Hee, multicolored princess of power TF's ... *giggle*
A smooth shift could have been done I think - even while running, done in a morphy kind of way - rather than the hugely pained, bone cracking, slow stretching twisting used in AWIL. (which was of course, perfect for that movie, and the best tf I've ever seen, yadda yadda) I've yet to see a movie pull that off properly.
WolfMontana wrote:
alphanubilus wrote:
Pixie rainbow skittles wolves? Sorry... eh... Taste the rainbow...
*gasps for breath*
oooh my god, that was brilliant
I guess I won't be seeing this then.
I'll just read the book..
I rented it the other day. I didn't think it was that bad. It was better than I thought it would be but I didn't really have high expectations for it anyways.
The book is way better.
i havent read the book or seen the film yet...apparently the transformation is holy like and not a painstaking process like it should be!??!
Well, I don't think it has to be painful to be more real, but going for the full rainbow aura effect and *poof* you're a wolf is a bit much
lol.. yeah all a bit to 'romantic fairytale' for my liking i think..lol! still i'll have to keep an eye out for it..proof is in the pudding and all!
Watched it yesterday, it was o.k., I am glad I saw it, not a groundbreaking film by any means, but an interesting story, the transformations were kind of...eh. I think the accents were all way off in the film though for people in the same family. I would rate it as average, nice storyline though. It has a set-up where there could be a part 2 someday, wonder if there will ever be one?
To coin a phrase in this forum "taste the rainbow."
I really enjoyed the movie, it was a very unique movie and it shifted perspectives of the werewolves. However, I did find it a bit boring in the beginning.
This has nothing to do with the topic, but are you a Casualties fan?
I have some of their CDs.
Just saw this movie Since I've not read the book, I had nothing to stack it up against, save werewolf movies I've already seen. It was actually pretty enjoyable. I loved the run in the hunts, that certainly got me going. The love story gets very fluffy at times, but overall, I liked the movie.
It was better than Cursed. This makes me freaking happy. Lets see more werewolf stuff movie peoples! And I think this is aiming in the right direction - it covered the passion, the need to run and be free, a pack mentality of sorts, and while the transformations were kinda new agey, they explained this at the very beginning with the visit in the church. I liked that at least. The wolves were beautiful too, and it's hard to russle up wolves!
Loved it when the wolf ate it's way ... SPOILERthroughtheconfessionboxSPOILER ... that was hilarious
*one clawed thumb up*
You should check out the book. It actually seems less "young adulty" than the movie.
I have the book actually, just haven't gotten to it yet. I will now though. Probably good that I've seen the movie first, so I can pretty much think of it as a completely different entity, instead of having a bunch of hopes tied up in it.
Monty, you totally need to read the book. I really liked the book.
The movie was okay. If I found a cheap copy somewhere or someone bought it for me as a gift I wouldn't complain. I just got done watching it on Pay Per View, lol.
I knew when I first heard about the movie that it wouldn't take place in America like in the book, but the geography of the film threw me off a bit. Almost everyone that had an accent sounded French to me and they weren't in freaking France. Although it's probably me being retarded with accents
I was annoyed that it didn't follow the book and I was annoyed at the ending. And them hunting people. And the transformation scenes. It was a little too pretty for me. Like, fairy magic pretty. I guess the director was trying to convey that shifting is a beautiful thing *shrugs*
Other than that, it was a nice little film.
If physical transformations were possible...
I really hope they wouldn't be...jumping through rainbows.
"Look at meeee! I'm a pwetty ball of light!!!" *leaps like a broadway CATS performer into a rainbow*
yeah, i never saw it, but rumour has it that it wasn't all that much like the book, especially the ending. is this true?
The ending's totally different, which kinda bothered me. And the rest of the movie's story line didn't match up too well. It had the basic plot of the book: Vi is supposed to get married to the leader of her pack, there's that small trouble causing group within her pack, and she falls in love with the "meat boy", which upsets some of the pack members.
hmmm... yeah, i doubt that i'll see it. unless, of course, i don't have to spend any money to do so.
It's just irritating that it didn't follow the book as closely as it could have. But if you can see it for free go for it. It's not of those "that's an hour and a half of my life I'll never get back" shows, lol.
nachoboy wrote:
yeah, i never saw it, but rumour has it that it wasn't all that much like the book, especially the ending. is this true?
It's kinda like "The Howling" in that respect. The first movie was different enough from the book that when sequel 4 came around they did a more faithful adaption. They could change the character names and adapt the book more closely for a sequel if they wanted and people would consider just a variation on the theme.
That said, I thought it was an okay movie (tho that's probably no surprise with me, right Mark?) and the friend with me said she'd likely get the DVD when it came out.
I'll end up with the DVD as soon as the whole annoying little "money" thing settles down.
Might've helped that I read the book after seeing the film.
Same. And while the glowy aura transformations were definitely more new agey than they needed to be, they didn't bug me that much. And like I said, they were explained - the wolf church in the beginning? And Aiden... whatever his name was, mentioned something about the loup garou being blessed, and having a special role to fill. *shrugs*
I downloaded the movie just about a week... but I didn't like it because she betrayed her pack and everything she knew in the name of a love that could not be... she could not reproduce with a human being... I just don't know.... but I love the first hunt they showed of all the pack hunting a human in the forest...
I just cant...bring myself to see this movie. I read the book 2x, and that's all I need. I say this because from all I've seen and heard, I will not like what they've done to it in movie form.