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#1 2015-11-03 03:15:11

From: On an adventure!
Registered: 2009-09-24
Posts: 1106

Hello! <3 Its been a while!

Hello! I'm Patty Anne, and I'm a slayer. BEFORE YOU FLIP OUT, I'm not hunting, I'm not alerting other slayers to your presence. I'm here to clarify any questions to the best of my abilities, and possibly gush over my favorite werewolf, my husband. We've been together since high school, so 2 years of dating and on November 28th we'll have been married for 5.5 years.

A few fun factoids: I come from a family of slayers, I was taught by my Opa, it was rather rushed as his battle with cancer began when I was 5. Which is 2 years after "The Test", so most of what I know is based on journals, textbooks, seminars, and the unfortunate bad case of "slayer eye". For my family we can "see" what people look like, my sister wasn't born with the ability, it seems to come out strong with first borns and every odd numbered child.

My husband is what we refer to as half awake. He's aware of his abilities and oddities, but as he grew up with them, they're his normal. Occasionally he'll sync up 110% and be totally aware of what he is and what I am. Which usually leads to a series of fabulous surprise dates and "little wolf things".

We have a beagle named Gunthur, he's my hunting companion as my "growl" is TERRIBLE, like embarrassingly so! It's common for slayer families to have hunting companions like this, most of us end up with a non humans, so it's nice to have a secondary communication tool!

Also, there are TWO kinds of slayers. The first are the ones most of you are afraid of, the loners. They're usually driven by ideology OR revenge.

Then there's families. We come with a slurry of issues, one of which is difficulty reproducing, so there are WAY more of you than there are of us. Most of the time we're here to educate, settle alpha disputes, very rarely do we actually go after someone. I believe for our family, the last actual hunt was in the 1650's. In a MUCH earlier post I mentioned my first "hunt" which is really just war games between the packs in the area and the family.

Now that I've written a novel, how are you?! It's lovely to meet you! Do you have any questions for me?

Your friendly neighborhood slayer!



#2 2015-11-07 15:07:22

witty & controversial
From: Dark recesses of your mind.
Registered: 2004-11-23
Posts: 20378

Re: Hello! <3 Its been a while!

SLAYER!!!!! *glomps* long time no see!! big_smile *licks*

Whenever you see a raven or a crow, just remember, that that's me, watching you.

I have a dick, there for, I am a MALE!!!!!!!



#3 2015-11-15 04:25:42

From: On an adventure!
Registered: 2009-09-24
Posts: 1106

Re: Hello! <3 Its been a while!

HELLO!!! It has been ages!! How are you?!

(Delayed thanks to the crazy that is nursing school!!)

Your friendly neighborhood slayer!



#4 2015-11-15 16:12:56

witty & controversial
From: Dark recesses of your mind.
Registered: 2004-11-23
Posts: 20378

Re: Hello! <3 Its been a while!

Good. smile

:'( Miss seeing you on Facebook, tho.

Whenever you see a raven or a crow, just remember, that that's me, watching you.

I have a dick, there for, I am a MALE!!!!!!!



#5 2015-11-16 04:07:19

From: On an adventure!
Registered: 2009-09-24
Posts: 1106

Re: Hello! <3 Its been a while!

I know, it's sort of become insane on my end of things. What have you been up to?

Sent you and FB message! Hopefully we can catch up soon!

Last edited by Slayer (2015-11-16 04:33:16)

Your friendly neighborhood slayer!



#6 2015-11-16 15:17:03

witty & controversial
From: Dark recesses of your mind.
Registered: 2004-11-23
Posts: 20378

Re: Hello! <3 Its been a while!

I replied. big_smile I've been busy working. & paying bills. lol

Whenever you see a raven or a crow, just remember, that that's me, watching you.

I have a dick, there for, I am a MALE!!!!!!!



#7 2015-11-17 03:37:40

From: On an adventure!
Registered: 2009-09-24
Posts: 1106

Re: Hello! <3 Its been a while!

Everyday grind then!

We've bought a house, this Thanksgiving(U.S.) we start on our first project for the nursery! It's going to be a mushroom nightlight for the changing table.

My husband is going to design and 3D print half the mushrooms then I'll make the other half our of the silicone like in the video.

Hoping the link works, it's a neat project!

Your friendly neighborhood slayer!



#8 2015-11-17 15:45:40

witty & controversial
From: Dark recesses of your mind.
Registered: 2004-11-23
Posts: 20378

Re: Hello! <3 Its been a while!

Nice. smile Good luck. *hugs*

Whenever you see a raven or a crow, just remember, that that's me, watching you.

I have a dick, there for, I am a MALE!!!!!!!



#9 2015-11-19 02:06:52

From: On an adventure!
Registered: 2009-09-24
Posts: 1106

Re: Hello! <3 Its been a while!

On a totally random note!!

I wish I was more tech savvy, I have FABULOUS pictures of my lab project from this evening. Today I dissected a sheep heart, our R AV value was messed up,  it otherwise it was a gorgeous heart. It even had the thin casing of connective tissue that forms the pocket around the heart still attached (Read we got the fun and cool heart!)

Your friendly neighborhood slayer!



#10 2015-11-19 03:03:46

witty & controversial
From: Dark recesses of your mind.
Registered: 2004-11-23
Posts: 20378

Re: Hello! <3 Its been a while!

Sounds cool smile

Whenever you see a raven or a crow, just remember, that that's me, watching you.

I have a dick, there for, I am a MALE!!!!!!!



#11 2015-11-26 00:39:56

From: On an adventure!
Registered: 2009-09-24
Posts: 1106

Re: Hello! <3 Its been a while!

Probably a giant creeper by now, BUT today I was complimented on my ability to split a brain in two. We dissected a sheep brain and that's the first thing my teacher says to me "Look at that, and even cleavage! Good thing you're wanting to go into obstetrics or neurosurgery!" She proceeded to show the class how neat and tidy mine was. A proud but super awkward moment!

Your friendly neighborhood slayer!



#12 2015-11-26 01:35:36

witty & controversial
From: Dark recesses of your mind.
Registered: 2004-11-23
Posts: 20378

Re: Hello! <3 Its been a while!

Cool smile

Whenever you see a raven or a crow, just remember, that that's me, watching you.

I have a dick, there for, I am a MALE!!!!!!!



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