Guys I'm so sorry for all these delays, I've got a large amount of writers block (I know where to go in the story, just not how to get there), anyways heres the latest post.
Josh walked into the house, he was wearing a dirty and slightly torn Insane Clown Posse shirt (“Broke a bone at that show” was his proud description of the experience at the concert where he bought the shirt “I ran up to steal some faygo and security decked me”), and boxers. He walked into his room to see two shapes moving under the covers. He flicked on the light
“Alice out, its past Thomas’ bedtime” Josh said with a sly grin. Alice kissed Thomas on the cheek and whispered something in his ear before running off. Josh pounce on Thomas “What were you doing you naughty boy?” he said nipping Thomas playfully. Thomas playfully shoved him off and whacked his nose.
“Bad dog” Thomas shouted between fits of giggling. Josh quickly rebounded, shifted to wolf form and jumped back on Thomas again and started licking him until Thomas’ entire face was wet. Josh then laid on Thomas’ chest and went to sleep.
Thomas sighed and grabbed his sketch pad, this time he drew him and Alice running together through a field, holding hands beneath a beautiful full moon.
Last edited by Greaver (2009-02-09 19:02:09)
Awww, how romantic .
Short, but sweet, piece you posted, and it was enjoyable, to say the least.
Can't wait for more! bravo!
yay!!!you posted more!!
oh please post some more.
sick dude were you been havnt tlked to you in a long ass time
Well... it appears as though Thomas has found a remedy for his despair - and although no medical prescription is involved, playing doctor apparently is....
I can't believe I just wrote that.
I appreciated how Josh was very accepting and not the least bit judgmental. In fact, he seemed to be completely happy for his brother. It will be interesting to see where you take the story from here.
Keep it coming!
Golly, sorry I missed the last update. I liked it. The brothers seem to be getting along nicely.
Alice dodged Josh’s pounce towards her, it was early t5he next morning, about 6:30 AM, a few lingering crickets sang their song as Alice and Josh wrestled playfully in wolf form. Josh hit the ground hard as Alice sat atop him grinning; he quickly wiggled out and reversed the pin. He sat on her wagging his tail and grinning slyly. Suddenly Alice switched to human form and threw Josh off. She ran over to Thomas and gave him a huge hug and a kiss.
Alice held Thomas’ hand tightly as they walked through the forest to a small stream; Alice rushed forward and dove in headfirst, she then grabbed Thomas’ arm and pulled him, fully clothed, into the lake. He laughed and she kissed him “So how long are you gonna be here Tom?”
“That depends” he said
“On what”
“How long you’re staying.”
Very nice depiction of universal acceptance. Indeed, this is just the type of atmosphere that Thomas needed in order to recuperate from his brooding. And the lake scene was pretty cuet as well!
Nice addition, Greaver!
Again, how romantic.
Dude, keep up this good, addicting substance we like to call writing and reading. I love it.
I like it! I feel happy and playful reading that.
Hello! Happy five year anniversary!
One of my ancestors was a greaver; although he spelled it greaves.
I know it's been over a year since you last posted anything, but if you'd like to kick around a few ideas to help get the creative juices flowing again I'd be glad to help. Just let me know.
Great story. You have done well. Thanks for sharing.
I like this, I wish you'd do what punx does and make your chapters longer.
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