Hey, I'm a little over half-way through it. Really interesting reading but now I'm getting tired of reading the same thing over and over. It just keeps repeating itself. Wolfman shows up; people freak out and run. And again, and again, and again.
Yeah. It gets old. One of these days they're going to need a Werewolf.
See if they freak out and run......
Siverwolf wrote:
Hey, I'm a little over half-way through it. Really interesting reading but now I'm getting tired of reading the same thing over and over. It just keeps repeating itself. Wolfman shows up; people freak out and run. And again, and again, and again.
Yeah, I am having a bit of the same problem.
I'm also rather irritated by her overall style and manner of handling it. She keeps jumping back and forth among several different possible explanations, ranging from remnants of extinct animals to astral projections or beings from another dimension. I feel like she is really harming her credibility by being so wishy-washy with her style.
Because basically what she is doing is like... on the one hand, giving endless accounts of eyewitnesses to the manwolf. Then she says that they are "truthful," and "reliable" witnesses. Then she goes off on tangents about, "Oh, well maybe they are natural animals that just adapted to walk upright. OR MAYBE THEY ARE ALIEN INVADERS THAT SHAPESHIFT!" She also tries to work the Native American angle a lot.
It just feels like she isn't a great source of who is a reliable witness or not when she can't even formulate her own hypothesis about what people are seeing. I mean, I can see the value in examining every angle that one can find... but she just does it wrong. I don't know how else to explain it than to say that she comes across as flippant and way more concerned with selling a book than in solving a mystery.
Ah, well. She's popular among the New Agers and Bigfoot enthusiasts. Maybe nobody else will take her seriously and we won't have any pitchfork and torch crowds in Selma.
WolfVanZandt wrote:
Ah, well. She's popular among the New Agers and Bigfoot enthusiasts. Maybe nobody else will take her seriously and we won't have any pitchfork and torch crowds in Selma.
Speaking of that, I couldn't help but notice that the witness in Selma was the only witness out of the entire book who made sure to mention that the werewolf was flashing his junk. So... maybe that'll help you narrow down who the guy in the boat saw.
He wasn't "flashing his junk". Many animals, when they're irritated or fight, will have a semi-erection. Pointedly, bears will do that. If you've ever seen The Bear, when Bart confronts the puma, he's unsheathed. (Mind you, Bart was acting but there's just something about having a live cougar around.....) It's an involuntary reaction and has nothing to do with sex. That does, in fact, narrow down who it was and it also gives an idea of the guy's state of mind. We have bears around here and we have a lot of residents who maintain a fairly constant level of various mind altering substances in their blood stream.
WolfVanZandt wrote:
He wasn't "flashing his junk". Many animals, when they're irritated or fight, will have a semi-erection. Pointedly, bears will do that. If you've ever seen The Bear, when Bart confronts the puma, he's unsheathed. (Mind you, Bart was acting but there's just something about having a live cougar around.....) It's an involuntary reaction and has nothing to do with sex. That does, in fact, narrow down who it was and it also gives an idea of the guy's state of mind. We have bears around here and we have a lot of residents who maintain a fairly constant level of various mind altering substances in their blood stream.
Does mind altering substances, medicinal or otherwise, suppress the inner beast to a degree?
No, it just makes fishermen see Werewolves flashing their junk instead of bears wanting to eat them.
For a more serious answer, I honesty don't know and I suspect it would have a lot to do with the mind altering substance in question and the circumstances. I've seen forums on the subject but I haven't seen anything like solid conclusions.
Oh to be male... hehe.
Sorry, by, "flashing his junk," what I meant was that the "witness" said that on the animal that he saw - the fur down his chest and frontal area was sparse compared to the rest of his body, sparse enough that he was able to clearly see male genitalia. Whereas, in the case of the other witnesses, the fur of the animals they saw was always described as thick; and no mention of gender-related anatomy was made (presumably because their fur was too thick to tell or because they weren't looking).
Ah....well he must not have been drunk (wonders on wonders).
First, it wasn't me. I would have known it. But it wasn't necessarily a "repeat offender". There are around a thousand Weres in Alabama and Selma isn't that far from Mississippi and the panhandle of Florida where there are more; and Weres tend to be mobile.
If it was a Were, the fisherman was probably close to something he didn't want him to see. He may have been working. A shaman strong enough to be producing a tulpa probably stays pretty busy. This is a pretty thin area and things happen around here. We also have a good bit of Native American presence here. It could have been a Native American shaman.
There's little chance I'll ever know who (or what) it was.
Actually, I still lean toward drunk fisherman vs. bear.
How exactly would one go about projecting a tulpa? Is it normally just unintentional?
No. It can either be intentional or unintentional. The problem is that it takes a lot of energy which someone has to generate. And I don't know how one would go about projecting one. It's a product of will. It's not a safe thing to do. If the tulpa is injured, the injury is reflected into your own body.
As a reply to an earlier question, I take medicine such as risperdol and clomipramine. Now if I don't take them daily, I suffer withdrawals and all that nice stuff.
My wolf gets restless when that happens but I think it's because it knows I'm suffering.
I take these meds regularly to avoid getting that way again, so don't worry.
We have a lot of work to do to come up with reasonable answers to this kind of question. If I have intimate knowledge of 15 cases of the effect of different drugs on different Weres, there are another 50 cases out there I haven't seen that have completely different outcomes. What we need to know are the underlying mechanisms and that will require some formal research. For now, we have to work on an individual basis of "what works for you".