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#1 2004-06-08 19:07:18

The Busboy
From: USA
Registered: 2004-06-08
Posts: 18057

What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

My temper.



#2 2004-06-17 23:25:09

Registered: 2004-06-17
Posts: 34

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

Hmmm, I'm very loyal and protective of my family.  I eat all steak rare (If it's not bleeding, I'm not feeding!)  I would like to be much more primal and instinctive vs. over-thinking everything.



#3 2004-06-18 08:29:12

New member
Registered: 2004-06-17
Posts: 1

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

I would have to think that the fact that I am much more happy
being outdoors and the fact that I just Love a Great piece of meat
not to over done.



#4 2004-07-02 13:16:32


Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

Hmm, I'd have to hair. It's very wolf-like, even though it's dark brown, so I guess it's more werewolf-like. But it's only going to get more wolf-like now, since I'm starting to get gray hair; which is scary because I'm under 30. Maybe it's a hormonal imbalance because I've really let myself go the past few years (the dating pool where I live is not at all inspiring, mainly because I love short blondes and am in the one part of Texas that has none, right on the Mexico border), but that's just some medical jargon I picked up from "The Santa Clause." Oh well, gotta get back in shape and see if that slows it down any.

Aside from that, I'm a pretty hairy guy all over. Well, not scary, Robin Williams style, but slightly more-so than the usual 21st century male, who seems to be relatively hairless.

I do enjoy medium rare steaks, but I have a special weakness for chicken, especially KFC Original Recipe with a side of Pizza Hut Buffalo Wings.

I howl. I do. Especially along with the car radio. I can't resist it.

Dogs generally love me.

My canines are naturally pretty pronounced. The bottom ones at least. When I make the proper face I can look quite a bit like Lon Chaney, Jr.'s Wolf Man.

I tend to prefer staying up all night, and that's when I get hungry.

Though my sex-life is non-existent at the moment, my sex-drive is pretty wild.

I have a very long tongue.

Family is important to me.

I am very affectionate, and only interested in having one life-mate.

And I could go on, but that'll do for now.


#5 2004-09-17 21:21:17

From: Oregon, USA
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 1700

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

slave2moonlight wrote:

Hmm, I'd have to hair. It's very wolf-like, even though it's dark brown, so I guess it's more werewolf-like.

Aside from that, I'm a pretty hairy guy all over. Well, not scary, Robin Williams style, but slightly more-so than the usual 21st century male, who seems to be relatively hairless.

Dogs generally love me.

Family is important to me.

I am very affectionate, and only interested in having one life-mate.

I've got a lot of those same qualities S2M.  Dark brown hair (although I'm still in my early 20s here so not graying) and practically hairy as a wolf (again not Robin Williams hairy but its there; oy...I remember how I freaked when it started coming in at age 13).

When I get hungry, I downright feel ravenous and in my mind when my stomach growls I know its my inner wolf snarling at me!  Thankfully I favor a head of lettuce over a human head...although tearing into a good streak my inner wolf relishes.

When I get mad or feel viciously victorious (think VanHelsing Werewolf in the Dracula fight, scrapping his claws against the wall wink ).

Oddly...when I feel love I actually feel like a werewolf.  Not vicious but strong and wanting to protect someone.  In my daydreams I see myself as a werewolf giving a big assuring bear hug to my woman and growling softly with a wagging tail.

"Let the trails lead where they may, I will follow"
-Tigatron, Beast Wars



#6 2004-09-18 02:06:15

From: Austin, TX
Registered: 2004-07-02
Posts: 1357

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

Ha, I'm only in my late 20s, and have been graying for a while now, faster and faster! Worse, it's on the sides like grandpa munster or a stereotype millionaire, ha. Anyway, so don't be surprised because age is apparently not the sole decider on gray hair.

I know what you mean about the age 13 hair freakout. Actually, I thought it was cool, but it was definitely crazy. And man, am I irritable when I'm hungry, or just craving something I can't get, ha.

"Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun." -- "You'll shoot your eye out, kid!" -- "What's that star on the wall for?" -- "I've got a bad feeling about this." -- "I didn't get a 'harumph' outta that guy!" -- "You wanna talk to God? Let's go see him together. I've got nothing better to do."



#7 2005-07-12 23:44:11

From: North of the Crescent City
Registered: 2004-06-25
Posts: 837

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

I'm with S2M on this one.  I love my hair and the way it hangs in my eyes.  Very wolflike at times.

*Using my brain's vast storehouse of trivia for good, not evil*



#8 2005-07-13 01:31:44

Confused Wolf
Queen of the Zombies!
From: Country of Confusion
Registered: 2005-06-26
Posts: 9642

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

I'd have to say that I'm loyal to my family and close friends and it takes awhile before I trust someone new. Plus I love to be outside mostly at night. I also always have to eat meat at least once a day. Oh and when I'm angry you better watch out! big_smile Plus I have really thick head of dark brown almost black hair. I can also scratch my ear with my foot and I do a pretty good wolf howl. Animals also tend to like me. Animals that normally wouldn't go to people mostly come to me. I also have a really good nose.

Last edited by Confused Wolf (2005-07-13 12:41:37)

My pet zombies hate your guts, but love your brains! big_smile



#9 2005-07-13 12:32:39

From: England, i think!
Registered: 2005-05-25
Posts: 283

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

I love animals and animals seem to feel more secure around me. When i was in practice for my job i even managed to get in with a pack of wild dogs in southern africa! All i did was approach them on all fours, flatten myself to the ground and make small yipping noises and they just went back to their kill and i even managed to groom one of them, he he he. That was one of the most amazing moments of my life. I was doing it so later on it would be easier to find and tag that particular pack for the rangers that worked around that area.

I also like my hair, it falls into my eyes and it's a very dark brown, almost black. I've been told lots of times that it looks very wolflike, especially when i run, which i do a lot of.

I howl, sometimes a little too much for the neigbours.

I have a very bad tendancy to fight, i know i shouldn't but at highschool if anyone used to say a bad word against me i'd find out their names and personally track them down. Then i'd have a full on fight with them, i felt like i was physiccaly in wolf form then, i snarled at them and bit quite a lot. I was also notorios for my very powerful kick, beleive me, it was powerful!

I LOVE meat, need i say more?

I use my nose a lot, i even used to go scent trailing with my friends. Obvoisly the scent had to be pretty stronger than what you'd usually use but i was nearly always the one to find the thing at the end. Usually a bowl of beef blood, which has quite a strong scent.

I run, a lot.

Eat to live but enjoy the hunt.

Proud to be female.



#10 2005-07-13 20:05:39

From: NE Ohio
Registered: 2005-05-21
Posts: 84

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

This is an easy question. Wolves are the ultimate team players -- no one eats unless the pack eats. I've always valued team successes over an individual performance.

"What are you, the Lone Ranger? Silver bullets only work in the movies..."

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#11 2005-07-13 20:06:57

From: Maryland
Registered: 2005-02-09
Posts: 6450

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

He/she who makes the kill gets the heart...big_smile

ask not for whom the bell tolls for thee.



#12 2005-07-13 20:10:05

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4721

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf? gray beard? My charming disposition?............I know! My name!



#13 2005-07-13 20:12:58

From: Maryland
Registered: 2005-02-09
Posts: 6450

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

naw...really? big_smile

ask not for whom the bell tolls for thee.



#14 2005-07-14 18:23:11

From: Warwick, England
Registered: 2005-07-14
Posts: 10

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

Hey, I'm new here and well the thing I think is most werewolf-like about myself, my ability to totally tear apart, without remorse, people who get on my bad side lol.



#15 2005-07-19 07:32:00

From: California
Registered: 2004-11-22
Posts: 45024

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

My red beard. It's very stiff and colorful.

(No, RedStreak! That's very light blond, not streaks of white in my beard!)



#16 2005-07-19 13:39:41

From: Maryland
Registered: 2005-02-09
Posts: 6450

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

my eyes...

ask not for whom the bell tolls for thee.



#17 2005-07-20 03:16:43

From: California
Registered: 2004-11-22
Posts: 45024

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

Beautiful, are they, JamieD?



#18 2005-07-20 10:58:43

From: Ft. Polk, LA
Registered: 2005-07-19
Posts: 3510

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

my protective nature...and my eyes apparently according to my mate when I get angry they turn yellow...



#19 2005-07-20 11:53:30

From: Maryland
Registered: 2005-02-09
Posts: 6450

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

I like em...big_smile

ask not for whom the bell tolls for thee.



#20 2005-07-20 13:25:58

From: Inside the Treeline
Registered: 2005-07-18
Posts: 433

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

My anger problems towards some and my protective nature toward others.



#21 2005-08-07 11:02:10

Registered: 2005-07-31
Posts: 59

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

Loyalty, green eyes, protectiveness and extremely playful and teasing attitude( my mate concurs).

"What is the werewolf in the eyes of God? The werewolf is God's Avenger!" -Robert McCammon- "Wolf's Hour"

Comic Monsters



#22 2005-08-07 11:40:29

Black Shuck
From: Moab, Utah
Registered: 2005-07-26
Posts: 8394

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

I'm rather...hairy, heh. I'm beginning to think I should bleach myself, lol! A few people have made the werewolf comment to me (I never minded that though, hehe). I got teased a lot in elementry school about it and I always got really fierce. Never got into a fight though for some reason.... Sometimes I howl. I love the thought of being outside and camping (my hates being outside so we don't go camping, this is changing though big_smile), I'm loyal to my close family and friends and protective. When I get really ticked, I can feel my lips start to curl back in a snarl. I like meat much more than I like vegetables, and I like trying out "new" types of meat like goat. On this trip I went on, we were eating fried meat (which had every day anyways), but no one knew what it was. They all didn't want to know, but I did because it didn't bother me if I knew what I was eating. It tasted good. It turned out to be doe. I have been told my eyes have an animal look to them, but I was told they looked like tiger eyes lol! That's all I can think of smile

"Would you love a monsterman?
Could you understand beauty of the beast?
I would do it all for you, would you do it all,
Do it all for me?" -Lordi



#23 2005-08-07 22:11:47

Army Grey Wolf
Werewolf Writer
From: Pineville, LA
Registered: 2005-06-04
Posts: 2088

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

suppose it's my turn...ive got alot of body hair, but none on my chest or back... some may take that as tmfi

my temper can get the best of me, but im extremely protective, i love to hunt...kill...etc.

My eyes, they are deep set enough and colored to be just like a wolf.

I growl, to just about anyone in the right situation, I even howl though I reserve that for a solitary moment.  Ive got somewhat prominant canines, but the most menacing part of that is my molars are very jagged...

I love meat..of course, rare is good, bleeding is better.

Because I am Alpha, im composed, knowledgeable and am growing into having an outstanding level of patience

theres more but ill stop

Author of Blood Bounty, Wolf's Release V2, Man Eaters (incomplete), Aaliyah (in progress), Offer (short story), Hide (short story, published in Wizard), writer for an upcoming webcomic/graphic novel series featuring Aaliyah. 

One of these days I'm going to solicit my work for publishing, it's just that my work is pure and a publishing company needs to be reasonable with content editing...



#24 2005-08-08 10:11:13

The Busboy
From: USA
Registered: 2004-06-08
Posts: 18057

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

Don't stop now, you're on a roll...



#25 2005-08-08 13:35:32

Army Grey Wolf
Werewolf Writer
From: Pineville, LA
Registered: 2005-06-04
Posts: 2088

Re: What characteristic about yourself is like a wolf?

i might fal off that roll...

did i mention i like to chase my mate around the house?

I also dont like toomany scents at once... such as BATH AND BODY WORKS store in every mall i ever go to, its the first thing i smell and the last place id walk into, you know its bad when it overpowers the food

Author of Blood Bounty, Wolf's Release V2, Man Eaters (incomplete), Aaliyah (in progress), Offer (short story), Hide (short story, published in Wizard), writer for an upcoming webcomic/graphic novel series featuring Aaliyah. 

One of these days I'm going to solicit my work for publishing, it's just that my work is pure and a publishing company needs to be reasonable with content editing...



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