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Werewolf Stories and Poetry

Topic Replies Views Last post
Dreamland by archenemyfan
7 6151 2008-10-12 20:44:59 by archenemyfan
7 6603 2008-10-10 20:38:30 by FenrirFinale
4 4940 2008-10-05 03:59:27 by Dira
Bloodpact II: Vengeance by archenemyfan
0 2224 2008-10-03 14:52:05 by archenemyfan
" A Ship Called Me " by FenrirFinale
2 3466 2008-10-01 22:25:18 by FenrirFinale
2 3404 2008-09-29 02:07:45 by Dira
1 2840 2008-09-28 01:25:51 by punxnotdead
7 7135 2008-09-21 13:26:17 by Amarok
5 5608 2008-09-21 11:35:56 by Nightstalker
The cursed by Imaru
9 7918 2008-09-19 13:48:47 by Imaru
Numb, chapter one by Cratys
1 2903 2008-09-19 01:19:00 by punxnotdead
1 2864 2008-09-17 20:21:50 by Illeana_NightRain
9 7492 2008-09-08 19:34:44 by Nightstalker
Silent Tears by FenrirFinale
2 3385 2008-09-07 20:48:01 by FenrirFinale
8 7195 2008-09-04 12:12:28 by wolfsongx
The White Wolf by Grey_Tsume  [ 1 2 ]
32 26276 2008-09-03 12:18:04 by punxnotdead
the black bandit by the-animal666
14 10985 2008-08-31 14:20:12 by the-animal666
Aaliyah... AGW is BACK! by Army Grey Wolf  [ 1 2 ]
31 27220 2008-08-29 12:31:55 by Army Grey Wolf
92 71569 2008-08-25 22:04:56 by kbbnb
3 3845 2008-08-25 06:41:23 by LunarWake
6 6599 2008-08-22 23:44:08 by Goldie
Back Of The Pack. by night_beast
7 7174 2008-08-22 23:40:25 by night_beast
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