Setting: The world was an odd one, it had three suns. The only time the sun would set was when the third sun went down for 3 hours. A rounded stomach was being praised for it had something growing inside.
Mom: The last time I'll see the light of another, I'll tell stories whilst your safe and protected (patting the bump) Your only one year old (wincing) I'm drawing nearer to the hatching time.
Mom: (Shoving a few rocks into a round form) Beautiful (breath) a skin for you to mawl.
Mom: (looks around) You'll be protected and kept warm (nose twitching) Without you, my family, my race, would have no heir.
Setting: The dawn was about to set
Mom: If its heat, my heart will beat for my girl. If its cold, my son will rule the land with soul
Mom: (looking herself over) No wings and a very hard hide to protect my little one. (she teared up) Little one you might not know me when you breach the shell and the light. (she smiled her last smile) I'll always sing as I shut this door, hoping you find the might inside and not down to the floor.
Mom: (pulling a large rock) There now, this is my grave and your shrine. (lean against a hearth stone) This stone is made of heat, a resonating heat from the stone. (closing her eyes) I'll see you in the next life.
Setting: The heat had dispersed, a stick in the corner of the cave entrance was wiggling. Another stick was shoved through the corner of the cave entrance. A large light was shining at the broken cave wall. The entrance rolled away and crashed downhill into a pile of rocks. A young boy and a man found the egg and a deceased dragon. The dragon's clutched claw was strong around the egg, her nails digging into the shell.
(Boy) Scarlet: This dragon knew someone would find the egg. (eyes scanning the area)
(Man) Benq: This egg could be the last of this species. We better do something.
(Old man) Shink: Well I have to say, we could stuff her and sell her off
Benq: I meant we have to keep it warm.
Scarlet: No, Cold. That will make a boy dragon
Shink: How do you know?
Benq: The boy's got a point
Shink: Oh really (he sheaths his sword) I'm taking that egg (taps Benq's shoulder)
Benq: You don't know what your doing (concerned)
Shink: I hope that is rhetorical question, of-course I know what I'm doing
Benq: (takes out his dagger) Stay there or the egg dies (rolling the egg lose from the corpse's clutch)
Shink: (feels helpless and pulls himself to a fighting stance) You want to risk losing that? I don't think you have the balls.
Scarlet: (grabs the egg from Benq) Whoa (slides down a rocky incline) That was close (looks back, seeing Shink and Benq keeping each busy) Gotta get away (running)
Scarlet: I've got to get away from this (dodges into a large tunnel) There you go little one ( puts the egg into a soft basket) you'll be ok (shrugs his shoulder) umph (jumps into the dumwaiter going from the floor to the upper levels)
Scarlet: (grabs the egg) Whela, Your not going to get this (Shaking the empty basket)
Shink: (wiping off his bloodied sword) Ha! (throws the sword) If I can't have it, no one will
Scarlet: (screams fake) No the egg!
Shink: (walks over to basket) There you are (looks around and digs in the basket) It's Empty!
Setting: The upper level was daylight, a couple of archeological groups had come together to see the announced finding. Hundreds of tents was settled around the safest area.
Scarlet: (hides egg in his backpack) Morning miss (he passed a couple of women) Morning.
(Polly) Lady 1: Well, look who's here (shoving her friend's shoulder)
(Sanitey) Lady 2: Oh, its Scorlatta.
Scarlet: I like being called Scarlet
Sanitey: (giggles) Well, I know your not a girl (sigh) I'll keep to calling you Scorlatta
Polly: You find something new with your uncle Benq? ( moves head to see his bag)
Sanitey: (taps Polly's shoulder) Hun, he's a boy. He's not smart without his uncle to teach him. For all we know he has rocks in it.
Polly: What boy would collect rocks!
Scarlet: Yea I collected rocks (looks down and picks one up) This one looks nice to be painted (smiles) I need to practice my brush technique uncle said.
Shink: (breathes hard and heavy) That boy!
Scarlet: (hides behind Polly's large build)
Polly: Shink are you mad (looks at the bloodied sword) Scorlatta what happened?
Scarlet: (turns and starts running)
Sanitey: (nods to Polly) Hiya! (smashed a broom into Sink's face)
Shink: You'll pay for it (growls like a dog) I do not have time for you two fat ugly trolls
Polly: (picks up an old urn) This was your first find wasn't it?
Shink: I don't care (runs off after scarlet)
Setting: A bridge swinging only 5 foot above a river and Shink was closing in
Scarlet: (Jumps into the river) Keep your grip, keep it (holding onto the egg for dear life)
Shink: (runs over the bridge) I know this place better than you (he secretly said to himself)
Scarlet: (gasp and coughs out some water) Safe, this egg is a lot of trouble. (stands up)
Setting: The gun shot resonated in the woods. The trees atleast was hiding them from an open space
Scarlet: (takes the egg out of the bag) Your ok, not hurt at all. (still) I thought you might get hurt. (puts his ear to the egg.) beautiful after all these years (tapping the shell) Am I crazy or am I hearing singing in this?
Last edited by Dira (2014-04-09 11:03:37)
a very nice, and neat story.
Scarlet: (ear to the outer-shell singing along with the egg) When the nightshade blooms, we are known as the roots. A wise creature of the Wolfgang boon.
(sherina) girl 1: (taps Scarlet's shoulder) That's a beautiful song your singing to.... (she raised her one brow) egg... (gasp with glee) Is that what I think it is!?
Scarlet: Who are you? (pleading) Don't scream so loud
Sherina: I'm Sherina Sharewood. I live in an old wood house up in the trees. (points to her clothes) I'm a hippie
Scarlet: I'm Scarlet, full name Scarlotta
Sherina: So, Scarlotta....
Scarlet: I like being called Scarlet, I just gave my full name so we'd not be strangers.
Sherina: Well, with a voice like that , I already feel at home (giggle) because your the first person to sing to an egg
Scarlet: It's not just an egg. It's special (cleaning some sand off the shell)
Sherina: I guess finding you here, you'd need a place to hide away.
Scarlet: (looks at the water urn she had brought with) So you weren't looking for something as strange as me.
Sherina: (nods) Yes, I wasn't I go every morning before the 3 hour sun set. (takes Scarlet's hand) Drags him with
Scarlet: (puts the egg back into the bag) Thank you.... (a tear runs down his cheek)
Sherina: Why you upset?
Scarlet: All because of this egg, I lost my uncle....
Sherina: Must be worth a lot to lose a life over.
Scarlet: So as a hippie you use leaves?? (stammering) you know?
Sherina: Well, yes sometimes
Setting: A large tree with a rope hanging down. The tree house was three rooms and her mother was busy cooking from a fire down below away from the trees. Making sure there wasn't any smoke rising to the tops of their hut-like tree house
Sherina's mother: Well hello, I send Sherina to fetch water for the fire and she returns with a boy friend. (stirring a sloppy mix)
Sherina: My mom's name is Nature. She loves it, that's why she left a noisy city and an abusive man.
Scarlet: Oh, I”m sorry to hear that. Your life must be a lot easier
Sherina's mom: So where you come from?
Sherina: (interrupts) I found him washed out from the clear sand river.
Sherina's mother: So you have a family?
Scarlet: I did, he was killed. I am part of the archeology group.
Sherina's mother: (frowns) Those injustice... (getting angrier whilst mixing) I can't stand their messing with things that need not be messed with
Sherina: Oh and he found....(grabbed around the mouth by Scarlet)
Sherina's mother: Hey, take those hands off my sunshine
Scarlet: (lets go) I'm sorry... I just didn't want to anger you more
Sherina's mother: you did, now what were you saying sunshine
Sherina: I was going to say that... (lying) Oh I forgot. (giggles with an unsure look)
Scarlet: Nature, can I stay here for the night.
Sherina's mother: Sure, hun. (takes Scarlet's bag and his hand) The first time I had Sherina I didn't have an idea what to call her, I kept changing my mind. Atleast I settled after the name Sherina. Seven things I like. (smiles whilst helping Scarlet up the hanging rope.) Sun, heaven,earth,river,iron,nature, (opening a spare room door) animals.
Scarlet: Must be quite some name
Sherina's mother: I'm sorry you lost someone you love. I hope the future will be nicer to you.
Sherina: (screams up at Scarlet) Come down if you want to help me collect wood. You know so you and it-- I mean it don't get cold.
very interesting story.
Scarlet: (pouted) I am alone, I – I – I'm coming Sherina! (sliding down the emergency exit) wow, no splinters. (dusting himself off)
Sherina: So my mom told you how she got my name ( putting her hand in the air) like she plucked it out the sky (pulling her hand back into a fist)
Sherina: (tapping her finger on her lips) Well, I could give you your own hippie name.
Scarlet: Really? (waiting for an answer)
Sherina: how about Song?
Scarlet: Naming me Song, because the way you met me?
Sherina: Why not? Or do you want to be called Whisperer?
Scarlet: I think Song would be just right. (voice subdued) I'm rather afraid of being seen in the open like this. (following Sherina)
Sherina: (worried) You mean there is someone who wants to kill you?
Scarlet: (nodded)
Sherina: (ran back to the hut, up the stairs) I've got it. (tossing him a long black wig and a dress)
Scarlet: Your kidding me right?
Sherina: No...
Scarlet: (puts the wig on) what is this made of (itching) This dress so not fits my personality... (joking)
Sherina: (snorts with laughter) I have to say you look like a girl, Song
Scarlet: Let's just get the wood.
Sherina: (takes the wagon) So, how did you get to be a part of the team?
Scarlet: Team? Oh, my uncle got me as a trainee.
Sherina: So you found a real dragon egg?
Scarlet: Yes, the funny thing is, there was a voice in the egg?
Sherina: It's said that female dragons are born by song. (breath) And the boys born with silence.
Scarlet: So, your saying its a female.
Sherina: only the mother dragon would know if its male or female, what is rare to happen if the dragon is hermaphrodite.
Scarlet: Hermaphrodite? That is?
Sherina: Ambiguous with gender, meaning you wouldn't know if its male or female, since its both.
Scarlet: You seem to know a lot about it.
Sherina: (little concern) Well, we better climb up here (grabbing a vine and pulling herself up)
Scarlet: (huff) Are you sure I can walk in this dress (scuffing feet around in dirt and tangling in the long dress piece) I'm gonna fall
Sherina: (pulls Scarlet up the hill) Here let me (grabs the dress and tears the bottom piece) There now you can walk, So long you don't show those hairy legs. (giggle)
Scarlet: (nervous) I'm even more afraid of your mom....
Sherina: Why?
Scarlet: cause I know this dress couldn't be yours.
Sherina: How so? (looking at her tunic pants and shirt)
Scarlet: I'm sorry, but this dress... its frills.... it looks like a maid of honor dress
Sherina: It is.... (ahead of Scarlet) There is the hut with the woodcutter.... (sneaks behind a tree)
Scarlet: Wait your thieves too... (mouth grabbed by Sherina)
Sherina: Silence, this man doesn't notice us taking once in a while wood.... He always blames his son for not chopping woodcutter
Scarlet: So how do you know about the boy's life. Stealing those wood might make his life horrible....
Sherina: We might steel, we might lend, but I guess you got a point with the rest....
Scarlet: (drags the wagon) I'll stay here, you get the wood.
Sherina: (looking around the tree) It's safe. (grabs 5 wood pieces) who.... who (breath and tosses it into the wagon.
Scarlet: (footing goes loopy) I'm going backward!
Sherina: (tossed 5 more into the wagon)
Scarlet: Stop! (screams whilst falling side ways down hill)
Sherina: (hurries after him) your a typical Jack, only with wood... (concerned) are your head ok.
Shink: (dives from the bushes) You two! What your doing
Scarlet: hides his face (wig still on)
Sherina: Sorry sir, my sister um Song had trouble holding grip
Shink: (tapping Scarlet's shoulder) You, Song you see any boy around here?
Sherina: Sorry sir, but no boys, guys, old men, codgers, hunter-men, humbugs, anything male are allowed in these parts.
Shink: (grins) You must think I'm stupid. Your no girl. (pulls Scarlet's wig off)
Scarlet: Murderer! (pushes Shink down.) Hide Sherina! Hide
Last edited by Dira (2014-04-10 11:55:51)
Very nice story. I can't wait to read more.
Shink: (pulls the dress off of Scarlet) Grabs him around the neck (with a nothing-will-save-you look)
Scarlet: (choking, gasp gasp) Let---me-- Gooo..... (eyes staring into the sky)
Setting: A silence was there in the woods, growling sounds echoed
Shink: (Looked at the rattling bushes) Come closer and I'll kill him!
Setting: Three wolves crawled out the bushes one following the other. One black, one brown and one snowy white.
White wolf: (telepathically to Scarlet) Sing the song, break the human bond.
Black wolf: (telepathically to Scarlet) Sing the song, don't die alone
Brown wolf: (growls)
Scarlet: (near death sings) When... the .. nightshade blooms.... nightly boon... wolven boon... help (tears running down his face) Ka-Ka (loses consciousness)
Brown wolf: (speaks to white wolf) We have to help that boy
White wolf: We cannot meddle with the affairs of the humans.
Black wolf: (lowers his head and sniffs at Scarlet's limp body) Grrrr. (steps closer to the body)
Shink: Shoo (kicks the black wolf) Shoo you mangy thing.
Sherina: (cries out loud) No! (crawls on the floor and touches Scarlet's face) You (standing up) You monster! All this for a measly rock!
Shink: What you mean rock!? (quizzical) It's a dragon's egg
Sherina: You'll not find it in a million years, by then your corpse will hang at the gates of hell.
Shink: (smacks Sherina through the face)
Sherina: (cries) That hurt.... (hyperventilating) You- Why kill an innocent boy and his uncle!
Shink: I don't give a damn, all I want is that egg and a stuffed draconian on my wall. (stance) I'll however not let you get another mixed into this.
Nature: Sherina! (runs over and covers Sherina withher body) You leave my daughter you monster!
Shink: Get me that egg and you two will live to see this boy's burial.... (seething his bloodied sword)
Nature: Daughter go get it, its the only thing we can do to live....
Sherina: I'm sorry Song (she touched the limp boy's face) I'll be right back (runs off)
Shink: (grabs Nature by her hair) You might prove useful to me. (smelling her neck)
Nature: (slaps his face whilst being held by her hair) You do that again and I'll make sure you'll be haunted forever by those who died by your hand. (looks down at Scarlet) Poor boy.... How lonely is someone to die, to die without-
Shink: Shut up! (wrings her hair around his fist) Dirty tree hugger
Sherina: (dashes over to Shink and unwraps the egg from a cloth) Here, now let my mom go!
Shink: (grabs the egg and tosses Nature) Finally.... (Puts his ear to the egg) Nothing I hear nothing!
Sherina: Because that boy's soul is twisted into the dragon..
Shink: What are you talking about hippie?? (balancing the egg in one hand)
Sherina: Only one dragon will give its soul to a human. (proud) It will not sing to you
Shink: (Smashes the egg to the floor) wait... what is that? (watching smoke spiraling around the egg shell)
Sherina: It has chosen its bearer
Shink: No! What is happening?
Setting: The smoke formed into a dragon shape, its red eyes blinked at Shink. It turned back to the limp body of Scarlet. The smoke started spinning and entered into the body of Scarlet.
Sherina: Scarlet is the chosen bearer.
Last edited by Dira (2014-04-10 12:34:02)
Shink: (cringes) what is that light
Sherina: (gasp) Its very rare! For a boy to be chosen
Scarlet: (screaming) help! (stands up and stumbles) relax.... (watches as his teeth turn to canines)
Shink: (fearfully) What's happening to him?
Sherina: When an egg breaks before birth it latches onto the nearest good tempered soul. I've never seen it before , but I have read about it.
Shink: (grabs Scarlet) Look at me!!
Scarlet: I can't!! (his vision blurring and irises turning a bright orange. With a purple iris)
Shink: (holds Scarlet) I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!
Sherina: I'm sorry but he will never know you now.... He will rely on instinct... This soul of the dragon can call upon three wolves.
Shink: So those wolves chose him?? to bear the death of the dragon??
Sherina: Yes
Scarlet: The ones who has caused murder should run! (staring at Shink)
Shink: (runs away)
Scarlet: (turns his hands at the back of his wings) I've got wings?? Who am I?? Did I choose a soul?
Sherina: Yes, dragon-song the egg has chosen this human body. What is your mission before carrying on in life?
Scarlet: I have no mission until I know... All
great story, I can't wait for more.
Sherina: Follow me Song.
Scarlet: Ok, I will
Nature: (hugs both) I was so worried! (gasp) Wait no, it can't be (looking at Scarlet's transformation)
Sherina: I'm sorry mommie! I didn't want to tell you until everything cooled down.... having him and a egg aswell as a murderer....
Nature: (smile) It's ok, we better get you guys something to eat... and you? Song? What would you like?
Scarlet: I hunt on my own...
Nature: He seemed like such a feeble boy... and now his transformation made him strong willed
Sherina: I know mom (rolling eyes) We better keep an eye on him....
Scarlet: (disappears for a second out of point of view)
Sherina: Whoa! Where is he now??
Scarlet: (appears again) I got food (showing a limp rabbit)
Nature: (almost blowing her top) All those animals have a life just like you, Song!
Sherina: Mom, he wouldn't know... he has a part of a singing dragon,the thing is that he can call upon wolves.
:3 ^_^ interesting.
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