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#1 2011-11-13 20:42:55

From: Somewhere in Tennessee
Registered: 2008-11-28
Posts: 556

Before you ask...

I come on and check The Werewolf Cafe forums every so often, and every time I do I see a new post of somebody asking if they are a werewolf, or if they are a therian. I ponder on it every so often, how many of those are trolls, how many are the same people asking the same question, how many wannabes and how many really are. What I'm about to say probably won't get any attention, probably won't stop anybody from asking but I feel like I must say this.

To learn for yourself if you are or are not a therian, you must meditate and spend time with yourself, get to know yourself, and get to know the true you. Is the true you a therian? Really, only you can answer that. You can have people saying yes yes you are, or no no you aren't, but in the end, you are the only one who can answer that question. Does the animal live within you? Only time, and getting to know yourself can tell. I've went through a number of changes in personality, viewpoints, and even went through doubts. All of that has taught me one thing, in the end you are the only one who knows you the best. It's fine to ask for help and for information but do so knowing that while you can be fed information upon information in the end its all upon you.

Last edited by WerewolfLeaAnn (2011-11-13 20:44:55)

"I feel the Change, back to a better day, the hair stands on the back of my neck, wildness is the preservation of the world, so seek the wolf in thyself!"- Metallica, "of wolf and man"



#2 2011-11-13 22:08:21

From: Southern California
Registered: 2011-03-09
Posts: 63

Re: Before you ask...

*nodding in agreement* well said WerewolfLeaAnn, well said indeed

any one could trip over something else, but it takes skill to trip over your own feet.



#3 2011-11-14 00:06:14

From: Hales Corners, WI
Registered: 2011-09-17
Posts: 239

Re: Before you ask...

Aye, she speaks the truth.

"I will not bow, I will not brake"~Breaking Benjamin
"We are luminous beings, not this crude matter"~Master Yoda
"Trust not your eyes, they deceive you"~Master Obi-Wan Kenobi



#4 2011-11-14 00:28:55

From: Indiana
Registered: 2011-11-09
Posts: 43

Re: Before you ask...

I'm agreeing, but I'm also adding that you can also find out by living vicariously through close friends and/or a mate.

"The forces of Winter reign, in dreadful way, there's no escape."



#5 2011-11-15 08:53:47

Fenris Lupa
Dog Soldier
From: South of Chicago
Registered: 2009-08-12
Posts: 96

Re: Before you ask...

Yep...right on the nose!  When I became aware it was about 23yrs ago...and the internet had not been invented I had to dig at the library through the little section they had on us.  And the rest I had to go through alone...being an out cast at school...being a vamp or Wolf wasn't  "cool" back then like it is now thanks to twilight....

But I think having to awaken and discover my Wolf like I did....i believe is the correct way to do it...not asking ppl..."am I a Wolf?" or "can you turn me?"


Just think this....what would you do if there were no forums to ask....or even the internet at all.....

How would you go about discovering if you're Wolf or not?

Never do anything as a wolf you wouldn't do as a man...if you have a good'll be a good dog....



#6 2011-11-15 18:48:41

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Before you ask...

I knew I was a Werewolf in 1972 - there was no Internet then. Now, what I didn't know was whether there was any others like me or not. Later I found that some of my close friends from that period - we were drawn together because they were also Were - but we didn't know that then. I believe that the best way to enter the Were community is actually to enter the Were community - via established gatherings such as Howls and such - of course, most find out about those on the Internet. But I believe we would find a way even if it were not for the Internet.

After all, people found others like themselves for thousands of years before the Internet came along.



#7 2011-11-15 19:43:17

Token British Wolf
From: England, United Kingdom
Registered: 2008-12-15
Posts: 738

Re: Before you ask...

I knew I had an 'inner animal' side, and that it was a reflection of my true self, years before I knew there was a name for it in the form of therianthropy. When I heard about therianthropy it was very much a eureka moment and I was so glad to know I wasn't alone.

I'm inclined to think anyone without my sort of story probably isn't a therian. Maybe that's slightly egocentric, but I feel that therianthropy should explain your inner feelings - if you need to mould your inner feelings to fit therianthropy, you're not a therian.

Otherwise, I agree with everything ITT.

Disclaimer: I am actually female.



#8 2011-12-01 17:43:58

New member
Registered: 2011-11-15
Posts: 6

Re: Before you ask...

I have always had the feelings/personality or w/e you wish to call it, of an animal, and I have found myself as a therian, but only last year did I find the name for it. Since then I am happy to have started a pack with some very good friends and I am proud to call some my sisters (though none by blood)  I am a proud therian though some may call me a fake because I have multiple theriotypes...I know what I am and just because someone else doesn't like, that isn't my problem tongue they can either get over it or go away ^^

I am me...get over it tongue

"When there is no room left in Hell, the dead shall walk the Earth"- can't remember who said it, but I love it



#9 2011-12-09 17:50:30

Submarine Troll
From: South Florida
Registered: 2007-08-18
Posts: 1308

Re: Before you ask...

IDK, I just kinda figured it out, then I was hanging out with Furries one day and found out about Therianthropy, so I looked up Werelist and stuff and eventually I was here.  The rest is internet-history...

Ralphite wrote:

What happened to the good old being bitten by a werewolf on a full moon?? *sigh*

Bitten by a werewolf on a full moon?  Now that's just SILLY!

WolfVanZandt wrote:

I knew I was a Werewolf in 1972

You were a werewolf BEFORE it was cool! *throws back scarf*

"GIVE ME NUDITY OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!!!"  -me, here, just now.
My Kewl Story about Unicorns

Hey, if anyone wants to IM me, go ahead, I'd love to chat...  Oh, by the way: ANWERS!



#10 2011-12-09 19:07:08

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Before you ask...

Sure it was cool - it was the ice age, y'know....



#11 2011-12-14 05:11:38

Submarine Troll
From: South Florida
Registered: 2007-08-18
Posts: 1308

Re: Before you ask...

I know it was, 'cause that modern joke just went *puts on sunglasses* over your head.


"GIVE ME NUDITY OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!!!"  -me, here, just now.
My Kewl Story about Unicorns

Hey, if anyone wants to IM me, go ahead, I'd love to chat...  Oh, by the way: ANWERS!



#12 2012-02-20 11:48:30

From: Ponca City, Oklahoma
Registered: 2012-01-06
Posts: 70

Re: Before you ask...

(Just so ya know, the person with the same username as me up there and the different avatar is my sis, Moon. She got on my account >.> And like she said, we're not blood realated.)
Yeah, all my life I've known I was different and I've always wanted to be a dog. I was freakin OBSESSED with dogs. One day I got SO lonely I searched on google for "someone like me" and "major dog lovers". I found a site called 43Things, and found the "Become a Werewolf" goal. I actually never really believed in werewolves, I actually disliked werewolves, but loved normal wolves. I found out the "Become a Werewolf" goal was for therians. Then, I discovered what a therian was, and found the real me. Now it's been almost a year and a half, and I'm a lot more mature and I know a lot more about Therianthropy. Isn't it odd how some discover who they truly are?

The feeling of being a therian cannot be described in words. It's not just a label so we an find somewhere to fit in, it is who we are, who we have always been, and who we always will be. No one can change me, this is who I am. For more than ever.



#13 2012-02-25 19:50:07

Submarine Troll
From: South Florida
Registered: 2007-08-18
Posts: 1308

Re: Before you ask...

KaraWolfDragon wrote:

found a site called 43Things, and found the "Become a Werewolf" goal.

Oh yeah, I remember that one... That was made in like the 90s, lol...

"GIVE ME NUDITY OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!!!"  -me, here, just now.
My Kewl Story about Unicorns

Hey, if anyone wants to IM me, go ahead, I'd love to chat...  Oh, by the way: ANWERS!



#14 2012-02-27 11:20:42

From: Ponca City, Oklahoma
Registered: 2012-01-06
Posts: 70

Re: Before you ask...

I saw that some crazy person made that goal. Can't remember the name but it was weird. o.O

The feeling of being a therian cannot be described in words. It's not just a label so we an find somewhere to fit in, it is who we are, who we have always been, and who we always will be. No one can change me, this is who I am. For more than ever.



#15 2012-02-27 21:35:12

Submarine Troll
From: South Florida
Registered: 2007-08-18
Posts: 1308

Re: Before you ask...

I bet it was Wolf VanZandt, he's pretty crazy...

"GIVE ME NUDITY OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!!!"  -me, here, just now.
My Kewl Story about Unicorns

Hey, if anyone wants to IM me, go ahead, I'd love to chat...  Oh, by the way: ANWERS!



#16 2012-02-28 09:21:33

From: Ponca City, Oklahoma
Registered: 2012-01-06
Posts: 70

Re: Before you ask...

Haha, maybe so. If he did, he changed his name though.

The feeling of being a therian cannot be described in words. It's not just a label so we an find somewhere to fit in, it is who we are, who we have always been, and who we always will be. No one can change me, this is who I am. For more than ever.



#17 2012-02-28 19:13:45

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Before you ask...

I'm craaaaazzZZZZZzzzy. Ayeh!

But I wasn't around on the Internet as a Therian until 1999 so, nope, not me.

But I they say...........(crazy)
And, if I might say so, the life of the party.



#18 2012-02-29 04:04:48

Submarine Troll
From: South Florida
Registered: 2007-08-18
Posts: 1308

Re: Before you ask...

WolfVanZandt wrote:

the life of the party.

Well, you are the reason I came here in the first place, so...

"GIVE ME NUDITY OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!!!"  -me, here, just now.
My Kewl Story about Unicorns

Hey, if anyone wants to IM me, go ahead, I'd love to chat...  Oh, by the way: ANWERS!



#19 2012-02-29 10:06:25

From: Ponca City, Oklahoma
Registered: 2012-01-06
Posts: 70

Re: Before you ask...

Crazy people are awesome. Without them, the world would die.

The feeling of being a therian cannot be described in words. It's not just a label so we an find somewhere to fit in, it is who we are, who we have always been, and who we always will be. No one can change me, this is who I am. For more than ever.



#20 2012-02-29 20:39:50

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Before you ask...

Or, at least, it would go crazy....



#21 2012-03-01 05:36:06

Submarine Troll
From: South Florida
Registered: 2007-08-18
Posts: 1308

Re: Before you ask...

WolfVanZandt wrote:

Or, at least, it would go crazy....


"GIVE ME NUDITY OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!!!"  -me, here, just now.
My Kewl Story about Unicorns

Hey, if anyone wants to IM me, go ahead, I'd love to chat...  Oh, by the way: ANWERS!



#22 2012-03-01 09:33:03

From: Ponca City, Oklahoma
Registered: 2012-01-06
Posts: 70

Re: Before you ask...

WolfVanZandt, what is your theory on therianthropy? I'm curious.

The feeling of being a therian cannot be described in words. It's not just a label so we an find somewhere to fit in, it is who we are, who we have always been, and who we always will be. No one can change me, this is who I am. For more than ever.



#23 2012-03-01 18:56:31

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Before you ask...

I believe that Therians are Neanderthal atavisms descended from the Neuri. From another angle, I believe that Therians are natural animal shamans in that they are set up neurologically to have shamanistic experiences. They don't all end up having those experiences but the frequency is provocative. From yet another angle, I believe that Therians are neurologically wired to have a life experience very similar to various nonhuman animals and I believe the temporal loves are a main focus of the atypical neurology.



#24 2012-03-02 09:30:43

From: Ponca City, Oklahoma
Registered: 2012-01-06
Posts: 70

Re: Before you ask...

What is the Neuri?

The feeling of being a therian cannot be described in words. It's not just a label so we an find somewhere to fit in, it is who we are, who we have always been, and who we always will be. No one can change me, this is who I am. For more than ever.



#25 2012-03-02 18:32:03

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: Before you ask...

The original werewolves mentioned in Herodotus' History



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