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#26 2006-02-10 09:09:07

From: California
Registered: 2004-11-22
Posts: 45024

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

WolfMontana wrote:

I love your drawing style - your wolves have so much personality. smile

aw shucks!

WolfMontana wrote:

I gotta ask - are you a cereal-holic? wink

Back then, I was! wink



#27 2006-02-10 10:52:05

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

BlueEyesWolf wrote:

aw shucks!

Woohoo!!! I love this guy!! I got a special visit big_smile  *bounce*

Last edited by WolfMontana (2006-02-10 10:52:53)

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#28 2006-02-10 16:10:57

The Busboy
From: USA
Registered: 2004-06-08
Posts: 18057

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

WolfMontana, it is awesome that you posted this in another forum:

WolfMontana wrote:

Now I AM the biggest digger-upper of old threads! (well, maybe big_smile

I laughed, because I really like seeing old fun topics dug up and brought to the top of the list again.  I think some of the early topics we had on the site were fun, so thank you for digging through all the old forum topics here (looks like you're enjoying the site, very cool).



#29 2006-02-10 23:51:22

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

I am dude. This place is just amazing to me. smile

I am extremely impressed with the range of topics you've come up with, and how you've kept it all moving, you do an unbelievable job smile  *cheer!*

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#30 2006-02-11 01:17:32

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

We have two (this year we're adding on a third) annual Howls for the Southeastern Therian community. The spring Howl is a 9 day primitive campout. We sit around the campfire and talk and eat and take side trips and hike, and if it's warm enough, we swim. We usually have a sweatlodge and a drumming circle. This year we're going to start having workshops - this year it'll probably be on herbalism, shamanic practice, and meditation techniques. For the Fall SEHowl we usually rent a cabin in the mountains for a laid back weekend - sitting around the campfire, eating, hiking, rockclimbing, etc. If we add on a Summer SEHowl, it will probably be near the Gulf and you can imagine what we'll be doing there. Then we usually have a couple of irregular weekend campouts during the year and I visit the Auburn Weres several times during the year. I might visit other Therians also. Some Therians take road trips. The NCHowl tends to do more ranging with stuff like carpet golf, go carts, etc.

The first Howl I went to was the NCY2K Howl. We camped out the first night and it was so cold we went back to the hosts mobile home the next day. Then we went to Mytle Beach and chased sea gulls and played carpet golf. Oh yeah,we ate - a lot.

Each Howl tends to have a different character.



#31 2006-02-11 02:02:17

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

Sounds pretty interesting smile

How many folks usually make it out to one?

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#32 2006-02-11 02:24:49

The Bad Guy
From: Lynn, Massachusetts
Registered: 2005-03-21
Posts: 3239

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

That DOES sound very enjoyable.


If each problem I have were a grain of sand, then I would inherit a desert.



#33 2006-02-11 02:47:35

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

Yeah, I would find the shamanic stuff fascinating, just recently bought some Tom Brown books - Nature Speak, Animal Wise. Some of it clicks, some of it really, really doesn't. I've been interested in the metaphysical my whole life, and there is always some new perspective that just blows my mind. There are as many 'answers' to the riddle of life, the universe and everything as there are people. big_smile

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#34 2006-02-11 05:42:58

From: Maryland
Registered: 2005-02-09
Posts: 6450

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

Hiya Monty...big_smile heheheh....I'm JamieD resident queen of chaos and general mischief maker....sorry to take so long to say what up!! Been working like mad before vacation...big_smile Hope you enjoy yourself at the cafe!! Oh...didn't think I'd forget didja?? :::sprays Monty with silly string:::: Ye be now CHRISTENED!!! ROFLMAO!!!  :::runs away:::

ask not for whom the bell tolls for thee.



#35 2006-02-11 06:26:40

From: California
Registered: 2004-11-22
Posts: 45024

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

WolfMontana wrote:

Woohoo!!! I love this guy!! I got a special visit big_smile  *bounce*

Heh heh....

JamieD wrote:

Oh...didn't think I'd forget didja?? :::sprays Monty with silly string:::: Ye be now CHRISTENED!!! ROFLMAO!!!  :::runs away

JAMIED!!! Must you do that to all of the newcomers???



#36 2006-02-11 10:58:41

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

JamieD wrote:

:::sprays Monty with silly string:::: Ye be now CHRISTENED!!! ROFLMAO!!!  :::runs away:::

Gyaaah!  That stuff freaks me out!!! *runs off in the other direction*

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#37 2006-02-11 12:10:07

The Busboy
From: USA
Registered: 2004-06-08
Posts: 18057

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

I read in another forum that you lived in Australia?  Now you live in the U.S.A.?  Very cool.  I noticed you used the word "mum" in a post, so I was thinking U.K. until I saw your post, what made you move to such different parts of the world?  Do you keep up with any Native American culture at all in Montana?  I find archaeology and anthropology fascinating myself.



#38 2006-02-11 17:24:34

From: Montana (surprise!)
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 10145

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

smile My dad was in the air force, so we popped all over. My mum's australian, so we ended up over there for ages. I was born in Montana, then returned after uni. Worked in and around Yellowstone National Park (what an experience that was!) Then I fell in love with a dude on the east coast, so I'm here for a bit until I can return to my home. smile

I have a great respect for native american cultures, and a great sorrow for what they've lost. I used to read quite a bit about their spiritual practices. I have felt that the world would be a better place if we could look with the eyes and heart of a native person, but I also know civilization as a whole can't just drop the advances we've made (at a big cost, granted) and return to the very basics. Though I really, really thought we should there for a while! Hmm, lots I could talk about that, that'd be a looong post.

I love archaeology, though I don't follow it too closely. It's fascinating stuff big_smile I remember I went on a school tour in a museum in Sydney once and held an 8,000(?) year old vase. Blew my mind. Loved learning about Minoan culture, the palace of Knossos (BlueEyesWolf - Minotaurs!! big_smile), Pompeii smile What stuff were you interested in?

"I like him... he says okie dokie!"
~ Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"He did so much, without kicking a single butt!"
~ Tommy Dawkins, describing Ghandi, Big Wolf On Campus



#39 2006-02-11 23:23:50

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

WolfMontana, the weekend Howls usually are attended by 8 or 10 people; the big 9 day Howl usually has 18 - 20. A couple of years ago about 25 people showed up at one time to the Spring SEHowl (30 in all). That's the largest Howl I know about.

As for shamanism, most of the shamans I know generally agree that you can't learm shamanism from  book - it's far too subjective. You really need to get with a practicing shaman and apprentice. THe books are more oriented toward general entertainment and scholarly interest than practice. The practice represented tends to be a bit flaky.

Were shamanism, although it often has many of the trappings of Native American shamanism, tends to lean heavily toward the Celtic or Central Asian core shamanism. It, in itself, doesn't necessarily have the religious trappings of pop shamanism that you usually see in the books. It's a practice - like a doctor, lawyer, or psychologist.



#40 2006-02-12 01:06:20

The Bad Guy
From: Lynn, Massachusetts
Registered: 2005-03-21
Posts: 3239

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

WolfMontana wrote:

Bloodfang85 wrote:

Welcome, and thank you for your comments on my art..flattery will get you everywhere...<O_O>, lol.

Btw, your avatar..contacts(cool ones!) or Photoshop?

big_smile It was great stuff!

Contacts? Photoshop? What are these things of which you speak...

ah... bugger it, yes, that's a photoshop special. big_smile  If I could have arranged things a certain way before I was born (ie, hey god dude, I've got a great look I wanna shoot for, whatcha think?) I would have.

My eyes are actually blue, with a goldish ring around the pupil. smile
(maybe that's the wolf in wait - who knows! big_smile

That would be cool if you really did have orange eyes. That would be pretty wild.

If each problem I have were a grain of sand, then I would inherit a desert.



#41 2006-02-12 01:51:46

From: California
Registered: 2004-11-22
Posts: 45024

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

WolfMontana wrote:

I need to get my hands on this stuff big_smile It sounds awesome, and I love your drawing style - your wolves have so much personality. smile

Aw shucks, WolfMontana.

WolfMonyana wrote:

By the way, I gotta ask - are you a cereal-holic? wink

I was when I was younger.



#42 2006-02-12 12:30:09

From: North of the Crescent City
Registered: 2004-06-25
Posts: 837

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

Hi WolfMontana, I don't know if I gave you a formal hello!!  So "hello."  Welcome to the cafe.  Hope you are enjoying yourself here.  As you've seen, we're a friendly bunch.  Even JamieD with her silly string and Confused with her zombies.  big_smile

*Using my brain's vast storehouse of trivia for good, not evil*



#43 2006-02-12 13:25:26

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

Friendly zombies? Now tere's a scary visual.

"Hhhhhheeeeeey buuuuudie. Giiiive us a huuuuuuggg, buuuuuudy."




#44 2006-02-12 14:07:04

From: The Strawberry Fields =D
Registered: 2005-11-16
Posts: 1147

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

Hey HEy Hey!! How come no one introduced me to the new dude!!!

I'm Strawberry! I own prettymuch everyone here's socks big_smile
I'm from the UK... Bussy mentioned UK! Are you from the UK?!?! But you live in Montana!!? Australia?!! Huh huhuhuh ?!?!?! I'm confuzzled...

And the zombies arent friendly they are Eeeevvviiiilll! See?!
*Points to Ashgrove who is swatting zombies with his handbag*

Anyway ya... I've got a couple of pics in the art forum and if you ever have a spare cookie around... or some strawberry cupcakes, gimme a call ^.^

Ashgrove is a dragon by the way.

A green one yikes

Why you ask was I bound and chained in this cold and dismal place?
Not for any mortal sin but the wickedness of my abhorrent face!

Prima Donna first Lady of the Stage!



#45 2006-02-12 14:28:49

The Busboy
From: USA
Registered: 2004-06-08
Posts: 18057

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

Great post WolfMontana, very cool to hear you are into different cultures and ancient civilizations.  Cool what you said about native American spiritual practivces.  Also very cool about your travels with your family.



#46 2006-02-12 15:09:39

Confused Wolf
Queen of the Zombies!
From: Country of Confusion
Registered: 2005-06-26
Posts: 9642

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

StrawberryMoon wrote:

And the zombies arent friendly they are Eeeevvviiiilll! See?!
*Points to Ashgrove who is swatting zombies with his handbag*

Just ignore what she said! My zombies aren't evil! They are nice! big_smile

My pet zombies hate your guts, but love your brains! big_smile



#47 2006-02-12 15:13:57

From: The Strawberry Fields =D
Registered: 2005-11-16
Posts: 1147

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

roll Suuureee they are....

Why you ask was I bound and chained in this cold and dismal place?
Not for any mortal sin but the wickedness of my abhorrent face!

Prima Donna first Lady of the Stage!



#48 2006-02-12 15:18:21

Confused Wolf
Queen of the Zombies!
From: Country of Confusion
Registered: 2005-06-26
Posts: 9642

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

They are nice! WolfMontana don't listen to what Strawberry says! My zombies are the nicest zombies in the whole world!

My pet zombies hate your guts, but love your brains! big_smile



#49 2006-02-12 15:23:42

From: The Strawberry Fields =D
Registered: 2005-11-16
Posts: 1147

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

A wise wolf once say:

Beware zombies bearing gifts.

Remember when your zombies tied blue to a dentists chair and attacked him?!!?

Why you ask was I bound and chained in this cold and dismal place?
Not for any mortal sin but the wickedness of my abhorrent face!

Prima Donna first Lady of the Stage!



#50 2006-02-12 17:11:57

Confused Wolf
Queen of the Zombies!
From: Country of Confusion
Registered: 2005-06-26
Posts: 9642

Re: WolfMontana's Forum

Yeah, but that's because I told them too!

WolfMontana do you like zombies?

My pet zombies hate your guts, but love your brains! big_smile



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