Part 1
January 17th1993
“Do we know how they will turn out” Vivian Waylon asked her husband.
“No, this isn’t done frequently, so I’m not so sure, I’m sorry. I should’ve told you.”
Ian Waylon said. Vivian walked to her husband
“I’m not angry Ian, I only want to know.”
“Well normally they first change at five, but I don’t know how this will work out, they could then, maybe never at all.”
Suddenly a young nurse walked into the Room.
“You’re children are ready to be taken home, Mr. & Mrs. Waylon” and with that the nurse departed.
“Just remember Ian” Vivian said as they headed for the maternity ward “no matter what, we’re a family.”
Present Day
Thomas Waylon awoke with a start, he looked at his clock it read 3:30 a.m. “Nightmares again” he thought. He looked to the other side of the room at his twin brother Josh, who was sound asleep, he then looked at the walls above Josh’s bed they were plastered with sports posters and a couple of rare jerseys, he then looked at the walls above his own bed, plastered with posters of various heavy metal bands including Old Man’s Child, In The Mist, Lake Of Tears, Nightwish, and Mayhem. Thomas then looked at the High end personal computer his father had bought them for their birthday, he thought of how different their personal accounts were, Josh’s were full of Instant Message providers, hip-hop music and sports pages, while his was filled with Heavy metal & techno music, occultist and macabre websites, Quake 4, and countless modding software. Despite being twins he and Josh were very different.
“We don’t even look alike” Thomas muttered to himself. They were identical twins, and had similar facial features but that was where the similarities ended. Josh’s face held confidence, with eyes that said “We can do it,” a body that was naturally tanned to perfection, with a beautifully muscular body that still managed to look lean, and smooth golden hair, while Thomas was pale, with shy eyes and a scared, anxious face, he was unusually thin and physically weak, except in running he was a very talented runner. Both brothers were tall. “So, we’re supposedly identical twins, yet we have two things in common.” Thomas thought. He pictured their respective closets; Josh’s was full of jeans, Puma and New Balance sneakers, fashionably baggy shorts, Underarmor shirts, the school’s football Jersey (he was their star running back), and his prized letterman jacket. Thomas’ closet was filled with tight fitting jeans, in either dark blue or black; various underground band t-shirts, an old pair of Converse sneakers, and a tight fitting black zip-up hoodie. Thomas glanced at his alarm clock. It read 4:00 a.m. “I’d better get back to sleep,” and with that Thomas turned his head towards his wall and began to drift off.
BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. The alarm assaulted Josh’s ears, “Ow, damn it.” He hit the snooze button, then quickly unplugged the alarm realizing that the noise would continue in two minutes. “Hey, Tom, wake up.” Josh said, throwing a pillow at him.
As usual Thomas took the loner spot of the bus in the front, whilst Josh sat in the back with his friends. Thomas had always envied Josh, in his opinion Josh had it all, great body, popularity, and brains, Josh did very little work yet he was a straight A student, and he did it all himself, while Thomas killed himself studying, taking notes, burning the midnight oil to prepare and received Cs with the occasional B. Teachers always compared Thomas to Josh, everyone did, and the comparisons always favored towards Josh.
“You’re never working as hard as your brother, you’re lazy attitude is the reason for these grades, not you’re supposed ADD, I’ve seen you in art, you focus there.” Mr. Benjamin screamed at Thomas. “Why can’t you be more like your brother?”
“STOP COMPARING ME TO JOSH.” Thomas screamed, tears running down his face, he got up from his seat and ran from the room. He left the school, he could’ve waited for the late bus but he didn’t feel like being near Mr. Benjamin, and he dared not let the other kids see him cry. He cut through the parking lot, and passed the football field where Josh was playing a casual game with his friends.
Josh could feel Thomas’ presence. “Hey Time-out, I gotta go get something.” Josh began walking towards Thomas, and Thomas ran, he was damned if he would let Josh see him like this. He could hear heavy footfalls behind him, he felt a light force upon him, Josh gently tackled him to the ground. “What happened?” Josh asked.
“Nothing” Thomas replied desperate not to show any signs of sadness.
“Something happened, now what was it?”
“NOTHING” Thomas screamed as he tried to squirm his way from under Josh’s body. Josh let go, sensing his brother’s desire to be alone. Thomas got up and began to walk away.
“Where are you going?” Josh asked. “Home” Thomas responded.
“Its two miles from here.”
Thomas said nothing just continued to walk home.
Last edited by Greaver (2008-06-11 20:03:44)
Great beginning, very descriptive, and gets the point across.
well, besides the "past" part, vague, and foreshadow-y. DOntcha just loves my grammar?
Last edited by LycanJayBoy (2008-06-08 21:00:49)
Part 2
Thomas walked through the door. “Where have you been” his father, Ian Waylon, growled.
“School let out an hour and a half ago.”
Thomas looked at the calendar, “Oh it’s his time of the month” Thomas thought to himself.
Every month Ian Waylon would spend a weekend camping, and a few days before the trip he would be very edgy, upon returning his loving, carefree nature would reach its maximum.
Thomas walked into his room, he saw Josh, sitting on his bed reading the latest issue of Sports Illustrated.
“Hey, I’m sorry” Thomas said shyly.
“Its okay, do you want to talk about it” Josh said, setting his magazine aside.
“Thanks, but no, I’m okay” Thomas responded as he dropped his back-pack on the floor and plopped on his bed, “Where’s mom?” Thomas asked, resting his head on his pillow, staring at the ceiling.
“Out with friends.” Josh replied.
“Ok.” Thomas then grabbed his sketch book from his back-pack and began to doodle. Josh returned to his Sports Illustrated.
Thirty Minutes later there was the sound of a beeping car. “Well, see you later Thomas.” Josh said as he threw on his Letterman jacket.
“Where are you going?”
“Out with Sherry, Matt and Cat, see you later little bro.” And with that Josh departed, leaving Thomas alone with his father.
Thomas and Ian ate dinner in silence. Thomas always felt uneasy around his father, Thomas loved him, but there was something about him, Josh didn’t seem to notice he and Ian were not only close as father and son but as best friends.
“So…how was school?” Thomas could sense that Ian had the same awkward feeling.
“Hmm.” Thomas muttered, poking at his food.
“Are you okay?” Ian asked.
“I guess” Thomas said shyly, “May I please be excused?”
“Uhh… Sure” Ian replied. Thomas got up, placed the leftovers in the refrigerator and retreated to his room.
Ian sat alone “Why do we always have to search so hard for something to talk about? Maybe he’s no… maybe they’re both… well I’ll take next month.”
Last edited by Greaver (2008-06-11 20:04:21)
That was really good, maybe your best so far.
Very good, greaver!
Very cool. Seems father and son share something "special." I can't wait for more!
Part 3
Thomas sat in the back of his father’s Jeep Wrangler, Josh sat in the front passenger seat, Ian was driving. Thomas listened to music while Ian and Josh talked about the football game Friday. Eventually the trio arrived at the mall.
“Call me when you want to get picked up” Ian said as the two of them jumped out from the car. As soon as they walked in, Thomas tried to distance himself from Josh, but Josh grabbed his arm.
“You promised” he said as he dragged him to the food court.
“I don’t know why I have to do this, your friends hate me, and I don’t want to talk to them” Thomas muttered in protest, but Josh continued to drag him towards the group.
Josh said hello to his main group of friends Matt, the star quarterback and straight A-Plus student, if Josh was the All American boy, Matt was the kid he envied, Then there was Sherry, Matt’s girlfriend and the head cheerleader, and then there was Cat, Josh’s best friend, co-captain of the male hockey team and Sherry’s cousin who lived with her and her parents.
“Hi” Thomas muttered shyly and tried to walk away, Josh once again dragged him back over. Thomas leaned into Josh’s ear and whispered “You’re just torturing both parties her bro.” Josh opened his mouth to protest, but he knew it was the truth, he let go of Thomas’ arm.
Thomas walked towards the art store, and began to browse; he spotted a nice set of Charcoal pencils for about ten dollars. Thomas flipped through his pocket, “Fifty Dollars” he thought to himself “I can afford it easily” he walked up and made his purchase.
Josh hung around with his friends at the food court for a while, and then he saw a large figure in a letterman jacket walk towards them. Stan Calais, the star line backer and defensive captain. Offense and defense on the school’s football team were notorious for their hatred of each other. Stan walked up with his posse of linebackers and two safeties.
“Look what we got here” Stan said “it’s the cigarette’s brother” he said pointing at Josh. “Where is the little pussy?” then Stan turned to Cat “and the lesbo.”
That was more than Josh could take, he hated Stan’s homophobia already, but he hated seeing his friends get made fun of even more. Stan was to busy laughing at Cat to notice Josh lunge at him, he tackled him, and punched him three times in the head.
“You don’t gently caress with my friends” Josh heard himself growl.
Last edited by Greaver (2009-02-11 13:33:06)
nice i'm loving this *clicks little subscribe button* try not to put the dialog in the middle of the paragraphs as many people find it hard to follow, try starting a new line for each person who talks, i dunno just my advice based on what i've seen others do. can't wait for more
Hmm, that was unexpected. I like it! Keep it coming Greaver!
Part 4
Suddenly Josh’s eyes shot open, he looked down at Stan, who was bleeding, “I… I…” Josh ran from the mall.
Thomas walked towards Josh’s group of friends planning to ask Josh when he wanted to call Ian and go home, “Why don’t I ever call him dad?” Thomas asked himself.
Thomas walked towards the group to see the without Josh, all of their faces held solemn expressions; there were small red dots at their feet.
“Hey, where’s Josh?” Thomas asked, slightly nervous.
They just stared, looking both mortified, yet understanding.
“We don’t know” Cat finally said, Thomas noticed the uneasiness in her voice.
Suddenly Thomas could sense something.
“He’s in the men’s bathroom, crying” Thomas thought to himself.
He rushed there to find his prediction correct.
Josh’s head was buried in his hands; Thomas could hear him gasping between sobs. Thomas slowly approached him.
“Josh” Thomas said.
Josh looked at Thomas, and Thomas noticed how different Josh looked. His eyes were that of an injured animal, backed into a corner, facing death, his lips held a snarl; he looked ready to attack Thomas, but instead threw himself into his arms and bawled the story out.
“I...I didn’t mean to” Josh gasped out between sobs.
Thomas felt awkward cradling his twin brother while he bawled his eyes out, Thomas wanted to say something, but could only think of one thing to say, and he decided it couldn’t hurt.
“The only reason that you should be crying is because Stan wasn’t hospitalized”
Josh looked at Thomas in shock, then recovered and flashed a grin.
Last edited by Greaver (2009-02-11 13:34:31)
haha NICE!!!
I liked the humour, and I am very humorous, okay, well, not recently, but whatever! woah, is my chair tilting? hmm... I should go to sleep now.
*falls asleep on keyboard* jk well g'night before i really do
Good job, I like where this is going.
Very nice, Greaver!
I'm really enjoying the development of the relationship of the twins. The amount of detail you used to help describe the differences in the two brothers is fantastic, and the extra-sensory awareness of each other is a very nice touch. Not only that, but the foreshadowing was clear and set the stage for the upcoming events rather well.
The differences between the two and your chosen perspective make me feel like presuming what's going to happen, but you're telling the story so well that I'm holding back just to read what happens and see if my presumptions are correct. Nicely done! Keep it coming!
Part 5
Josh and Thomas sat in their room packing everything they would need. Their father had offered to take them with him on his monthly camping trip. At first they had declined, but curiosity got the best of them and before they knew it, they were packing up last minute.
Thomas threw a few pairs of old clothes, a toothbrush, a small notebook and a generic pencil into his bag.
“So… What do you think Ian does on these trips?” Thomas asked his brother.
“Why do you always call him Ian? Anyway, I don’t know, probably to get away from the stress of work”
“Good point”
Ian worked as an IT manager, the pay was great and he was good with computers, but customer support was difficult due to many people’s impatience.
Vivian and Ian sat on the couch, huddled together, Vivian resting her head on Ian’s chest. She looked up, towards his face.
“Are you sure you should take them?” she asked her husband.
“Yes, it’ll be fine; it’s about time they found out.”
“But why tonight of all nights?”
“Because this is when they’ll do it naturally.”
“But why all the way out in the woods?”
“Would you rather have them here?”
“Good point”
And with that Vivian relaxed, she trusted her husband to take care of them.
Josh and Thomas looked surprised as Ian pulled up in an RV. They had seen their dad leave before; he had never gone in an RV.
“Umm… Dad, is that you” Josh asked surprised.
“Well…duh” Ian replied with a carefree grin.
“We didn’t know you used an RV.” Josh said.
“Ha-ha. I normally don’t but I figured that since it’s your first time you two might want something a little more solid then a tent.”
Josh and Thomas climbed into the RV and threw their bags into the bedroom section. The RV was quite luxurious.
“I guess dad thinks it’s our first time leaving the house.” Josh whispered in giggles to his brother.
“No, I just want you to start slow.” Ian replied.
Both Josh and Thomas looked at him in surprise, Ian was not angry, but the fact that he had heard that was slightly unsettling to them.
The seating arrangements were similar to that of the trip to the mall. Josh and Ian sat up front, talking, playing with the radio dial, joking around while Thomas sat in the back sketching. The RV just ran over a small pothole and Thomas’ drawing was smeared.
“shite” he thought.
The trio sat beneath the stars, with a handmade fire.
“Ah, isn’t this magical? Just us three guys hanging out.”
“Yeah, it’s great” Josh replied to his father enthusiastically. Thomas merely grunted a response.
“You know” Ian said, his head poking towards the sky, “I get the feeling this is gonna be a big night for you two.”
“Why’s that” Josh asked.
“You’ll find out” Ian said. “This will be great, Thomas and I can have some common ground, and hell, me and Josh will grow almost too close” he though to himself.
Thomas looked up towards where Ian was looking, he saw a full moon. Then suddenly Thomas heard a sharp crack. He looked back towards Ian to see his bones beginning to deform themselves from a human shape, slowly changing to the shape of a wolf; Ian’s mouth began to stretch into a muzzle, wet nose and all. His hands and feet became paws, his ears became erect, and a tail sprouted from his lower back.
Thomas looked at his father in fear, there were torn remains of cloths at his feet “err, paws” Thomas thought, surprised he was correcting himself at this time. He then immediately looked towards his brother, looking for assurance that he saw this too, for help in case of attack, and mostly to tell him to run. But a wolf stood in Josh’s place.
Last edited by Greaver (2008-06-13 13:06:03)
That was great! but does that mean thomas didn't transform?
Third scene, uhh, you used Kyle, isn't that from your other story? Heh, or maybe I just got confused.. but nice work altogether, I think of it as addicting.
Very nice!
I particularly enjoyed the loving support and acceptance from Vivian. I'm not too sure why, but that's really a wonderful aspect of the story, and it really gets to me.
I found it curious that you summarized the TF sequence so quickly. I would imagine that, this being the first time Tom sees it, you might want to describe ti in detail. I was kind of hoping that Josh's TF would also be slower and more painful, this being his first time. It might also provide opportunity for Tom to see Dad react to the circumstances of one son shifting while the other doesn't. However, it's up to the author - and you could always add more detail in later drafts anyway, so no worries.
Nevertheless, this was definitely a plot twist I wasn't expecting, and only makes me hungry to see what you have in store for us; so please, bring up more as soon as you can, Greaver, okay?
Part 6
A furred hand came down and slapped a bandage on Thomas’ face.
“Sorry” Ian said, sitting across from him in the RV, he was half-changed, between man and wolf.
“It’s not your fault” Thomas said bitterly.
“Don’t blame Josh; he never planned to hurt you, besides it’s only a few scratches.”
When Thomas had seen the two of them change he had ran, ran fast and hard, deep into the woods, deep enough that he was completely lost. He wandered around, trying to find safety and to stop quivering. He had wandered around the woods for the better part of an hour, fulfilling neither of his goals when suddenly he heard movement behind him; he turned around and then blacked out.
He later awoke in the RV with a half changed Ian sitting at the foot of the bed. Ian explained that Josh had knocked him unconscious, and Ian had carried him back to the RV.
“Well, did he really have to knock me out?” Thomas asked with anger.
“Please, he was just playing.”
“Yeah, it was a blast being hunted by you two.”
The two sat in silence as Ian threw another bandage on Thomas’ face.
“You could’ve told me.”
“Look I thought you were both…”
“Yeah, but look I’m sorry.”
“Is mom one also?”
“Does she know?”
The pair sat in silence for a while, Thomas examined his wounds, and while nothing major they had broken the skin.
“Am I gonna turn?” Thomas asked.
“Turn?” Ian looked perplexed.
“Well Josh bit me, so doesn’t that mean…”
Before Thomas could finish Ian began to laugh, holding his sides with his paws/hands.
“No, Tom, it doesn’t work like that, you’re born with it.”
Josh sat outside of the RV in wolf form. His head was buried between his arms, his tail tucked between his legs. He was softly whimpering. Suddenly he saw a half foot half paw land in front of him. He looked up to see Ian still half transformed. Josh looked up, and motioned towards the RV.
“Yeah, he’s still inside, he’s fine” Ian replied “But how are you?”
Josh just tilted his head in a kind of shrug.
“Are you sure?”
Josh turned his head and began to walk towards the RV.
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