The Werewolf Café The Werewolf Café

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#1 2014-05-15 13:38:39

Nightwalker werewolf illustrator
From: SA
Registered: 2007-10-22
Posts: 846

Follow me: werewolf mapping

I am Maira, I was once always visiting this place. Even if it was so pretty and the maizes would confuse you. I had not expected that my friends would pull such an aweful trick on me. To dupe me into drinking something which sent my blood surging from the taste, and yet even if it tasted like tamato they laughed at me throwing up. They had given me wolf blood to drink. I had to get away from them, my hate and anger fueled my rage.

I was hiding inside the main and only room in this area. I was cowering in the corner and my tears felt like I had made this swimming pool... As kids we use to play in the maize, but now I was alone and everyone wasw afraid to come around on the august moon. The thing was that I lost control and sometimes ended up in odd places. This was the spot I use to end up in.



#2 2014-05-16 14:00:04

witty & controversial
From: Dark recesses of your mind.
Registered: 2004-11-23
Posts: 20378

Re: Follow me: werewolf mapping

Nice pic. big_smile

Whenever you see a raven or a crow, just remember, that that's me, watching you.

I have a dick, there for, I am a MALE!!!!!!!



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