Reptile, your concept of amusement--making snide, content-light responses to week-old posts--strikes me as an elaborate form of tedium and a waste of energy, but you're welcome to keep yammering on for all those merciless folks demanding for your soul to be bared.
As for the trailer, it struck me as mediocre, but the only way to judge a series is to actually watch an episode, and that is what I will do. If it were a hard and fast rule that the quality of a trailer equaled that of the actual film or show, then casting judgment really would be as easy as you think. And yes, I'll trust the judgment of someone who actually watched an episode, or a substantial part of it, over that of someone who watched a minute-long trailer. That logic should be easy enough to grasp.
Last edited by blackjack60 (2010-11-23 00:58:12)
well, for those who have slight intrigue and for those who want to start counting down til the next big travesty hits the werewolf world, teen wolf has gotten an official premiere date of June 5 after the MTV movie awards.
Three minute trailer is now up here: … ive-video/
Looks much better than the earlier trailer too.
Kind of wondering why they even bother calling it Teen Wolf.
yea they shouldn't even bother using the name teen wolf. i get the promotional angle of it, but really beyond calling the main character scott and his friend stiles, it's got nothing to do with the movie.
but I'm not a crazy fan of the movie anyway so I won't hold it against the show. I'll be watching to see how it is. the story and mythos they are working on still intrigues me so I want to see how it plays out
Viergacht wrote:
Kind of wondering why they even bother calling it Teen Wolf.
Because the main character is a teen (with a best friend named Stiles) who becomes a werewolf and suddenly becomes popular and good at sports. That's the core concept of Teen Wolf the film, and that's why the show is called the same thing.
blackjack60 wrote:
Viergacht wrote:
Kind of wondering why they even bother calling it Teen Wolf.
Because the main character is a teen (with a best friend named Stiles) who becomes a werewolf and suddenly becomes popular and good at sports. That's the core concept of Teen Wolf the film, and that's why the show is called the same thing.
By the same token, you could call Cursed "Teen Wolf". They even had the same sport as the second movie, wrestling. Seriously, if you're going to change absolutely everything about the it, it's not the same thing.
Viergacht wrote:
By the same token, you could call Cursed "Teen Wolf". They even had the same sport as the second movie, wrestling. Seriously, if you're going to change absolutely everything about the it, it's not the same thing.
And Cursed was quite obviously influenced by Teen Wolf. But unlike the latter, the male character's story wasn't the central one, whereas in both versions of Teen Wolf the young male's is. How can once change absolutely everything about Teen Wolf if one has still kept the core concept? It's about a loser in high school who becomes popular and good at sports after becoming a werewolf. The real differences are in tone (camp versus Buffy/Lost Boys feel) and some plot differences (lycanthropy being inherited versus transmitted). And was anyone really clamoring for a slavish remake of the film anyway?
Teenwolf - June 5 - MTV
I just watched the trailer for the Teen Wolf by MTV and it looks epic. I really want to see it when it comes out.
New videos : … 03697.html
aahh hahha I saw this when I got home for school!!! It looked better when I watched it the first time.
chips493 wrote:
New videos : … 03697.html
The scene where Scott changes when they're in the bus alone was intense and kind of scary.
The first 8 minutes of the series premiere : … id=1664859
Im pretty stoked for this, for an MTV show, it looks awesome!
all the previews have made it look downright interesting. I'm still not allowing my hopes to go too high because it IS mtv after all, but then a lot of networks used to have bad reputations until that first actually good series, so I'm not closing my mind to the fact that mtv might have something going for it this time
so what do you guys think of the show ?
The first episode is mostly set-up, and though solid it's a bit formulaic. The second is quite a bit better, with much genuine suspense, humor, and switchback plotting. If it's an indication of how the rest of the series will be, then we're in good hands--or paws.
ya i like the alison character i wundering if she will become a werewolf later in the show or somthing like that ?
The first two episodes leave a lot be revealed IMO. Have to wait and see as the storyline build. A few too many commercials may be an understatement.
it's pretty decent. I enjoy the mystery they got going with what seems like 3 types of werewolves. I know that was the premise, but I was surprised, and kinda pleased, all 3 versions seem to be coming up in play early on. Sometimes I find the actor playing scott a bit off when he's acting angry, but I guess I can chalk that up to the character itself never having dealt with these kind of emotions before, so maybe it's natural it comes over kinda weird. I'm actually enjoying Stiles the most from an acting standpoint. He got a chuckle or two out of me. I'm also glad that, so far, they're not going overboard on the twilight and vampire diaries romance aspects they have. I know this is building up to that kind of tragic love story of a human and a monster, but hopefully it gets balanced out with the suspense of what the bigger picture is. So far I see no reason not to watch.
I do agree with the above reply though on commercials. Seems to be more than your usual tv show has, although i never kept track of how many minutes of show we got. Was it around 41-43 minutes like the average?
I think so.
It's pretty blah, but since I'm not a 14 year old girl I'm probably not the audience they're aiming for.
Same. I like the glowing eyes? And the half girl in the pilot was pretty gory!
There's a second eppy out?
first ep aired sunday night. second ep aired monday night. normal time slot is mondays at 10pm
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