The Werewolf Caf The Werewolf Caf

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#1 2011-04-07 13:30:21

From: South Carolina
Registered: 2011-01-27
Posts: 143

In the Bark of the Night

This is an old story from my middle school days. It's not done and it's a bit rough so bare with me. i noticed that posting things online make me want to finish them so here's to that. Also, this story has not been sectioned off into chapters or parts so if it's hard to follow that may be why. Most, if not all the characters are based on people who have been or are still in my life so i dedicate this to them.
-Landon Ookami
In the Bark of the Night

I wake from a horrible nightmare; telling myself ‘it’s only a dream’. Then I hear it. The eerie howls, each longer than the last. I try to ignore it but cant. “That’s it,” I say aloud as I put on my shoes and coat, and crack open my window. The wind had picked up as I slept, so I picked up my sweater-cap and put it over my dark brown hair. Then I return to my window, climb out, and head for the howling.
As I walked, the howling calmed down slightly but I managed to track down where it was coming from. It sounded like it was coming from the Ally of No Return. The neighborhood kids called it that, but it’s really called 13th street. People call it that because of the kid that was dared to go all the way in and touch the back wall on Halloween. On his way back, he fell into the sewer and was never seen again.
I made it down 13th street when I felt a strange presence. I took a few more steps into the winding ally when I hear a low menacing growl erupt from behind me. I stop dead in my tracks to see if it was just my imagination, but it wasn’t. I try to run but it tackles me to the ground. I struggle and flail and try to turn around to get free with no avail. It pinned me down hard. I looked into its eyes in terror. Those crystal blue-green eyes, filled with fury almost like it lost control of itself. It looked at me for a while and its grip loosened up but stayed firm.
It growled at me while holding up one paw then pushing it back down on my shoulder as if to tell me to stay. It walked away on all fours and of all things possible, it started pacing! I sat up all the way trying to comprehend what I was seeing.  I thought I might have still been dreaming. That’s the only way this could be happening. I got to my feet feeling confident that I was, in fact, dreaming.
    “Well this has been fun,” I said getting the creature’s attention, “but I have to get back to my real life or at least a dream that makes more sense.”
    As I walked away it started growling. I turned back to see it mid-air pouncing at me. I turn to run only to be tackled again. A sharp pain erupted in my back as I slid on my chest; the weight of the beast making it hard to breath. My eardrums were shattered by the sorrowful howl that reverberated through the beast into me. I tried to continue my futile escape just to be hindered by the animal as its fangs found a new home in my shoulder.

    That instant: that one moment, seamed like an eternity. I could feel every movement, every heartbeat, and every breath. Our breathing seemed to be in sync. I kept getting a strange feeling that it was as scared or even more so than me.

     Time seemed to move slower one moment then faster the next. Was the ground moving or was I?  The next clear thought I had, I was in my room.
    I turned on my lamp and looked in the mirror I had on the back of my door.  First I examined my jacket. It had three holes above each shoulder blade and was slightly torn at the collar where it bit me. I went on to check myself over. The claw marks where minor but the actual bite bled a lot more that I expected and it itched like hell! I tried to ignore it, but it spread like an infection. It went down my back and across my legs and even to the soles of my feet.  It felt like I was being engulfed in a wool sweater with the tags still attached. I thought it couldn’t get any worse until the wool went up in flames. 

I removed my pajama top to try and cool myself down and scratch my chest. My skin wasn’t my usual pale and blotchy skin but a silvery pelt! It spread down my overheated body at an alarming rate. My body got heavy and I was no longer able to stand on my own. I hobbled over to my bed and fell on my side. It felt as if my bones were melting. My fingers shortened and fattened as my nails grew darker and came to a point.  There was an immense amount of pressure at the base of my spine. It was as if it was lengthening. The odd sensation slightly distracted me from the shifting bone issue.  Slowly the pain was replaced by an overwhelming dredge of sleepiness and sense of cooling. I took the last moments of consciousness to review the whole ordeal in my head. 

I was awakened by the sound of my radio. It’s strange because I don’t even remember falling asleep. I looked around my room for an explanation of the weird dream. A moldy slice of pizza could have caused it, or a nuclear waste spill, or just my overactive imagination even. For the sake of my sanity, I think I’d better go with the third choice. 
I took my time getting ready; still trying to remember what happened the previous night. I know I had a bad dream, I know I woke up and heard howling and I know I went to check it out, but after that it’s all a blank.
“Morning sweetie,” my mom said as she came down the stairs, “Why aren’t you heading out yet?”
“Huh?” was all I could say.
“If you wait around here any longer, you’ll be late for school.”
If anything else, the word “late” can snap me out of any trance. I hated being late. It made me feel even more awkward than normal.
I jumped to my feet and threw my book bag over my arm.
“Bye mom!” I yelled around the slice of bread in my mouth as I jogged out the front door.

I walk down the street toward the school and the intersection where I meet my two closest friends. I must not have been as late as I thought. Usually they are waiting for me but today the roles are flipped. I see them down the street and wave. As they get closer I could finally get a good look at them. The taller of the two is Zek. He is the older brother and the more athletic. His brown hair is swept to the side only covering one dark brown eye. His jeans were cut a little lower than the knees and his red tee shirt was wrinkled from being worn before. Then there was the neater of the two; Ray. Ray always wears a dark blue hoodie with a pair of jeans and sneakers. Sure he’s not perfect, but he is neater than Zek. It’s only because he has OCD but neater is neater.

“Well you’re here early,” they said simultaneously. That happens a lot with them.

“Yea I know,” I said. “Hey, did you guys here all that howling last night? It woke me up and gave me the chills somthin’ fierce.”

“I know what you mean,” said Zek, “I thought about sneaking out to see what it was but I couldn’t wake Sleepin’ Beauty here.”

“Why is it every time you want to sneak out but don’t, I get the blame?” asked Ray.

“Cause every time I come back inside you scream Bloody Mary thinkin I’m an intruder!” retorts Zek.

They continued to argue and I fell silent. Zek mentioning going out rang a faint bell in the back of my head. I tried to pull it to the surface but my concentration was interrupted by a pain in my shoulder.

“Ow!” I protested, “What’cha do that for!?”
“You were in some kind of trance,” Ray explained “and besides, I didn’t hit you that hard.”   
“By the way, what happened to your jacket?” Ray asked.
“Yea. It looks like someone used it for archery practice,” Zek said.

The bell went off again. This time it was louder; easier to focus on. Still, I wasn’t able to bring it up before being interrupted again.

“What’s up with the blank look man?”
“Yea, if you’re trying to start a new trend, just don’t.  It’s kind of creeping me out”
“Yea. And only being able to see one side of your face don’t make it no better”
“Sorry, I guess I’m kind of tired from that thing keeping me up last night.” I said slowly.
“Yea, well we better hurry to school before we need late slips.”
“Ugh” I grunted in disgust.

Feedback R GO! smile

Werewolves run monthly
Swiftly moving through the trees
The prey meets their fate



#2 2011-04-08 08:17:25

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2010-11-15
Posts: 92

Re: In the Bark of the Night


Just minor spelling errors but other than that pretty good for something you've dredged up!

Wolfs 'n' Minecraft <3



#3 2011-04-08 17:40:44

From: United States
Registered: 2011-03-22
Posts: 1498

Re: In the Bark of the Night

I really like this story so far! I want to see more.

My heart sings to the moon and with the wind, sending tribute to it whenever I can.



#4 2011-04-08 19:36:31

From: TN
Registered: 2010-01-17
Posts: 484

Re: In the Bark of the Night

Another interesting and greatly written story; your writing style is very personable, making it easy for the reader to be drawn into and identify with your characters and people. It also has the ring of reality to it, so that definitely gets a kudos! Keep it coming!




#5 2011-04-13 22:01:55

From: South Carolina
Registered: 2011-01-27
Posts: 143

Re: In the Bark of the Night

So here's the next section. enjoy.
We made it to first period with just seconds to spare. Our teacher, Mrs. Eon had one of her friends who used to teach at the middle school come to our class and take over for the day. She introduced him as Mr. Renny. He was a pretty fun dude and unlike most teachers, he actually talked to us like we were people and not stupid little kids. Somehow, even with a cool teacher in a noisy classroom, I still managed to fall asleep.

     Mr. Renny woke me up a couple minutes before the bell rung but after he dismissed everyone else early.

“Is everything alright pup?”
I stiffened in my chair and cleaned my ear out with my pinky finger.
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?”
“I said is everything alright kid?”
“Oh I thought I heard something else. Why do you ask?”
“Well I asked cause it sounded like you were growling in your sleep.”
“Growling? That’s crazy. I mean, I don’t even snore at home.”
“Well maybe it was just my imagination but it looked like you were pretty upset about something. If you’d like to talk about it, now would be a good time. I keep secrets pretty well.” He gave me a concerned look that almost made me want to tell him the whole story.
“Well you see…”
Saved by the bell.
“I’ll talk to you later Mr. Renny!” I said as I walked out the room.
First period went by smoothly, I thought to my self as I walked out of the room.

    I got through my next class pretty easily. Little by little my recollection came back. I knew exactly what happened up until my arm started itching.
“I have to tell you guys something” I said on our way to the lunch room.
“Can it wait till after we get our food” asked Zek and Ray.
“But this is important! It can’t wait!” I said as my stomach rumbled.
“See” said Ray, “your stomach agrees with us. And besides it’ll only take a minute.”
“Okay…I guess.”
    When we finally got to the head of the line, I felt like eating a whole cow! I pulled five lunches off the rack and put them on my tray.
“Don’t forget,” says Zek.
“It’s your treat,” Ray chimes in.
“No,” I said, “this is all my lunch. I’ll get you two tomorrow.”
“Whoa! Hold the phone! You expect us to believe that little ol’ you is going to eat all that! Why don’t you just eat every tray! ” shouted Zek.
“Well I don’t have enough money to get all that I wanted and I doubt that the lunch lady would let me get any more so…. I’d love to but I can’t” I said.
    I looked back at them and smiled, amused with their shocked expressions.

“Whoa!” they say together, “what’s up with your teeth!”

I used my tounge to feel around in my mouth. They were right! I had fangs! I thought back to the alleyway. Then the room started spinning and where I got bit started burning like crazy! I needed to cool it down. I dropped the premade lunches and ripped off my sleeve with a newfound strength that scared even me. I tried to say something to Zek and Ray but the world became cold and darkness took over.

The wolves chase me. I’m running faster than normal. The heat wave hits me, and then I’m on all fours. Wolves appear in front of me. I turn to my right. Blocked. To my left, two more appear. The two in front part and an older wolf steps out of the shadows. “It’s time you knew…”

I wake to find myself in the health room. The nurse, Ms. Lane, tells Zek and Ray to go to class and I’ll be fine. I was about to get up when Ms. Lane tells me to lie back down.
“What’cha need sweetie,” she said. Her island accent always made me smile. Its probably ‘cause I’ve always wanted to go to the Caribbean.
“I just need to use the restroom” I said.
“It’s just through that door. The light switch is on the right.”
“Thanks” I said

    After I finish my “business,” I go to sink and wash my hands. I gave my upper body a once-over. The wounds on my shoulder blades were almost completely healed and the bite on my shoulder decreased considerably in size. ‘I wonder what that dream was all about?’ I think to myself. I splash water over my face to try and clear my head. I look at my hair and notice a few grey strands. I pulled at them and winced. It took me a little while to realize that it was my hair. I pulled my hair back to hide the streak. I couldn’t take the pain of plucking every single strand to look a little more normal. After a while, Mrs. Lane released me from her care. She told me to make sure that I didn’t hurt my shoulder any further. I looked at the clock and then at my schedule and sighed. My next class was gym with Coach Kant.

    I exited the locker room with my gym clothes on. I grew a few inches in the past 24 hours and my shorts were hanging at my mid-thigh. I went into Coach’s office and got a longer pair out of the box in the corner of the room, went back to the locker room and changed. If I had to guess, I’d say I was a bit shorter than 6 feet now. Coach Kant took roll and told us the activity for the activity for the day.  A few of the more athletic children were excited about it, while the rest of us dreaded this day. The weekly surprise Dodge ball Day. Coach spilt us into our regular Dodge Ball Day teams. Team one was named Team Can: four of the school’s sports team captains, Zek and Ray. My team was Team Kant; a whole bunch of the most uncoordinated children in the history of our school. We have never won a game, and coach tried to make us feel motivated to win by changing the “c” in “can’t” to a “k”.
His sense of humor knows no bounds---
    “Okay ladies” he said in a thick Irish accent, “let’s throw down.” With the blow of his whistle, the game had started. We raced for the line only to get one out of the seven balls. Team Can always took out our team from smallest in stature to largest, leaving me last. The chorus to the song “A Gory Demise” played in my head as my teammates felt the rubbery sting of the balls. It was time for my demise and they each had a ball. I was about to just give up when Zek called out to his team; “ready, aim…” I saw a ball out the corner of my eye and made a dash for it. “FIRE!” he screamed and five balls came at me at once. Three missed and I was sandwiched between two when one came right for my side. At that moment, it seemed as if the world slowed. I abandoned the ball I was after and reached outward for the two balls speeding past me. I snatched both out of the air and blocked the ball coming at me. I threw the one in my right hand with great accuracy and it ricocheted off three people, taking them all out at once. Then, like my hands were moving only to my thoughts, I tossed the last ball at Ray, smiling. He leaned right into it and that’s all she wrote. We won for the first time and I couldn’t enjoy it because it didn’t register in my adrenalin-filled brain. I went to change back into my regular clothes for the last class of the day.

    After school, I waited at our normal waiting place. “Hmm… I wonder where they are.” I waited awhile before a wave of scents passed my nose. I was sure I was the only person in the area, and confirmed it with my eyes. I closed them and took a deep breath to clear my head. Instead, pictures filled my heads of people from school. My eyes snapped open. It was a specific smell that caught my attention. It reminded me of Ray, beef jerky, and fruit roll snacks; all at the same time. I closed my eyes and focused only on those scents.
When I opened my eyes, it was like a 3D map appeared. In the direction of our last period, the line was faded. The trail became bold and more vivid in the other direction. Every time I took a breath, it lit up. I walked the line of color and saw it bend around the front of the school's pillars. My pace quickens and I turn the corner to find Zek and Ray chatting with Bethany, a girl from science. She glances at me and does a double take; eyes going wide on the second take.  “Um…I…I gotta’ go maybe some other time…,” she says and jets. Ray is first to notice me and steps to face me. “Dude!? What did you do?! We were this close to havin’ a double date with Beauty Beth and Holly Hottie!”  “Yea,” Zek says “nice goin’!”
“I did NOTHING! She just looked at me and ran!”
“Whoa, take it easy man,” Zek says coolly. “We didn’t mean anything by it. Besides, people are starting to gossip about you. I mean, the thing in gym was cool, but the thing in the café was scary.”
“Yeah,” Ray added, “and the fangs were freaky too. I even tapped one when you went out and it shrunk under my finger!”
Air whooshed out of me. I hadn’t even noticed I was holding my breath. “I guess you’re right. I wish I could figure out what was happening to me…”
“Maybe we can.” Zek said. I looked at him dumbfounded. “ I mean, what if we could get a diagnosis from that kid genius down the street?”
“If you’re talking about Wiz-Kid, then I’m out.”
“Why?! What if that thing you said bit you has some kind of virus and it’s killing you slowly?”
“…,” I thought about it for a bit trying to find words.
“Exactly,” the brothers said in synch.
They turned to walk, grabbing me by the arms. We left the school grounds and made our way to Wiz’s house; only one block away from 13th Street.

Werewolves run monthly
Swiftly moving through the trees
The prey meets their fate



#6 2011-04-15 08:22:17

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2010-11-15
Posts: 92

Re: In the Bark of the Night

Hahah the pe teacher sounds exactly like The one at my school.

Funnily enough, I feel I could relate this whole story so far too my school wink

Except for the fact I dropped pe as a subject as sson as I could because its just done by the guys who have big egos >_>

Wolfs 'n' Minecraft <3



#7 2011-04-15 12:29:38

Registered: 2011-02-19
Posts: 123

Re: In the Bark of the Night

interesting...would like to read more.

the texas octogenerian
wolf favorite animal



#8 2011-04-15 14:00:24

Registered: 2011-03-30
Posts: 161

Re: In the Bark of the Night

You write very descriptively, which is great and refreshing! Many writers seem to forget the value of showing over telling. I particularly liked the parts where you describe being bitten and the descriptions of his friends, Zek and Ray. I also really liked your dialogue, and that goes for the narration as well, it's very natural for the most part, although a bit jilted in others which can be fixed. I'm assuming the characters are in middle school, and judging by the lack of swearing and some of the nick names ("Beauty Beth" and "Holly Hottie") as well as the style of dress you described, makes me think of the 1950s or early 60s. Which would be a very interesting twist and a nice nostalgic throwback to the Wolfman movies. But, overall, it does a good job of revealing a lot about the characters themselves without you having to actually tell anything. Another thing to watch out for is tense. You change tense several times throughout the story. It's pretty minor though and something that can be caught in editing.

I also like the mention of synesthesia although I know you don't actively call it in that in the story. But the fact that the main character can "see" smells is pretty cool.

For having written this in middle school is remarkable! The only way I might be able to tell that is the school-room setting. It's a bit cliche for a werewolf story, but it has potential. It's only the beginning after all. smile I can see a lot of potential in the characters especially.



#9 2011-04-16 01:00:49

From: South Carolina
Registered: 2011-01-27
Posts: 143

Re: In the Bark of the Night

I thank you for all the input. The tense thing has always been my biggest issue and I don't think it has gotten any better. I literally wrote this in middle school 5 years ago in class instead of taking notes. I found the notebook last year but never got around to typing it up to save it from the pencil smudges and torn pages. I tried to fix it up some but I haven't had good English teachers to teach me grammar and tenses. Perhaps when I finish enough for a solid story and not this never ending thing I have now I'll look for an editor...
As of now I believe I have 4 brain babies all dealing with some kind of werewolf...
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I just had a major thought explosion! One of my babies had no begining but I can link it with HOWL!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!
*too excited*

Last edited by LandonOokami (2011-04-16 01:01:19)

Werewolves run monthly
Swiftly moving through the trees
The prey meets their fate



#10 2011-04-27 20:49:30

From: South Carolina
Registered: 2011-01-27
Posts: 143

Re: In the Bark of the Night

Uploading this in small peices so i can decode the smuged pencil, type, and edit the rest. so here ya go.

As we walked, I kept getting the feeling that I was being watched from a dark place. We were a block from Wiz’s place; 1214 14th street. Zek and Ray were arguing when we passed 13th street. I looked toward the Alley of No Return and I swear I saw eyes looking back from deep within. My heart raced and I felt powerful. A voice in my head told me to go in. I felt my body turn. I started seeing trees and wildlife and meadows.
    “Hey! Landon!” a voice shouted. I blinked and all I saw was now just that creepy alley. My eyes refocus to see Zek and Ray looking at me with worried faces.
“Dude,” says Ray, “you have fangs. And your hair…”
I put my hand in my hair and pulled it to where I could see the wider silver streak.
“We need to get there*point* now,” Ray stated. We rushed over to the door and rung the bell. The small speaker came on weakly and a voice came through barely.
“Who is this?”
“My name is Zek. I’m here with my brother, Ray and your soon-to-be-patient Landon.”
*shhh*….”What? Patient?” *shhh*  “No. Not possible. I’m not taking any more clients until the night after the full moon this weekend and---”

Full Moon---

My mind rushed and raced. I could remember last night perfectly. Everything after being bitten and before getting home hit me hard. After the creature bit me, it moved back and looked at me. Then it bent forward and growled in discomfort and grew to double its size. It stood on its hind legs and spoke. Two words was all it said and it now haunts me. “Leave. Forget.” I put two and two together and blurted out my sudden, yet deranged, conclusion.

“I was bitten by a werewolf!”
“WHAT!” shouted Zek and Ray.
The speaker went silent. Then a voice almost completely wiped by static came over the speaker. “Come in.”

As we walked in, I asked Zek if he has ever seen Wiz in like a picture or anything. “No,” he answered. “No one has ever seen him, but you can tell he’s a kid cause of his voice. Do you really think you were bitten by a werewolf?”
I scoffed. “No. I said it to get him to let us in. It was the most absurd thing to come to mind. My mom said smart people are attracted to the weird and absurd.”
“Thank goodness,” I heard from Ray’s direction. “I thought you’d gone bananas for a sec’.”
I wanted to change the subject. “Well, if he’s never been seen, then how does he look at a patient?” Ray turned and put his hand on my shoulder.
“Landon, Landon. We’ve been friends for a long time now, and in that time you have asked a lot of questions, but this isn’t one of your brightest. Think. What would a Sci-Fi nerd use to see and operate without being in the same room?”
I stood there with a blank look on my face and said nothing. I shrugged.
“Cameras and robots! Duh!” he yelled.
We walked into what looked like a living room. The sun was coming through the side window and from a ceiling fan. A voice came over the intercom.
“Patient; sit on the seat with plastic, others on the couch.”
We complied and sat.
“Patient name.”
“Landon,” I yelled, thinking he couldn’t hear me.
“No need to yell Landon. Where’s the bite wound?”
“My shoulder.”
“Alright, remove your backpack, jacket, and shirt so that I may get a better look.”
I did what I was told. A robot made from kitchen tools and a webcam came out of another room. It moved on wheels from a skateboard towards my back; which was completely exposed from the lack of support from the stool I was on. It whirred for a little while before the speaker on it turned on.
“There’s no indication of a bite.”
“That’s because it healed on it’s own over night.”
“I see….” The first robot moved away  to allow another to approach. “Now I need a blood sample.” The robot went over to a dresser and pulled out a parchment wrapped needle. It moved toward me and unwrapped the needle as it roved. I was never good with needles or anything sharp for that matter. I squirmed a bit but held as still as possible and let my mind wander. I thought about the eyes in the ally and wondered if it was the same as the thing that bit me.
“All done. The blood test will be done in a few minutes. In the meantime, tell me what symptoms you’ve been having.” I told the whole story from what I remember.
“The results are in.” said Wiz
“What does it say?” asked Ray.
There was silence from the speakers; only an airy sound of nothing.
“Can you guys keep a secret?” Wiz said.
“Yeah,” said Zek. Ray nodded. I sat still, then nodded.
“Okay,” he said. “I’ll be right there.”

We all looked at each other dumbfounded. We were going to be the only people to see what Wiz looks like besides his parents! We looked to the stairs as the hall lights came on. A small figure appeared at the top of the steps. When he stepped into the light, we noticed that he was actually a she. I looked to Ray and Zek and they were just as confused as I was.
    “Hey,” the girl said, “now where is the patient?”
    “Excuse me miss,” Zek asked, “Where’s Wiz? Are you his sister or something?” The girl looked at him and smiled.
    “You’re so silly, I am Wiz.”
    “But everyone says that Wiz is a guy of amazing talents. What’s up?”
    “I said that so people wouldn’t think me any different. No one wants to be outsmarted by a girl, let alone let a really smart girl fix their problems. I am Witzney Carmichael, but everyone knows me as Wiz.”

Werewolves run monthly
Swiftly moving through the trees
The prey meets their fate



#11 2011-04-28 21:08:32

From: United States
Registered: 2011-03-22
Posts: 1498

Re: In the Bark of the Night

I like the twist at the end where you reveal Wiz is a girl. This is a very nice section! Can't wait for the next section!

My heart sings to the moon and with the wind, sending tribute to it whenever I can.



#12 2011-04-28 23:41:10

From: South Carolina
Registered: 2011-01-27
Posts: 143

Re: In the Bark of the Night

wolflove wrote:

I like the twist at the end where you reveal Wiz is a girl. This is a very nice section! Can't wait for the next section!

She's an exaggerated version of a good friend of mine. smile

Werewolves run monthly
Swiftly moving through the trees
The prey meets their fate



#13 2011-05-20 14:22:34

From: South Carolina
Registered: 2011-01-27
Posts: 143

Re: In the Bark of the Night

We all stood there with our mouths hung open. I stood there, fighting the urge to run to her and lick her face. I tried to form words but all I could produce was
“ Uhhhh……….. hi”
“Nice to meet up too…” she said, “… I think”
“Anyway, how’d you get it?” she asked.
“Huh?” I asked. Then I snapped back to reality. “Oh! The bite.”  I told her what I could remember about last night. She started fidgeting with her PDA. A robot roved to her and she took a swab from it and dabbed it on my wound. It stung a little but nothing major. She put the swab in a slot on the machine and it turned and left the room. We sat there awkwardly until her PDA beeped. She looked at it puzzled for awhile.
“Well? What’s wrong with me?” I asked.
“I’m not sure,” she stated. “I’ve crossed referenced your DNA with that of all canine based forms of disease and you have none.”
I look at her confused. “So what’s the issue then?”
“Well the cross reference shows that not all of your DNA is, well, human. It’s a collation of canine and human, but it’s still mostly human; only 12% of some sort of canine. I have already started running test to see which species it is.”
   We wait awhile for the results of the test. No one said anything for a while. Wiz’s PDA buzzed and we all sat up stiff. She looks at the screen as we watch her face for any signs of what she was reading. She puts it away and looks to me with wide eyes.
“What?” I asked. “Why are you looking at me like that? What did the test show?”
She opened her mouth to speak but no words were said. Her mouth closed and she closed closed her eyes as if to reset herself. “Wer….,” she mumbled.
“What was that,” Ray said.
“I said that he’s a werewolf,” she said more clearly; her words sharp and short.
We all stopped and stared. Then I noticed that everyone’s eyes were on me. The tension in the room built and I felt a little warm.
“No,” I heard come from my mouth. “NO! That’s not possible! There are no such things! Werewolves are stories told to small kids to scare them! There is ABSOLUTLY NO POSSIBLE WAY!!!” After I finished my tirade, I noticed that my voice was rough and I was growling. I looked at everyone’s face to see shock, awe, and fear. I took a step forward and everyone stumbled backward; Zek tripping over the leg rest he was sitting on. I look to my hands only to see alien hands; ones covered in silvery-grey fur and dark, sharp claws. I looked to Wiz. “Where’s a mirror?” I said, shocked at the sound of my own voice. She points at a TV.
“Command; TV on” she says. It beeps and comes to life. “Command; Camera On.” A red light in the corner of the screen comes on. I look into the eyes of a wolf. It moves when I move, but that can’t be me! Then I put my hand to my face and realization struck.
“WHAT’S HAPPENED TO ME!!!!!” The scar on my arm started to throb and brought me to a knee. I groaned and growled in pain.
“Landon!” Wiz kneeled in front of me at eye level. “I believe that if you try to calm down, the transformation will regress!”
I closed my eyes and envisioned the way I looked. Then I thought of my human face. I felt a hand on my chin.

“Landon, you can open your eyes now.”
I looked up, expecting Wiz to be looking at me smiling. Instead, I got a face full of Ray, batting his lashes in a mocking way. I laughed and pushed him away jokingly. I looked around and saw I was in my room a few blocks away.
“How’d you guys get me here?” I asked.
“With a wheelbarrow.” They said together. There was a voice from the top of the stairs.
“Is he awake?” It was a female voice, and for a moment I thought it was my mom.
    “Yeah,” said Zek, “and we redressed him so you can come down now.”
    Wiz comes down the stairs and makes a bee line toward me. She starts to feel my forehead and check my mouth and teeth with gloves. Then she moves to my back and starts to massage my muscles all along the length of my spine. I could feel my eyes laze and my whole being start to melt.
‘Don’t let yourself be petted! Where’s your wolf pride!’ My body went rigid and I started to look around.
“Did you guys here that?” I said.
Ray looks at me. “Great. Now you’re hearing things too?”
“Whatever.” says Zek, “There’s something more important to talk about.”
“Which would be…?” I ask.
“The full moon tonight,” says Wiz. “We are going to stay here with you and observe you as the night progresses.”
Ray stepped forward with an old fashioned rope. “And because we have no clue what will happen, we have to tie you down.”
I swallow air and nod. “Okay I guess.”
“One more thing,” says Wizteny, “if you do happen to get loose and get hungry, there are a few steaks in your fridge. Eat them; not us.”
“Okay.” I say. “Now I’m going to sleep cause today was just way too stressful.”
I lay back in bed and close my eyes as Ray and Zek tie me down tightly. I dozed off into an uncomfortable sleep.

Werewolves run monthly
Swiftly moving through the trees
The prey meets their fate



#14 2011-06-22 00:37:42

From: South Carolina
Registered: 2011-01-27
Posts: 143

Re: In the Bark of the Night

I could feel the forest on all sides of me. Opening my eyes, I saw the star filled sky and a part of the full moon in the distance. It seemed as if the trees were playing catch with it as wind moved the high branches. The woods were alive with nocturnal creatures crawling and scuttling in the thicket that surrounded the clearing I was lying in. It was small but large enough for two beings to be comfortable in together. I sat up and a familiar set of friendly, deep set eyes peered back at me. They almost seemed to glow through the brush.

“Seven and a half steaks he ate before the sleep medication worked!” a female voice said.

It started to pull me from my slumber as I fought to stay under. I wanted to finish my dream but a high-stressed male voice tickled my ears.

“I’m more worried he broke the bindings while we were all asleep. We could have been eaten.”

The colors of the forest and sky started to become muted; the stars lost their shimmer. The moon itself felt sad and deflated. It took all my power to try and not toss about so the dream could continue. It was all for nothing as a hand on my shoulder broke my hold on the dream. Only the eyes, the deep grey-yellow aged eyes, were left burning in my mind’s eye as my real ones opened.

The first thing I saw was the opened door of my fridge and the raw steaks left. I sat up off the floor and wiped the drool from my face. My vision swam some from the deep sleep I was just in. My body was on automatic as it twisted and stretched like it liked to do after every sleep period. It was a time where it would be bad to talk to me unless your purpose was to be ignored.

Nosey little cute scientist girls would have no idea.

“Did you hear any of the questions I just asked you!” she looked at me holding her hips with pen and pad in hand. I looked up at her and gave a crooked grin.

“Not unless you were talking in sign language.”

As she fussed at me for being a smart aleck and Zek tried to explain that I was not at all a morning person, I finished my wake up routine and made my way to the rest room.

The morning consisted of annoying questions I only halfway understood and tedious body measurements. After it was done we ate breakfast and began to watch the footage from the night. Each new minute scared me more and more as I saw myself shift and change. I expected to see full on brute force and rage when my shift was over but something infinitely more horrible showed itself; calmness and precision.

My escape from the ropes took a while only because my wolf self shredded through the thick bindings slowly with knife-like claws. After I was free, I tried to escape through the window but it was too narrow for my new form. I paced on twos and then on all fours a bit. I was shocked the most that I remembered none of what I saw but saw that it was me inside that furry body and not some wild beast. I even did the nervous tick I have where I run my hand over the top of my head. Near the end of the interesting part of the film, I went over to the mini fridge and began to eat the steaks fast but cleanly. I heard Ray chuckle.

“Your wolf self eats much cleaner than you do,” he said. Zek and Wiz’s breath caught in their chest trying to keep from laughing.

“Oh, shut up,” was my only comment. I returned my attention to the tape where my body starts to wobble and I fall face first onto the floor where I woke up. Wiztney ejected the tape and turned the television off.

“What confused me the most,” she started, “was why you were so calm and collected last night during the full moon but went crazy over at my house.”

“Do you think it could be because of his anger?” asked Zek.
“That is exactly what I was thinking. Now to test that theory, I need you to Shift, Landon.”
“I don’t know how to do it on my own.” I lowered my head, feeling a bit embarrassed.
You know damned well how to do it!
The voice in my head came back and felt like it was taunting me. I didn’t move when I heard it this time. It no longer surprised me because it was chattering during the whole video about ‘how I cheated the system’ and ‘how I should have snacked on them instead of pre-cut meat.’ I didn’t like the things it -no- the things I said to myself but this time I was right.
I reached for my wolf self and tried to bring it forward. When I looked up at my friends, they grinned slightly. Zek showed me my reflection. I looked to see my normal skin and face but the grey streak in my hair was more prominent and my eyes were a smoldering blue color. It reminded me of the propane gas in our grill. Wiz walked beside me and put a hand on my shoulder.
“It’s not the full Shift I had in mind, but you did something.”

At this moment, it all finally hit me. Nothing before now fully registered since the bite and now it all flooded to me. In my mind I relived the night I was bitten, the whole day after, and this morning in a split second. My mouth moved and a smile formed on my face as the sweet sentence fell from my lips.

“I am a werewolf.”

/This is end of the edited first section of what i wrote all those years ago. The raw story was pretty bad and rewriting happened some. There is one more major section before i'm all caught up and will start having to actually think about what i'll write next! thank you for staying with me or joining me or whatever! smile/

Werewolves run monthly
Swiftly moving through the trees
The prey meets their fate



#15 2011-08-09 23:22:47

From: South Carolina
Registered: 2011-01-27
Posts: 143

Re: In the Bark of the Night

This is only a small piece. i'm moving into my college dorm this week so i have not been able to type like i want. And yes it is RAELLY SHORT.

“Today class, we will begin reading the short novels for the mythology section.” Mr. Renny paced the class and passed out the small paperback books. “These first ones are on some of everyone’s favorite ferocious beast; werewolves.”
I looked over at Zek to see if he was as shocked as I was. His faced mirrored mine to a tee. The book landed on my desk with a flop as Mr. Renny walked by which broke off our staring. I picked up the book and started reading. I had never before spent an English class reading what was assigned. Normally I would just procrastinate or skim it but I wanted to learn about what I had become.
The bell rang and I quickly finished the page I was on and marked the page. I stood to leave the class when a hand landed on my shoulder.

“Well hold on a second, Mr. Johnston. You had your nose in that book the whole class and didn’t pay a bit of attention to the lesson.”
I looked away, a bit ashamed I’d ignored the nicest teacher I had. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, be ready to make it up afterschool with me. Come here right after final bell.”
Detention was torture. Mr. Renny’s lesson review felt more like a bad comedy act and only he got the jokes. As I left the room, I made a mental note to, from this point on, always pay attention in his class.

Werewolves run monthly
Swiftly moving through the trees
The prey meets their fate



#16 2011-08-11 17:12:33

Registered: 2011-02-19
Posts: 123

Re: In the Bark of the Night

Definitly worth completing.

the texas octogenerian
wolf favorite animal



#17 2011-08-11 19:05:20

From: South Carolina
Registered: 2011-01-27
Posts: 143

Re: In the Bark of the Night

Oldwolf81 wrote:

Definitly worth completing.

Oh I definatly plan on finishing it. In fact, over half of it is done. The only thing is that it is hand written and is written like a middle school kid with sleep deprivation (cause I was when this was written.) I have to use what I've learned since then to get the writing in order and type it up before I upload it. It's the same with my other story. If you have ANY imput, just email me (subject has to deal with the site or the story or I won't read it.)

Werewolves run monthly
Swiftly moving through the trees
The prey meets their fate



#18 2011-09-29 17:25:04

From: South Carolina
Registered: 2011-01-27
Posts: 143

Re: In the Bark of the Night

I walked toward home with my nose in the werewolf book the entire time. As I read about the myths and lore of what I had become, I couldn’t help but put myself in some of the positions of the wolf in the stories. My imagination filled with thoughts of me being stabbed with silver blades, shot with silver bullets, getting my hand chopped off with an axe, and every other which way they killed the “demons.” When I looked up from the book, I was down the alleyway at 13th Street where I was bitten. I could see the whole alley in the daylight. The back of the alley was boarded up and old furniture was piled by the boards. Across from the couch was a rusted dumpster with the black lid. Even though it was closed, I could still smell the putrid refuse that was inside. I gaged a bit and took smaller breaths. As I turned to leave the alley, a sound and a scent made me stop. The sound was definitely wood creaking and the smell was of raw meat and dirt. I spun on my heels to see a plank of wood right behind the trash can move back into its original position. Confused, I walked closer and saw there was enough space between the dumpster and the wooden wall for a person to squeeze by if they wanted. Lost to the thoughts of why something would smell of dirt and blood and go through this wall, I took in a normal sized breath and almost lost my lunch, but I recovered. Then I noticed something deeper to the dirt scent.  It smelled almost of wolf.

I don’t know what came over me. Something inside my head made me hold my breath and reach for the passageway through the wooden wall. Before I knew it I was halfway through then all the way. I noticed that this other half of the alley was backed up to the more rural part of town.
With the can on the other side of the wall, I took a deep breath and marveled at how much cleaner the air was in such a short distance. Then the visual scent path of the dirt and blood kicked in and my feet started to follow my nose.

As I walked and followed the scent path through the suburbs and eventually to the woods, my stomach started to protest continuing. I ignored it the best I could until the scent of cooking meat drifted from the direction I was headed. I realized that I was following someone who came from the market in town back to their place. I cursed myself for not thinking through my actions and turned to return home when my stomach all but roared at me.

“Perhaps since I came all this way they wouldn’t mind sharing something,” I tried to convince myself. I knew it was unlikely but the sun was starting to set and I was really hungry so I’d try it. The woods cleared up to a grove with a pavement path that lead to a house. All but the roof and the brick chimney was shrouded by evergreens like a high privacy fence. I made my way down the path to the front door trying to figure out how to introduce myself.

Werewolves run monthly
Swiftly moving through the trees
The prey meets their fate



#19 2011-10-10 08:01:23

New member
Registered: 2011-10-10
Posts: 6

Re: In the Bark of the Night

Wonderful *howl*



#20 2011-10-10 10:05:37

From: South Carolina
Registered: 2011-01-27
Posts: 143

Re: In the Bark of the Night

LycanBrandon wrote:

Wonderful *howl*

Thank you.

Werewolves run monthly
Swiftly moving through the trees
The prey meets their fate



#21 2011-10-12 17:19:42

Registered: 2011-02-19
Posts: 123

Re: In the Bark of the Night

Another howl?

the texas octogenerian
wolf favorite animal



#22 2012-01-28 12:49:32

From: South Carolina
Registered: 2011-01-27
Posts: 143

Re: In the Bark of the Night

it has been far too long since an update and i am sorry. please be patient with my procrastination and large homework loads

Werewolves run monthly
Swiftly moving through the trees
The prey meets their fate



#23 2015-01-13 01:19:18

From: South Carolina
Registered: 2011-01-27
Posts: 143

Re: In the Bark of the Night

It has been ages. It's too good to be back here though. Typed up some more and it was  not as hard as I thought it would be. I have been away for a while but I know that I need to be writing to feel better. I have dusted off the hard copy and re read everything to continue writing. So now, here is a bit more of the story. This part changed a lot from the original so please let me know anything you all see that may need changing or clarifying.


I knock on the door and wait by it. It quickly swings open and a boy about my height opens it. The look on his face makes me a bit uneasy. His eyes widen and he slams the door in my face. A bit offended, I begin to walk off but then the door opens again. This time it is a man that reminds me of those father figures from old television shows. His words come out in a kind, chipper way but I could somehow tell that he was picking them very carefully.

“Hello there, son. How may I help you?” he asked. Crap. I had not thought of what to say after knocking on the door. “Well, I got lost following a… I was wondering around after school and got lost. I ended up here and when I smelled your food…” I stammer a bit.

He chuckles a little. “So you got lost and got hungry and smelled the food then? That must be a great nose to lead you to our home. Are you still lost? Do you need to call someone for help?” I got shy at all the questions so I just nodded.

“Alright then, the phone is in the kitchen. My older sons are tending the food on the grill while I prepare the rest in there.” He stepped out of the doorway and guided me inside. “I’ll take you to the kitchen to use the phone. You call who you need to and I’ll fix you up a plate to go.”

The inside of the house felt large but it was no larger than a normal house. The walls were wood instead of plaster like my house and the floors were wood with rugs covering them. The high ceilings and large carved totem poles used as supports in each room all seemed to stare at me. The totem poles had different animals on them but the tops of all the totems were wolf heads. The kitchen was in the back of the house and had large windows facing the back yard. The phone was on a wall by the window.

As I dialed the phone I looked out the window at the other kids. There were two running around and playing while one just watched the grill. He was taller than me and standing sort of strangely. He did not budge at all. I kept looking to see if he would ever move from that spot but he didn’t.

“So did you ever reach anyone?” A hand landed on my shoulder and made me almost cry out. It took me a moment to realize it was the dad. I spun and grabbed my arm scar where his hand was sitting.
“S-she didn’t answer; must have left for work already.” I spat out what would have been true if I had called. One of the two boys that were running around outside came in and started to ask their dad about dinner. “Soon,” he replied. “Tell Dreamer not to let the steaks overcook okay?” He ran back out without a word.

“Your son’s name is Dreamer?” I ask. I regretted it, feeling as if I was being rude but he didn’t seem to mind. “No, it’s just a nickname. All three of my boys have little names I call them. The one that was just in here was Rusty. I forgot that I never introduced myself properly. I am Mr. Decker but you can call me Al.”

I forgot all about formalities chasing the smell of food. “My name is Landon. Landon Johnston.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Landon even in such an odd way as this.”

The boy ran up to the taller one named Dreamer and hit one of his hands then pointed at his dad through the window. When Dreamer turned to look through the window, my heart almost stopped. His eyes caught the light from the window and flickered an unnatural blue-green color before going normal. The dad looked from his son to my shocked and horrified face. He was stammering as if trying to say something before me but something in me made me lose control. I was hungry and tired and I wasn’t thinking. Seeing the eyes jolted my mind. Everything happened and I couldn’t hold myself together; anger and other emotions boiled to the surface. I pointed out the window and the son named Dreamer and said, “You! You were the one that bit me!”

Werewolves run monthly
Swiftly moving through the trees
The prey meets their fate



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