the shambles of a ruined life, with an Uncle that cared little of his existence.
      He wanted out.
      With a renewed determination, Alex was prepared to face was obstacles that lie ahead and get as far away from Crowell as he could.

I'm an aspiring bodybuilder! smile
"Be yourself to be free." - The Unseen



#46 2009-02-19 14:41:31

Literary Lycanthrope
From: My Desk. Duh.
Registered: 2007-09-04
Posts: 2006

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Superb continuation, Punx!

  I really appreciated the explanations and logical conclusions that Alex derived during his musings. I also appreciated the questions that remained with him. The descriptions of the heat and the healing were like icing on the cake. Very well done!

  Again, no technical anomalies stood out, but that's pretty much what we've come to expect from your writing.

  As to what you'd do without me, I humbly submit the probability of an increase in your painting and sketches, so I don't really see any detriment if I wasn't here..

  Terrific job, Punx! Keep it coming!

Last edited by Grayle (2009-02-19 14:44:44)

To thy known wolf be true...

"Yay! We're Doomed!"  -- Gir



#47 2009-03-02 11:18:00

Registered: 2006-05-09
Posts: 11300

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Hmmm, should I continue?

I'm an aspiring bodybuilder! smile
"Be yourself to be free." - The Unseen



#48 2009-03-02 16:18:41

From: from the very depths of
Registered: 2008-09-25
Posts: 51

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Are you kidding? Yes yes!



#49 2009-03-02 21:26:51

Registered: 2006-05-09
Posts: 11300

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

Okay big_smile I was just making sure. I was going to take it off just in case some one stole it 'cause my family keeps urging me to publish it.

I'm an aspiring bodybuilder! smile
"Be yourself to be free." - The Unseen



#50 2009-03-04 11:21:17

Literary Lycanthrope
From: My Desk. Duh.
Registered: 2007-09-04
Posts: 2006

Re: Werewolf in the Shadows (revised)

I would say continue, Punx - keep in mind that In the Werewolf Cafe, most only look; they save their comments for the personal forums, I think. Even so, they're reading it - at least I know I am.
If you are interested in more feedback with high quality, in-depth comments, I may have found an alternative or two. Let me know if you're interested. Even so, I encourage you to continue.

To thy known wolf be true...

"Yay! We're Doomed!"  -- Gir



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